General Reading

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General Reading

Post by miss_perfect13 » Wed Apr 15, 2015 5:34 pm

Hey EOT,

   My first question is how is your wife. Please know I've never stopped thinking and wishing her well. I hope your family is thriving. Sorry its been a long time.

  About two weeks ago, I lost a very dear friend to cancer too. She lived a very difficult life. One that scared me to my core. I can now only begin to understand the effects this disease has on everyone. Heart breaking.

  Anyways I don't mean to go on and on. My birthday is November 13, 1987.

With lot's of love,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:19 am

Welcome back Stephanie,

Thank you for asking. It has now been over three years since the cancer went into remission, and according to all her test results, it is so far so good. She is not unfortunately free of the chronic fatigue, which began well before she was first diagnosed in November 2011 and does not show any signs of improving any time soon.

I was very saddened to hear that through your dear friend, this terrible disease has also touched your life. I am not a medium so I am not claiming to be getting messages from your friend in Spirit, but I believe that she would prefer you to remember the good times you shared together before she got ill. Instead of wanting you to be scared of life she was I believe sent as a living example of the power of the human spirit to not only control fear, but through courage and compassion for others to make this world a better place for everyone. She would want you to embrace life, and not allow your fears to hold you back from reaching your full potential (which is still to be determined).

But these are early days, and everyone grieves their significant losses in their own ways and time. Allow your tears to flow, as they will begin the healing process. The tears of grief contain certain chemicals, which if they are not eliminated from your body will soon poison it. Trying to put on a brave face at this point and choke your tears back could be harmful to your health. Even a medium who can communicate with their friend after his or her passing mourns their inability to hold their friend in their arms one more time, and tell them how much they love them. There is really no substitute for physical contact, and sharing quality time and a good hug with someone whom you either like or love.

This general reading is rapidly turning into a self confidence building exercise for your benefit, linked indirectly to your friend's recent promotion to the higher side of life. Your life has not been easy either. You have had your hurts and disappointments like the rest of us. Try not to fall into the common trap of comparing your life problems with your friend's life problems, and minimize or ignore the many challenges which you have faced with courage and survived. Give yourself some long overdue but well deserved credit, both for your own achievements under pressure, as well as for the first class support with which you provided your friend, particularly during the last few months of her life on this physical plane.

So the message I am getting from my inner guidance is for you to experience your understandable grief on the loss of your dear friend over the next few months, but that in your own time this must gradually give way to you honoring your friend and yourself by living your life to the fullest, as she would want you to do. I can almost imagine her standing beside you, and giving you that look which says more than mere words could express about you staying sad about her, and feeling sorry for yourself indefinitely.

Did she ever tell you off about something which you were doing which was irritating her immensely while she was in her physical body, as she is not going to allow death to stop her continuing to have a go at you when it is deserved, but only if this period of mourning goes on for too long and stops you functioning in the rest of your life to live as you best see fit to do so? Not so much angry at you, but rather sad for you about all the good things in life which you could be missing out on if your intense grieving for her never gets less and eventually stops.

Courage is not the absence of fear. Rather it is feeling the fear, but at the same time controlling it to the point that you are once more willing to take whatever calculated risks are necessary, in order to get what or who is important to you. Often to do this you must first be open to making personal sacrifices and compromises in other less critical areas of your life as compensation, but these less critical life areas must not include your health and your self respect.


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Post by miss_perfect13 » Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:36 pm

Oh my dear spirit Brother you are right on with your inner guidance.

My gf that passed was quite the fire cracker. We did exchange words but luckily we resolved it quickly. To be honest, her suffering was long but her death came out of the blue. So none of us got to say goodbye.

I'm so sorry to hear about your wife having to deal with the chronic fatigue. I'm so happy to hear that she's still in remission. I will continue to send her positive thoughts.

As for staying strong and letting the emotions come, I've been doing my best. My go to is to be the strong girl. So for me now, I'm just trying to accept it.

Thinking about you and wishing you well;


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 18, 2015 12:09 am

Dearest friend,

You are very welcome for the reading.

But being a strong girl does not mean that you should ever try to suppress your feelings of grief about losing this important person from your life.

Experiencing and expressing the entire spectrum of our feelings or emotions is I believe what makes us truly human.

Allow your tears to flow freely, and do not feel embarrassed for honoring her memory by shedding them.

They are a sign of your inner strength and your love for your departed friend (who has not really left you - it only appears that way because she no longer uses a physical body), and it must never, never, never be interpreted as a sign of weakness or of giving up on your part.

Blessings to you both, for when you are thinking of her (whether or not the memories are pleasant ones) your friend's spirit is standing right beside you to share both your joys and your sorrows. A burden which is shared, is a burden which is at least halved.


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Post by miss_perfect13 » Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:03 am

Thank you again for all your guidance. You've been a real light in my life n I can't thank you enough for all the love and support you've given me through out the years.  

N I hate to ask for more from you, but I've been having this gloomy feeling that won't go away. Would you mind asking the cards to see if there is any merit to this gut instinct?

I know you are busy, so please feel free to tell me not now, or no.

P.s. I found black candles today. I will be doing a healing spell soon, I need your wife's name so I can include her in it.

Thank you my spirit brother, lots of love to u and your family. Xoxo


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:55 pm


If it is OK my wife and I would prefer you to continue to send her positive energies and healing thoughts as you have already been doing, instead of using black candles and healing spells which to be honest we feel very uncomfortable with, because of our beliefs. I hope that you will understand our reasons and not feel offended by this request, as you have always been very supportive of both of us and any help you have given in the past has always been much appreciated.
I've been having this gloomy feeling that won't go away. Would you mind asking the cards to see if there is any merit to this gut instinct?
I am being told that the gloomy feeling which you are experiencing is NOT actually a psychic impression which could mean that your friend's spirit is troubled, or that it is predicting that something bad is about to happen to you (or someone close to you) in the near future.

Rather it is a normal (for you) part of the grieving process, probably made significantly more painful by your above average sensitivity to your own emotions. In other words it is more likely to be psychological, instead of being psychic or intuitive (or your instincts).

Having such a loved and close friend taken from you reminds you of your own mortality. Life when you think about it is very fragile and therefore the good times which we share with our friends and family are very precious as a result. But the the uncomfortable truth is that one way or another whether it be through death or other reasons, one of you will be the first to leave the relationship.

And with the human mind being the strange mechanism that it is we often wonder why it was our friend or family member who died, and not us. We may even feel guilty for not being the one who has survived them.

It is thought that the complex and constantly changing emotions which happen when we are grieving or in mourning can in certain individuals create a generalized anxiety response (worrying about almost everything), moderate to serious depression in an otherwise optimistic person, or in some cases full blown post traumatic stress disorder which is almost indistinguishable from that commonly seen in men and women in the military who are returning from active service in a war zone .

The reading is telling me that one or more of these is/are the most likely source of your current, temporary gloomy feeling. Among the top ten major stressors which we can encounter during a lifetime the loss of a significant person (spouse, parent, much loved family member or friend) from our lives is consistently number one on the list.

The good news is that in many people this emotional devastation tsunami usually completely resolves itself during the weeks and months immediately following their significant loss, without the need for them to consult a professional for assistance.

But at the same time if you are not one of these more resilient individuals and do find yourself requiring professional help in successfully adjusting to a life without them in it, this does not mean that there is anything wrong with you, or that you are weak. Everyone deserves to get whatever help and support (professional or non professional) which they need, to get them through this difficult period in their lives.  

Love, Light and Healing,

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Post by miss_perfect13 » Tue Apr 21, 2015 9:07 pm

Thank you very much.

Of course I'm not offended and of course I will continue sending thoughts and love.

Losing anyone is usually rough for me. I always so appreciate your wisdom and time. Bless you and your family for eternity.

Will keep in touch,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:01 am

Stephanie,  Image

Message received, and thank you again for being so understanding and supportive.

Loving regards,

EoT  :smt056

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