Reading request

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Reading request

Post by peacefullwarrior » Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:38 am

I'm having some difficulties to find a new job. I have learned italian to some degree and I want to continue to learn until I'm advanced. Please give me a reading about this. Many blessings.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:39 pm

Unless the job is in Italy and/or it requires you to have reasonably advanced skills in communicating in the Italian language, immediately dissociate the two as by not doing this you are unnecessarily restricting what type of job you are willing to accept.

Also see your first job from now as allowing you to get your foot in the door of that profession, so to speak.

A temporary means to an end of giving you the required experience which will in turn prepare you for the job which comes later, which will be much closer to what you were originally seeking.

Without getting this relevant practical experience, the better job would not be yours if it had came up without you being prepared beforehand, so the temporary one will be far from being the waste of time that you thought that it would be.

This does NOT mean that you should get rid of the whole idea of developing your Italian. If you do not use it straight away in your preliminary employment , you will definitely do so further down your career road. Although your command of Italian may not have to be so advanced as you are planning to study it academically.

You will not truly begin to master the advanced levels of the language and particular dialect used in that region, until you live there and nobody around you speaks English. Books and studies can only get you so far, then no further. There is no substitute for the regular practice in speaking the language, which you can only get by living and working amongst Italian speaking people.

It is possible for you to be over qualified or over prepared in Italian, making your prospective employer nervous in believing that you would not be satisfied with the job for very long, and would soon be looking for something else with much more challenge. Meaning that all the time and money they invested in your training would go along with you to your next job. So they might not want to take that risk, bypass you, and move on to the next applicant.

It is not what happens to you in this life which is your measure, but rather how well you respond to what happens. Often how you will eventually respond is determined by how you feel, and how you feel by how you think. If you see all these challenges as barriers or difficulties or impossible problems, you will be unconsciously conditioning or reprogramming your thoughts and feelings for failure.

Begin viewing your difficulties instead as challenges which have been deliberately placed in your path, with the intended purpose to make you stronger within yourself from having to master them, and things should soon turn around in a more positive, happier, healthier and more successful direction.

If you have been out of work for over 12 consecutive months, look carefully at your overall approach for a comprehensive and systematic overhaul of job finding strategies. Many people seem surprised when they keep doing exactly the same things, and keep getting exactly the same results. Why? Do not be one of them.

Believing in yourself is the first small but critically important first step to success in any area of your life, including career wise.


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Post by peacefullwarrior » Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:19 pm

Thank you very much for your reading Eye Of Tiger. It's been a while since I had a reading from you. Your reading is very useful. I know italian to a good degree and I want to be advanced. I see movies, in order to speak like italians. I have also took classes with a teacher. I hope that soon I will be where I want to be. Is true I need to chabge my attitude and to think more positive. Many blessings, all the best my friend.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:53 pm


It was my pleasure for the reading, and hoping that it will not be as long as it was this time before we meet again.

I must admit that I am still more than curious as to discovering what you eventually plan to do which requires you to have a reasonable knowledge of and above average proficiency in speaking the Italian language (work or holiday, or just for your own personal interest).

But whatever it is it does seem to be giving you an extra sense of meaning and purpose in your life, which is always a good thing.

Take care of yourself,

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Post by peacefullwarrior » Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:45 pm

Thank you dear Eye Of Tiger. I decided to learn italian because I want to find a job at a call center or as a data entry. Soon all will be good. All the best.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 24, 2014 2:33 am

I decided to learn italian because I want to find a job at a call center or as a data entry.

My curiosity about your reasons for wanting or feeling the need to learn the Italian language, has now been satisfied.

As well as the well known fact that learning any foreign language helps to keep your mind active, as well as increasing your overall levels of self confidence.

In other words the complete opposite of what long term unemployment can often do to people.


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