Marriage Time Prediction Plz

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yasmin khan
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Marriage Time Prediction Plz

Post by yasmin khan » Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:10 pm

Name: Yasmin Fatima
DOB: 16th Feb 1986
Time of Birth: 6:50 am
Place of Birth: Karachi, Pakistan.

Kindly could anyone plz tell me, when will i get married? and my marriage will be Arranged or Love? Thanks

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:02 am


As explained in my posting called "Why it is often difficult to predict your future" which can be found at ... hp?t=83713 I never attempt to make predictions about something which is constantly being changed by what you do in the present moment to increase the chances of a successful outcome (in this case your getting married).

I do understand in your culture that arranged marriages do sometimes get around the need for you to first have a relationship on which to eventually build a marriage partnership, but in order to decide whether this is likely to happen I would need to directly read the thoughts of both sets of parents involved which is called a third party reading, and this is not allowed under the forum rules.

Also my readings are only thought to cover the period of the next six months. I do not know what the marriage laws are in your country, but unless you have already met him, it is very unlikely that you will meet him, fall deeply in love with each other and get married within the space of six months. And even if you have met him, whether or not you will decide to get married is up to the two of you. Reading his thoughts would also be third party.

So now that I have explained what I cannot do to help answer your question which I know is important enough to you for you to request this reading, I can instead tell you what I possibly can do. I am going to ask my inner source if there is anything which it is felt that you need to know at present which could help you to increase the chances that if you are meant to be married within the next half year (and the reading cannot predict this) that it will be for love and not only by arrangement between your two families. This is your reading, and I am therefore only reading you, or the others indirectly through you.

I get the distinct feeling that you will not be getting married within the next six months, either through love or arrangement. So it is not as urgent for you to know which of love or arrangement it will more likely be as you may be currently feeling. In other words there is still time and good reason for you to hope that if you are going to get married before September 2015, that it will be because you love each other, and not because your families made a marriage contract.

Your age is definitely a factor in this as the longer you go without finding someone for yourself who really loves you, the more it is felt that your parents will become impatient and take the decision away from you through an arranged marriage which does not include any prerequisite for you being in love with the man.

Or him being in love with you.

So if you are not already in a stable relationship the advice from this reading is to do whatever you reasonably can during the next six months or so to find someone suitable as your life partner, and by so doing significantly reduce the chances that your parent's patience with you still being single at 28 will run out any time soon. This does not mean that you must enter upon a loveless relationship and marriage in order to keep your parents happy, or that you should take the first man who comes into your life to be your fiance, to stop them pressuring you.

But it does mean that true love is not going to come looking for you. You have to get out of your house and mix socially on a regular basis with men of a similar age group with at least some common interests to your own. If you are still living in your parent's home they may not allow this to happen, which is another possible barrier.

How much control do you have over if or when you can go out on a date, as without some rights to do so finding the man for yourself is going to be difficult to impossible. If this is the case with you and your parents, you need to earn your own income and become financially independent of continuing to have to live with them under the same roof. It should go without saying that this process of becoming independent  from your parents could take many more months than just six.

In summary this reading sees the next six months mainly as a time of preparation with the purpose to increase the chances that you will eventually marry for love and by your own choice. What you need to do during the next half year to bring this about will depend heavily upon all the above factors, as well as probably many more that the reading did not even pick up on. It cannot predict if or when you will marry, but if it is meant to happen, it is felt that it is unlikely to happen within the next six months.

And if you are eventually to marry after the next six months have passed, there are several practical things that you can do to tip the scales in the direction of you marrying for love by your own choice, and conversely tip the scales away from the direction of your parents arranging your marriage and taking away any of your remaining control over what is your life to live and your love to give, as you so choose.

Loving regards,

EoT :smt008

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