Reading requested-love life

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Reading requested-love life

Post by miss_perfect13 » Sat May 24, 2014 8:13 pm

I haven't been on in way too long and I thought it would be a nice way to say hi and also get a reading.

November 13, 1987.

Wish everyone the best but especially my spirit brother EoT.

Many Thanks,


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About walls, and taking risks

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun May 25, 2014 1:19 am

Hello to my dear spirit sister Stephanie!  :)  :)  :)

You are absolutely correct. It has far been too long since we last met on this forum and your friends including myself have missed terribly your cheerful words of comfort and hope for the future.

Just to bring you up to date about my wife's cancer scare during 2011 - 2012, she has been according to all her tests so far in total remission now from the disease for over two years, and as well as her oncologist's thorough treatment we attribute this miracle to the good and kind hearted people on Mystic Board who offered us their healing prayers and positive energies through what were at the time some of the most difficult days of our lives. People like you.

Now when it comes to giving you a reading about your love life, I need to first determine whether you have a love life to be read. Or putting it another way are you now and have you been in a reasonably regular, stable face to face loving relationship with a man for at least six weeks or more? In contrast to you having a relationship exclusively with this man over the telephone or via the internet.

Although you have recently returned to visit us, I am still getting a strong feeling that your social life has been for a long time given a low priority when compared to all the other things which have been happening to you and your loved ones. Life and love have both not treated you kindly in the past, and understandably you are beginning to feel that you may be destined to remain single and alone for the rest of your natural life.

A lot of the other heavy emotional business currently going on in your family and possibly your job as well is also unavoidably not giving you enough opportunities to get out and mix socially with men who are around your age and have similar interests to your own on a regular basis. And as the time goes on and you are still not meeting this special person, your self confidence is possibly getting less every day.

For like anything important in life forming and maintaining an ongoing love relationship necessarily involves you taking a series of risks, which can at the same time by both scary and exciting. One of the biggest fears is often that when you give your heart to someone, it can make you incredibly more vulnerable to them if they turn out not to be genuine.

Some men are only looking for a one night stand, and when you have not had male company for some time you can start to get desperate and can get more easily and deeply hurt when wearing your emotional heart upon your sleeve. You need to find the right balance for you between being vigilant and careful when choosing him, but equally not so overly defensive that you see infidelity and untrustworthiness in every innocent action or remark which he makes.

While some men are clearly not trust worthy, a large proportion are, and if you keep putting up high and thick walls around your heart in an effort to protect it from being hurt ever again, it will not only keep the hurt out, but the feelings of being loved and lovable as well. Castle walls are not generally very selective in what they allow through in either direction. Also I feel that you have so much love to give the right man for you, that your heart is often filled to bursting with it. Walls both stop that love getting out or being expressed, in addition to permitting the loving feelings to get in.

So in summary this is overall a reading about walls or barriers to you finding him within the next six months or so covered by this readings. Some of these walls are not conscious or deliberate or wanted by you. Life has a tendency to replace any plans which we make about our future with its own and many of life's plans for us seem anything but positive or fair.

You are still presently going through a busy transitional phase in your life where your social life has and may continue for some months yet to take the back seat out of practical necessity, when compared to the large amount of time and energy which you will need to expend with other more urgent family and work responsibilities, but somewhere there you need to make instead of only finding some time to restart or reboot your love life.

Your challenge is to once again find the optimum balance, this time between your family and work responsibilities and taking better care of yourself and doing whatever you are reasonably able to get your self confidence back high enough for you to begin gradually taking down these walls, brick by brick. Many of the walls are unconscious or have become over time a habit of yours in thinking that no man would want to get to know you better unless he is just out looking for sex or wants to have power or control over you to massage his own fragile male ego.

Because these are unconscious habits of thought that have developed over many months or years you may or may not need professional help and support in gaining access to these deeper parts of your unconscious mind. A psychic reading or reader are not replacements for a psychologist or qualified and trained counsellor who often possess special methods to give privileged access to our deeper feelings, that the average person lacks.

None of this is going to be easy, and it is always easier said than done, especially when you are the only person who can do it, but often with outside help. Once your self confidence gets back off the floor increased self love (valuing and respecting yourself for who you are now) takes over again, and the possibility of you being able to recognise and take maximum advantage of any romantic opportunity which arises particularly within the period of the next half year as a direct consequence SKY ROCKETS.

Walls must be taken down gradually at a speed just above what you feel is comfortable for you. If you try to force things along to your own rigid time schedule, the fears and self doubts will soon return with reinforcements to quickly overpower you, and the walls will only get higher and thicker in response.

If that happens, and there is nothing in the reading which even mildly suggests that it will, then all the professional and non professional help as well as your best efforts to help yourself may not be enough in combination with each other to take the walls down again for a long time into the future.

Take more risks socially, but make them careful and calculated ones. Taking no risks at all means zero possibility of you getting what you want or need. But on the other hand taking too many impulsive on the spot unnecessary, or silly risks can be dangerous. Finally remember that courage is not the absence of fear. It is doing what you feel needs to be done in order for you to make lasting positive progress, in spite of your fears and doubts.

Be both courageous but simultaneously and sensibly cautious when looking for him. The same principles also apply if you are already in an existing relationship, if you want to make any improvements. The changes that you want to make both to your relationship and to yourself might not work, but if you never find out for sure if they could have by trying they are almost 100% guaranteed to fall short of the target, and so dear sister in spirit are you.

Love, Light and Self Healing,

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Post by miss_perfect13 » Thu May 29, 2014 4:37 pm

Dear Spirit Brother,

  Firstly I'm so overjoyed to read about your wife. Thank goodness for your family's health and of course I am always wishing you and yours that.

  Thank you so much for the accurate and insightful reading. My walls have been known to drive many away. I'm sassy tho lol. However there is no fooling the cards. I'm absolutely going to put your good advice to use. Anyways I will continue to pray for you and your wife. It's the least I can do for all the wisdom you've generously given me throughout the years. You both are amazing souls that I'm so very grateful to know.

With lot's of love,

Your Spirit Sister Steph xoxoxo

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu May 29, 2014 10:45 pm


It is always my pleasure to be of some assistance to you through these readings, and thanking you in return for your positive feedback and constructive comments.

Defensive walls built around our hearts are often temporarily necessary for the healing process to really begin (rather like an emotional bandage which you place over a wound to prevent further contamination of the site of an injury), but they do have a finite shelf life and eventually must be dismantled after their initial purpose has been served.

This is always easier said than done.

Your continued prayers for my wife remaining in remission from the big C are always much appreciated as we are not naive enough to think that she has been cured. We will probably be having her status monitored at least annually for the rest of our married lives, so any help either spiritual or psychological (as it feels good to know that otherwise perfect strangers are praying for your health from all four corners of the planet) is always more than welcome.

Loving regards,

EoT Image

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