Please may I have a reading?

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Mrs Samson
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Please may I have a reading?

Post by Mrs Samson » Wed May 21, 2014 9:02 pm

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I have had a tough time lately with family issues and I'm looking for guidance - anything you feel might assist me.

My name is Fiona.
Dob is 21st March 1972

Once again, thank you for your time.
Kindest wishes

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri May 23, 2014 1:02 am

Welcome Fiona,

I noticed in your introduction that you wrote the following......
Been to a palmist in the past and she was amazing in her accuracy and I've also been to a tarot reader who was almost as good! ... highlight=

If as many people do you measure the accuracy of a psychic reading by its ability to predict your future, then you are very likely to be disappointed by what I am about to say. My readings are NOT designed to predict the future, so if that is what you were expecting in answer to your request, then we have a problem. Instead my readings are intended to read your personality, and based upon this character profile offer you sensible and achievable practical suggestions, with regards to how you could create a more positive, healthier, happier and more successful future for yourself as well as for your family primarily through your own actions in the present moment to help yourself.

It is true that as part of some but certainly not all of my readings I can get a momentary glimpse of what your future is most likely to turn out to be if nothing changed between now and then, but since ongoing change both within and outside of ourselves is one of the few things which we can always depend upon to happen in our life, then this prediction is likely to be inaccurate and unnecessarily pessimistic.

Finally because I do not wish to duplicate your palmistry and tarot readings, for the purpose of giving you an intuitive reading I am temporarily putting aside all tools of divination and psychic props, and will be opening my mind up in a lightly relaxed state to whatever insights or messages come through me on your behalf.  

Fiona I would like to be able to assure you with a reasonable level of confidence that your current family issues are largely at an end, and that it will all be plain sailing for your relationships with other members of your  own family from now on. Or at least during the period of the next six months thought to be covered by these readings.


Now it might seem to you as if I am being overly negative or pessimistic about your chances of getting through this difficult period of family tensions towards a brighter future, but this is NOT the case. Actually I am supremely confident that you possess all the positive strengths of character which you will ever need (and more) to survive this ordeal physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, but at the same time the reading is wanting to be honest and transparent about the challenges which it sees still lie ahead for you, in smoothing over your most difficult family relationship(s).

I am getting a strong impression that there is a large sum of money also involved in this problem or disagreement, which is one of the main sources of conflict and your emotional pain. This is definitely involving people very close to you, like your partner, your child or your parent. Some  words of anger and frustration and fear have been spoken by both of you to each other which you have begun to regret saying, but the damage done by these words to your relationship cannot be easily reversed.

If indeed the other person wants the damage to be reversed or healed.

I know for a fact that you do, but the question which this reading cannot answer is whether or not he or she equally wants to smoke the peace pipe or bury the hatchet with you. Third party readings (a reading directly about a person other than yourself) are not allowed on Mystic Board.

And the relatively large amount of money involved in this dispute or challenge to your family peace is only acting like petrol or gasoline thrown on a fire in a desperate effort to extinguish it. It is NOT the money itself which is the core or heart of the problem, but rather it is the strong disagreements between you and this family member about how the money could be used most effectively to solve the problem, and which of you has most need for that money at the moment.

This reading cannot solve your legal problems or even guide you to what is 100% guaranteed to be the best possible course of action for you to take with the healing intention to repair this major rift which has developed between two people who have up until recently got on reasonably well. Yes you have had your ups and downs like everyone else has, but generally these troughs in your relationship have not lasted very long in the past. But this time the situation is very different and the consequences potentially much more serious.

The reading convinces me that you are already doing your best to fix matters, but that the light at the end of your tunnel in restoring peace and harmony to your family will only become visible once one or both of you are willing to compromise. I sense two very strong willed people here who have very different opinions about almost everything which is important to making families work effectively.

Each of you appears to interpret the other party's positive suggestions of a solution as a deeply personal attack upon your ability to make mature and balanced decisions. There is a power struggle going on where there can be no winners. Somebody is unwilling to be the first one to say that he or she is sorry and accept their share of the responsibility for solving the problem.

While this is not a Tarot reading, there is a Tarot card which well summarises or illustrates what insights this reading is attempting to communicate to you with reference to your family issues. The card concerned is the Five of Swords.

Sometimes it is better to turn and temporarily walk away from a problem, and live to love another day. Return to the problem when your emotional batteries have been recharged, and you are once again capable of seeing the other person's point of view, as well as your own. Do not automatically see any attempt by the other person to offer a solution to your problem as an attack upon your intelligence or integrity.

You will definitely need to put your heads together over the next half year and well beyond that about solving this predicament in a calm and civilised manner, not going at each other butting heads like two male teenage mountain goats who are out to prove which is the stronger. Perhaps it is our common human tendency to see every challenge as a battle or worse war that must be won at all costs.

If you always view the other person as your enemy, then there is little or no chance of you finding a mutually satisfying solution between now and late November (or never).

Is the cost of permanently losing your friendship with and natural affection for this person worth scoring a few points against them in your frustrated efforts to make them look like they are entirely responsible for these issues? If you answered YES (and I cannot believe that you would want to be so vindictive), who is really the problem here?

Loving regards,

EoT :smt006

Mrs Samson
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Post by Mrs Samson » Mon May 26, 2014 8:31 am


Thank you very much for your words, I really appreciate you taking the time.

I will be honest and say that the family issues are not money related.  
It is more to do with various losses and the feelings round that.

I should have said in my introduction that both the palmistry and the tarot were a very long time ago and that they were both surprising accurate about past events and things which were happening to me at the time which I hadn't shared with anyone.  There wasn't too much about future events.

I agree with you that we make our own future and that our path changes slightly with perhaps every interaction we may have.

Your words are warm and I am the type of person who does like to resolve issues where possible and I am also true to my star sign in that I am prone to talking first and thinking later when fired up!!!

Once again, many thanks for taking the time to reply.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon May 26, 2014 11:01 pm

Fiona, Image

You are very welcome.

Thanking you for your honest and well balanced feedback as misses are just as valuable as hits when I am determining the practical value of my readings in helping our valued members.

You appear to have largely escaped the tendency of some tarot and palm readers to attract their paying customers by claiming to be able to accurately foresee the future, made that much more popular by the internet definition of a psychic as a person who is able to predict what is still to happen, as if he or she possesses special precognitive powers which others do not.

Just another reason why I prefer to be regarded as an intuitive reader, instead of as a psychic reader, or psychic in general.

Thanking you for the opportunity to get to know you better and I sincerely hope that things do improve significantly for your family in the way of better coming to terms with the huge emotional impact of the losses which you have sustained, leading up to the time of this reading.

Nice to meet you,

EoT :smt006

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