career reading EoT

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career reading EoT

Post by JandJ325 » Wed Aug 13, 2014 7:16 pm

Hello EoT! :) I spoke to you a year ago and my life was pretty hectic to say the least. Things have improved greatly for me. My husband and I decided to work on our marriage. During our hiatus I enrolled in school. I graduated top in my class and was just offered a job in my field. I'm brand new in my career and of course some nerves get the best of me. I would like to know if this is the right career choice for me. Is the dental office I am working at going to be a good move for me? Thank you!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:08 pm

Welcome back Jenn,

As Thursdays are my regular weekly day off from giving readings, I will look at this request again on Friday morning (Adelaide time).


EoT :)

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Post by JandJ325 » Wed Aug 13, 2014 11:15 pm

Look forward to it! :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:10 am


If your new job in the dental office involves you directly communicating (through the spoken or written word) with the public as well as the staff, your life path number three means that your personality ideally suits you for such a position. People walking the number 3 life path often tend to be optimistic, extremely generous and giving souls, who are able to find something positive in everything around them. As well as being able to recognize the best in everyone they meet. They are on average excellent listeners and show a high degree of empathy towards others, which when added to their ability to lift your spirits when you may be feeling under the weather, make them someone people like to be around.

Is it the "right" career choice for you?

It is definitely compatible with your personality profile, as determined by your life path number, but then potentially any career in which your number three qualities would be to your own and your company's advantages would be "right" for a person such as yourself.

Other careers which number 3s can equally excel at include you becoming an entertainer (actor, musician, singer), but you would also be a great designer, jeweler, writer, poet, artist, counselor, radio broadcaster or hairdresser.

Aim for a career that lets you express yourself. You're good at seeing the overall structure of whatever you're working on. You have to be who you are. You are a joyful spirit, and probably talented, witty and charming. Don't settle for the superficial, but use those qualities as ways to dive deeper into your own soul. Remain open-minded. Do the essential things first, then prioritize the rest. Don't be afraid to be ambitious.

But out of all of these possible choices you chose to work in a dental office. The reasons why you chose this particular career path are both many and complicated. Some of them I am sure were very practical; such as the traveling time from where you are living, your qualifications, previous relevant work experience, how much it pays, possibility of promotion, you may already have a friend or family member in the same or a similar occupation etc. But there are other reasons for your decision, which are nowhere near as obvious, but are equally practical in very different ways.

Are you familiar with the concept of living in harmony with your life's purpose? Many of us waste a lot of our valuable time and energy chasing goals which are not consistent with who we are deep inside (at the soul level) and which are not in line with our soul purpose. Instead of gently allowing ourselves to be carried along by the currents of our lives which already know where we should be heading, we often furiously and stubbornly turn around 180 degrees (in the opposite direction), and swim against the flow.

When we swim against the cosmic flow of our lives or are out of harmony with our soul purpose or purposes, nothing much seems to be working for us, and the whole world and everyone else seems to be against us.

But when we swim or go with the flow and our lives are lived in harmony with for which our soul has manifested at this physical level in this particular physical body, even though if asked what our spiritual purpose was we did not know, things just start to go right for us again, as if someone had suddenly flipped a switch and where there was once there  only seemed to be conflict and darkness, instead there is PEACE AND LIGHT.

In summary, the reading is saying that what you have told me in your request means that your switch has now well and truly been flipped. Instead of swimming against what was meant to happen, you are once more following your life's plan. These are the outward symptoms of someone who is once more in harmony with her life's true, inner purpose(s).

A life which is much more busy than before, but in a good way. A life which is more joyful and hopeful, and which makes much more sense to you. Clearly your decision to work in a dental office instead of in any of the other number 3 job environments is a natural progression for you of the consequences of your switch having been flipped, sometime during the last year or so.
Is the dental office I am working at going to be a good move for me?
The reading is only intended to give you the tools which it feels that you will most need to potentially be successful at working in the dental office.

Whether or not you choose to use the tools which it offers you and how effectively you can use the tools over the next six months thought to be covered by this reading,will largely determine whether or not it will turn out to have been a good move for you.

It is your turn now and your decision, whether or not to accept the job offer. Use the insights coming from this reading as well as any relevant information coming from other various sources (both professional and non professional), to finally make a more balanced and more fully informed decision.

Be kind to yourself,  

EoT  :smt045

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Post by JandJ325 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:29 pm

Thank you for the positive reading, EoT! I feel really good about my choice and from your reading I believe I made the right decision. Life has been good to me lately. I much happier than I was a year ago. :) I will definetly keep you posted. Once again, thank you for the time and reading!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:11 pm


As always it was my pleasure to be of assistance to one of my internet friends.

You have every reason to feel confident that the decision has been the best one for you to make at this particular moment in time, but the reading does suggest that it could over a longer period ultimately lead to other opportunities for you to show those in positions of authority that you have what it takes to go further and higher.

This is not to be interpreted to mean that this job is not worthwhile or that it is not a good job to have (quite the opposite), but it simply recognizes that it could give you new skills which may be better used somewhere else in the future.

The reading however does not and cannot take into account every possible factor which could potentially mean that you would need to stay where you are for longer than predicted, so any final decision must never be based entirely upon the insights coming out of  psychic reading.

Deciding what you should do next is simply too important to be exclusively based upon something which is "only for general interest and entertainment purposes"


EoT     :smt023

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