When things never get better

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When things never get better

Post by samsr » Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:00 pm

No matter how hard i try, any effort i have to move foward in life blows up in my face... Last one was today and i dont think i can handle it aymore. What the hell am i doing wrong?

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:24 pm

Dear Samsr,

There is just to little info in your post to be able to offer you a reply.  You might want to add the details of your frustration.


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Post by samsr » Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:23 pm

Well, if you're curious, Basically I was denied a travel document when I have a trip booked in 2 weeks. i had the worst year and travelling is (well, was) the only thing that i still enjoyed doing, that brought a little please in my horrible life.

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:46 pm

You seem to be looking for help yet your statements are very vague. In this should I be getting the message that you really are not interested in changing this aspect of your life as you don't offer to open the door, but only yell through the closed, locked door with the sign that says Do Not Enter.

I do, however, find it unusual to find someone of your age calling your life horrible (giving the impression that there isn't one thing in that brings you joy) as you would be the main influence at this time of how your life plays out.  


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Post by samsr » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:26 pm

Yes, it is my life. Would i accept help? Yes... Do I want to open myself to people that are just curious and cant offer help other than the cliche sayings " that life is beautiful" or "the sky is blue".? Not interested.   Yes, i have been having a horrible time for the past years and  this trip would be a breath of fresh air from all thats been going on. Like it or not, i am this age an this is how i feel.

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:47 pm

I am not curious about your life, as I came here for my own growth & that would entail helping others with similar life experiences.  I don't know if we could find success in changing the energy of your life as it would take a great deal of effort on your part to shift.  I do relate to your language as at one time mine was the same, but now it is no longer a part of my life.  It's not perfect but I would have to say that 3/4s of it is so perfect I can't believe it is my life & like you I started this manifestations in my thirties as well. I was seeking  info that would change my life, on my own without the help of wonderful sites & people like you find here.  Forums like this, with this collective you can move much faster through your growth than the long years it took me.

If you would like we can start to this shift  your energy to a better place where you don't have to run away somewhere to find a bit of peace.  So you tell me.  


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Post by samsr » Fri Feb 13, 2015 8:32 pm

thanks. that was very clarifiying. I hate when people are just curious and have nothing to offer to help. I was gonna go visit a dear friend as well. someone that helps me a lot, without even realizing it.
i dont know what would be shifting my energy to a better place. i do have good energy from my character and my good intents. apparently that is not of great help or value to move foward, as circunstances always seem to go against me. i dont have the characteristics of a fighter. i am sensitive, that´s the way i am.

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:53 am

You sound better, I'm glad. When someone is that upset, just curious seems a little sick.

"I was gonna go visit a dear friend as well. someone that helps me a lot, without even realizing it."

That is such a shame!  But sounds like you really have a special friend that also comes with a retreat for your soul.  I could use one of those.

"i dont know what would be shifting my energy to a better place. i do have good energy from my character and my good intents."

The first part of you sentence above, I'm not quite sure what you're saying.  You do have good energy, I hope you don't think I was implying that its not.  You were very pissed off, & in your own words made the statement that:

"No matter how hard i try, any effort i have to move foward in life blows up in my face... Last one was today and i dont think i can handle it aymore. What the hell am i doing wrong?"

This energy can be shifted with a view.   As there is not one thing you have done wrong!  Then comes the second wave.

" i had the worst year and travelling is (well, was) the only thing that i still enjoyed doing, that brought a little please in my horrible life."

Seems an increase in the same energy, & now encompasses your life.  But I thought this was the true you:

" i dont have the characteristics of a fighter. i am sensitive, that´s the way i am."

I am very much the same way, being sensitive, but also like you I have One Hot Temper when I get going.  So many times I  spoke the words you shared here.  The only difference I get between us, at this point, is that when I get flustered about some-thing & my gut agrees I will sing.  Not mean, no swearing, just truth.  You have had so much of late pushing your buttons that more of your life view is clouding a lot of things taking place.  I, sorry that things have been so difficult! What I do know for a fact is that when you let this energy, or point of view, create a force (feelings =energy) it will (with time) do things to your body & your goals, as it draws to you most of things you don't want.  That's how some of this works in life.  The minute I stopped letting myself releasing this energy my frustration started to decline, because things weren't  going to screwing with what I wanted to have happen. Took time (& that was the time I need it to take, as everyone is different) but it all started to change as not only did I not get worked up but I started to think about how I wanted it to be.

Does that make sense?  

What do you think?

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Post by samsr » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:41 am

makes no sense to me, as the energy force of my excitement and happiness led me to this.
So when you suggest I should sing, I just laughed hard. I don´t mean to be offensive, of couse.

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:40 pm

Okay, Samer, now I am confused.  

Okay, Samer, now I am confused.  

"makes no sense to me, as the energy force of my excitement and happiness led me to this."

I see you joined in Dec. 2013, and this is not the time line we were discussing, so I cannot find the relevance in your statement here.

"So when you suggest I should sing, I just laughed hard. I don´t mean to be offensive, of course."

I thought you find this humorous, but this statement was no a suggestion for you, I was referring to myself and the minor differences in our character.

Now if this was a quick read for you that would explain the confusion.  Please reread & give me your feed back as there isn't much I can get from a brief comment.


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Can we all smoke the pipe of peace?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:33 am

To me when you say you sing to change the energy, implies like a suggestion I should do the same.
This friendly piece of advice from Bree is NOT a suggestion that you must do the same thing.

A method which works for one person does not always work as well or at all for another.

If you have tried to raise your spirits or change your energies to something more positive by singing and it has not worked after at least three attempts, then try another method which may work more better for you.

If you do not like or you disagree with a message of wanting to help you from another member, you are well within your rights to do so. But please do not at the same time continue to argue with or take out your frustrations on the innocent messenger.

Like yourself I agree that the two of you (Bree and yourself) have much of lasting value to learn from each other (we all have much to learn from each other)), but I feel that there are currently relatively minor misunderstandings on both sides getting in the way of this learning/communication process working smoothly.



But Bree was not saying that you should not feel that way or suggesting for a moment that singing will fix your feelings, or stop you having to learn to deal with your problems and feelings.

Our shared friend has a vast amount of life experiences and challenges which make her more qualified to know something about what it is like for you to feel alienated, angry, frustrated and depressed about your life's hard knocks, but her most important gift to you is her good heart, and her ability and willingness to really listen without prejudging you.

She was only suggesting that you should try it and see of it makes any difference, not to your problems, but rather to your state of mind and ability to handle the large amounts of stress which you are under.

Bree has her problems, you have your problems, and I have my problems. But in order to work effectively together and help each other, we all need to take a few deep breaths before completely rejecting any well intended advice as being useless or an insult.

We are all good and decent fallible human beings with our individual weaknesses and faults, but I urge you both not to allow simple misunderstandings to get in the way of what is otherwise a good discussion.

Communication over the internet of complex thoughts and feelings is often far less than perfect, but it is the best or only way for us to be able to efficiently help each other, without being in the same room. Can we please get past all these reasonably minor differences to get to the important issues being discussed in this forum thread.

Discover and celebrate what you have in common with each other, in order for you to help the other person.

Accept that each of you are FHBs (Fallible Human Beings).

Accept that the internet is often a highly imperfect and unreliable method for communicating complex thoughts and feelings.

Learn to value and respect (love) yourself and each other more, by keeping yourself open to human compassion and well intended advice in both directions.

I am always having to learn the same lessons myself (over and over), and I know that it is always easier said than done. But the alternative to learning these lessons well will be a spiritual emptiness and loneliness for all of us which I predict will make our current problems and negative feelings look positively attractive in comparison.

Can we all smoke the pipe of peace, and get this useful discussion back on track, before petty misunderstandings spoil any hope of us doing this?

EoT :smt109

To Samsr,

I must apologise to you for inadvertently deleting your last message, by pressing the edit instead of the quote button (not the first time that I have done this, and probably not the last). See what I meant when I said that we are all fallible and make mistakes?


EoT  :smt102

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Post by samsr » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:57 am

I am sorry too you deleted it. I hope bree had the chance to read it.  It is not my intention to hurt or be rude to someone that is trying to help and communication is not my nest skill. But i do try. I wasnt trying to be nasty or anything, i was just saying that sometimes you take a hit  so big that the only way to get rid of the frustration is simply allow it to flow (in a harmless way). I didnt mean to be rude, but when i imagined myself singing in that situation, it was indeed bizarre. But it is just because it was somethingTHAT extreme. Bree, i hope i didnt offend you. And if i did, i am sorry.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:11 am

Not a problem!

As I have said many times to other members (and repeated above) the internet is a highly imperfect way of communicating complex thoughts and feelings over large distances (but it is the best way that we have at present).

Therefore misunderstandings are relatively common on both sides.

Each of you were simply trying to explain yourselves better to the other person.

I am certain that there was never a suggestion that you were being rude or nasty.

I saw no evidence of this.

Bree said that she was confused.

She never said that she was offended or felt insulted by your comments.

There is a very big difference between those two alternative responses.

I think that you underestimate or downplay your reasonably good communication skills.

While we could all improve our communication skills at times, with good feelings and intentions towards others any problems in this area can usually be circumvented (got around), without war having to always break out.

Love, Light and Peace to all,

EoT  :smt055

BTW would any of you have any objections to me moving this interesting discussion to the main psychic forum? I feel that it has quickly outgrown this reading board. Let me know your opinions about such a move in your responses.The most popular decision will be carried out (democracy in action).

Bree 54
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Post by Bree 54 » Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:41 am

Dear EoT, what ever you think is best is fine with me, as you are right on so many levels.



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