any psychic there?

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any psychic there?

Post by mystikgal » Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:16 am

can i have a reading please?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 03, 2014 11:50 pm

Dear Mystikgal, :smt007

Before I get down to the business of telling you what this reading could possibly do for you in the way of better understanding why this guy has behaved in a way which has broken your heart, I must tell you what I feel that the reading cannot do.

Many people come to psychics with completely unrealistic expectations that this person can read the contents of their partner's mind as well as accurately and reliably predicting how he will behave in the future towards both themselves and any relationship with him. While I understand that they are often desperate to find answers and quick solutions to their problems, and want more than anything to believe that the psychic has special magical or supernatural abilities which allow him or her access to privileged information which is not available to someone who does not think of themselves as being particularly psychic, sadly none of this is true. If it was true then the psychic's relationships would surely be free of all the difficulties faced by other people, and after over 35 years (nearly 36) of being in love with my wife, let me tell you that understanding why she or I behave the way we do is not getting any easier as the years roll by.

The forum rules do not allow us to give a third party reading. A third party reading is where I would attempt to directly read this Scorpio guy's thoughts and intentions towards you. Of course this suggests that if the rule was not there then I could directly read his mind, which as I said before I cannot.  Unless they are also gifted prophets and qualified psychologists most psychics cannot predict what any person will or will not do within the next 60 minutes, let alone over the next few weeks or months. That is because often the person does not know what he or she is going to do when put under extra stress, and falling in and out of love is very stressful for both individuals concerned. So why if we cannot predict what we would do, what chance do we have for predicting what he will do? Finally these readings are only thought to apply to the next six months or so after your request has been made. This means that anything which might happen outside of that next six months would be a question for another reading in approximately one half year from now.

I cannot directly read why he behaved in the way he did which broke your heart, or whether your relationship with him has any realistic future. But I can read these things indirectly through you, and one thing that I am crystal clear about is that whatever the reasons for him hurting your feelings, they started long before you ever arrived on the scene. If this is true then you are effectively breaking your own heart based upon the mistaken belief that he did it because of something you did, or because there is something seriously wrong with you.

That is is the whole point here. None of us are perfect and we all have our weaknesses and failures, but show me the evidence that beating up on yourself endlessly for your own weaknesses and failures and mistakes is going to fix the problem, and I would be both deeply shocked and impressed if you could produce such evidence. Logically making yourself your own judge, jury and executioner is only likely to make matters considerably worse than they already are, but who over said that human beings will always behave logically, especially when they are in love?

The unpopular truth is that whatever you do or do not do to try to change him, at the very most you are only likely to scratch the surface. If he does not first accept that he is a part of the problem, why would you then expect him to want to be part of the solution? And that is what I feel about this particular man. He is unwilling to accept his fair share of the responsibility for what happened, and therefore any attempt by you to improve things between you are going to be very one sided and almost guaranteed to fail in the end. I also feel that not all of the hurt was intentional, as most human behaviour is unconscious and almost automatic, in any given set of circumstances. Through you I feel that this man is more confused about what he expects to gain out of his close relationships with women, than you could currently imagine. But then is he so different in this way from over 90% of the rest of us, when love turns our brains to mush and makes us behave weirdly?

Whether or not your relationship has any future will be largely determined by what is going on in his unconscious mind, so this reading highly recommends that you do continue to play the role of an amateur psychologist, and focus most of your energies instead on healing your wounds and preparing yourself for either the next part of this relationship, or failing that any future relationship. You need to find a workable balance for you between listening to your feelings, and allowing them to overpower the reasoning centres of your brain.

For anything which overpowers the reasoning centres of your brain basically controls you and your behavior from then on.

One of the main feelings which can quickly overpower and neutralize your brain's reasoning centres is a fear of failure or fear of the unknown. And along with that fear that you are not good enough or not pretty enough or not smart enough for someone to love you, cryptically comes the fear of success. If you are too successful, people are always going to expect you to do better the next time, and therefore we often sabotage our own efforts so that we will not disappoint them.

Going through your mind at present are a lot of questions without any satisfying answers. This is presumably the main reason why you requested this reading. Is it me? What did I do or not do that lead to him behaving in this insensitive manner? What will happen to me if he leaves me? Will I ever meet anyone who really loves me for who I already am without always having a man in my life to constantly remind myself that I am lovable, and a good and decent person admittedly who has like everyone else made some mistakes?

The answer to all those questions which are presently pushing all your fear buttons are not to be found in this or any other reading. It is true that a reading can provide you with extra insights into your situation, which may not have occurred to you otherwise, but in the end you are the captain of your own ship, or are the person who should always be in the driver's seat of your own life. Learn to love (value and respect ) yourself more than you do now. For if you cannot love yourself warts and all, how can you gladly share your heart with someone else? You cannot give someone else something which you do not already to some extent give yourself?

Do anything practical which makes you feel better about yourself (without putting undue strain upon your credit card through some retail therapy). Give yourself some well deserved TLC. Focus most of your energies on regaining your self confidence and taking proper care of your health. See your doctor for a complete physical checkup (just in case), and tell him or her not only that you are feeling depressed, but equally importantly why you believe that you are feeling down and under the weather. If possible and affordable, get away for a while by yourself and use this as an opportunity to recharge your "spiritual batteries" and the light of hope. All of this is likely to keep you so busy enjoying and relaxing and pampering yourself, that you will no longer spare enough time to stay depressed for much longer.

Your happiness is music to my ears,

EoT   :smt020

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Post by mystikgal » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:41 pm

thank you for taking the time to read :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:11 am

mystikgal wrote:thank you for taking the time to read :)
Dear Mystikgal,

It was my pleasure to read for you.

If you have any further questions about anything in your reading, please feel free to ask them in this same thread.

New questions which were not included in your original request will necessarily require an entirely new reading to be given in the future (in a separate thread as a new topic, with an appropriate subject heading).

Be kind to yourself,

EoT :smt059

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