Request for reading/guidance please :)

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Request for reading/guidance please :)

Post by Sabisha » Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:51 pm


It's been a while since I last visit here. Well, after 7 years of mopping around about break up of my marriage and my ex, I am in love again. The problem is I don't know how to go about the whole thing. Everything happened very suddenly and frankly kind of weird. I knew the guy for couple of month and did not really care. One day he just looked at me, straight in the face when I was walking by and that was it. I can't sleep, can't eat, can't breeze. This type of things don't happened to me usually. I don't fall for someone just like that. I am so confused and frankly scared out of mind. I don't want to go through another heartbreak. I tried to brush all those feelings away but I see him every days and he has such a powerful energy.. It 's like when he is around he cuts off all my oxygen. I simply can't breeze. I am not sure if I have a chance of any type of relationship with him. So any reading or guidance will be very much appreciated.

Thank you very much in advance for your time  :smt006

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:37 am

Dear Sabisha, :smt049

Your absence has only made us grown even fonder of you than we we were before your visits were suspended. If indeed being any fonder of you than we were way back then is even possible.  :smt002  :smt002

Your request is worded in a manner which suggest that you believe that you can control who you fall in love with, and what intensity of emotions you are willing to experience as a result.

This reading strongly contradicts your belief that you any such control over who steals your breath away and makes your brain turn to mush. If the chemistry is there and from your description there is no doubt that this man has reignited the flame of your passion in a way that has not happened for many years (possibly even your former husband did not cause such an intense emotional reaction when you first fell in love with him, and he with you), then falling ever deeper into love with that person is almost inevitable and self sustaining.

You really cannot do anything about it other than to decide what you are if anything you are going to do about having fallen head over heels in love with him. But you are currently in the early "puppy love" phase, where making a rational decision about whether there is a future for this relationship is going to be next to impossible. These powerful emotions as well as the major physiological changes in your body which are reactions to those overpowering emotions and hormonal surges are of such an electrical charge that the reasoning centres of your brain have been temporarily paralysed or put out of action.

Also this is NOT the time for you to make such a potentially life changing decision, based almost entirely on your understandable fears that the history of your former marriage will repeat itself this time with a completely different man.

Because I cannot give you  third party reading about him where I am able to directly read his thoughts and intentions towards you I am at a bit of a disadvantage in predicting where this love you feel will lead both of you. For basically the answer to that question is being decided by what both of you choose to do with your feelings.

You have not said anything about whether he has told you that he feels the same way that you do about him. Does your very presence make him feel that you are the only woman in the world for him? The reading cannot say for sure, one way or the other.

The reading cautions you about making any long term decisions at this point in time. It also warns you not to jump to any premature conclusions based on purely circumstantial and decidedly shaky evidence, to support your natural fear that this man is no more trustworthy than your ex husband was.

It might even be significant that it is almost seven years since the real in contrast to the legal end of your marriage. It is said that a person's lifetime is divided into consecutive phases of seven years in length. This may be why your emotional reactions are so far beyond anything you have previously experienced. Falling in love again and making a major life transition from one important phase of your life have happened almost simultaneously, so turning up your body's response to the hormonal explosion by several notches above anything which you have felt so far.

My inner source through this reading is advising you to go with the flow and enjoy the experience of really falling in love while it lasts. For it cannot last very long. If we were to feel the same intensity of feelings that we feel when we first fall in love for more than a year, we would all quickly burn out. Our body, mind and heart are simply not designed to be able to withstand such punishment for very long, but when it is happening to you make the most of the delicious feelings of melting into that person.

You will only discover if this relationship has any real future by regularly going out with each other and getting to know and understand better what makes him tick. He is I sense carrying or dragging behind him almost as much negative emotional baggage as you are into this relatively new relationship.

His emotional baggage may be quite different from your own, but it will still have a large influence over how much he is willing and able to surrender his heart to you during the next six calendar months thought to be covered by this reading.  Try your best to suspend your fears and doubts about history repeating itself, but at the same time do not allow love to blind you to any solid evidence that your fears may have some basis in reality. You need to find the best possible and most sustainable balance for you between being vigilant and paranoiac Understood?

You will have to earn each other's trust, if this relationship is going to be given the maximum chance of lasting beyond those six months. Notice that a degree of trust must be a two way thing, if this is going to last. Ensure at all times that your words and behaviour are consistent with each other (easier said than done when you are being compromised by sexual chemistry).

Do not automatically assume that you are the only person in this relationship who has had their feelings hurt in the past. His fears and doubts about entering yet another relationship could well outstrip your own, based upon sharp arrows sticking into his heart, perhaps fired into it by another woman from his past, who betrayed the trust he placed in her to do what she said that she would do (and never did).

By the end of these six months or regular face to face or in person get together in a public place (neither of you need to regard these as actual dates), you should have enough information to be in a much better position to decide if your first flush of passionate, animal love is going to successfully make the required transition into the type of deep and lasting love which keeps two people in love with each other for the long run.

Deciding now when your decision is based exclusively upon what your body tells you is good would not only be foolish, but it could also lead to another emotional (and possibly also financial) disaster, if you made this decision impulsively on the spot, without having first established the depth of your connection and your mutual ability to effectively communicate with each other what what you each feel is most important to the relationship's longer term success.
“Falling in love is something that happens to us, being in love is something we do. No passion is self preservatory.”

Author: C.S. Lewis
Loving regards,

EoT   :smt007

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Post by Sabisha » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:17 am

Thank you so much for your reading and for welcoming me back :).
All I can say is Wow! You are simply brilliant, my friend! You are right, my feelings for him are much stronger then anything I felt in the past and much more sudden. It just hit me like tons of bricks and I mean couple of hundreds tons of bricks :). We never spoke of our feelings. So I don't know how he feels about me. However, I have a feeling it is a mutual attraction. So I totally agree with you I should just enjoy it and go with the flow so to speak. Give him a chance to know me better and give myself a chance to do the same.  I just have a feeling that there is a reason he appeared in my life. I guess time will tell what that reason is.

Thank you again, I truly appreciate you guidance.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:40 am


You are most welcome for the reading, and thanking you in return for your most honest and most encouraging to this humble reader feedback.
I just have a feeling that there is a reason he appeared in my life. I guess time will tell what that reason is.
Make that time and this reading.  :smt002

One possible reason for his appearance in your life precisely when you are still in the process of transition between the two phases is to help you to progressively learn what it is like to relax more, go with the flow and enjoy what wonderful experiences your life has to offer you, plus find a more workable and sustainable balance in your closest relationships between keeping your eyes open for potential problems, but not always looking for trouble or problems where they may or may not exist.

To better prepare you for the next X phases of your life story, still to unfold?


EoT  :smt006

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