hello may i have a reading please eot

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hello may i have a reading please eot

Post by kaz22 » Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:37 pm

been along time :) im just wondering if my friend and i are going to be ok in the future, :) nice to beck tho comp trobbles lol

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:25 pm

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... highlight=

Welcome back to Mystic Board.

While it is true that I cannot do too much about any computer troubles which you may be currently experiencing, I feel that can help you with regards to how well you will respond to whatever challenges either you personally, or your relationship with your friend faces now or in the future.

The true test of who you are (the measure of the depth and quality of your character) is  NOT measured by what happens to you in this life (the events), but rather it is measured by how positively or otherwise you will respond to those events.

Many or most of these events are NOT under your conscious control to change, so wasting your valuable time and vital energies trying to change what is by its very nature unchangeable is not only counterproductive, but also terribly unhealthy.

You are asking me to predict whether or not your friend and yourself will be OK in the future, and NOT asking what will happen in that future (which I cannot do). Remembering of course that these readings are only thought to apply to the period of approximately the next six months after your request has been made.

So effectively you are asking my inner guidance as to whether the two of you (your relationship) will be OK, at least for the next half yearly period. And the answer which keeps coming through me on your behalf is a resounding YES, WHATEVER HAPPENS TO YOUR RELATIONSHIP OR TO EITHER OF YOU INDIVIDUALLY OVER THE NEXT SIX MONTHS, EVERYTHING SHOULD BE OK, FINE AND DANDY.

Notice that it did not say that everything will or must be OK. Within any particular six months period most relationships will have there highs and lows, opportunities and challenges. Also it would be highly unusual and suspicious if there were no conflicts or disagreements between you during that time.


By now you should be able to see to where this reading is leading you to. Some degree of conflict and disagreement always happens in any healthy, normal close human relationship and consequently some of this will be inevitable and unchangeable, roughly between now and the latter half of June 2015. But if you do not use these conflicts of opinion as a means of making the other person feel worse about themselves (which I cannot imagine that either of you would be consciously doing), then the relationship itself should be more than OK.

In other words in spite of any conflicts or disagreements or challenges to its survival, overall the relationship should be OK if you do not hold these conflicts against your friend (tear them down) as a way of making them lose their self respect, as well as losing their respect for and trust in you to always do the right thing by both of you.

If on the other hand you use these almost inevitable conflicts and disagreements as opportunities to build them up and to increase their own self respect and respect for you as their friend, then the chance of your relationship being more OK than it is now, goes rocketing straight upwards through the roof.

10, 9. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.........Blastoff!!!!!!!!  Image

Your mission to make your relationship more OK than it was six months before now, has just become a major success story simply (?) by you each changing how you respond to life's or your relationship's events, without necessarily being able to change or stop these events from happening.

Blessings and the best of Irish luck to the both of you!

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thank you

Post by kaz22 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:30 am

thank you tiger
i do understand what your saying and also sorry i forgot about the 6 months thing, :) just my mind running away with me most days,
as i understand it i most be careful with what i say does that mean there maybe a 3rd party whispering so to speak, and once again that you for your insight
i have so miss that :) happy Christmas to my friend &nbsp;and to your family :) <3

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:34 pm


You are very welcome for the reading.
as i understand it i most be careful with what i say does that mean there maybe a 3rd party whispering so to speak,
There was no suggestion in it of there being another woman involved (a third party). I cannot give you a 100% guarantee that there isn't another woman, but this reading is not picking anything up that indicates infidelity is likely.

Resolving conflicts and disagreements requires you both to effectively communicate to each other what you are thinking and feeling (unless you are excellent mind readers), and you cannot do this if you are so frightened that you might say the wrong thing that you do not say it at all, and keep it bottled up inside you.

While you must be sensitive to his feelings as he must be to yours, this needs to be balanced with significant honesty on your part, and a willingness on his part to be equally honest with you. (mutual honesty).

You cannot do this if every word that you say to him makes you feel that you are walking on egg shells.

If his male ego is really that fragile that one misplaced word from you could break it, then I would not give your relationship much chance of surviving the first disagreement which comes along, let alone it going the distance of at least the next six months.

Does this make things a little clearer?


EoT :smt023

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Post by kaz22 » Sun Dec 21, 2014 11:07 pm

it does thank you tiger :)

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