Request for reading

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Request for reading

Post by shaymarie » Fri Jun 12, 2015 12:32 am

Is this the correct forum for me to request a reading  in? (New member, sorry)

Thank you,

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:38 am


I would be happy to give you a general psychic reading, but I first need to tell you that I am not a medium, and that mediumship or spirit readings are not allowed on Mystic Board.

I did not want you to feel that I was intentionally avoiding giving you a reading about the paranormal phenomena happening in your home, in the way of helping you to get some more answers about whether these are directly or indirectly responsible for your family's health issues.

I will be reading you, and not reading any spirits who might also be living in your home.

As part of a general psychic reading I ask my inner guidance.....
What is felt to be the most important or urgent thing which this person needs to know at the moment?
My readings are thought to refer to the period of the next six months or so, after your request has been made.

All of us like to feel that we have control over what is happening in our lives, as well as in the lives of our loved ones. Of course nobody can ever have complete control over every single factor which could possibly affects his or her life, but that does not seem to stop some of us from trying to always be in complete control at all times, and as a result becoming terribly anxious and frustrated the first time when we inevitably fail to do so.

Similarly we all like to feel that we are capable of protecting our family and friends from any real or imagined dangers or risks which their life presents them with. Once again we are unknowingly setting ourselves up to fail, as many of these risks are difficult to identify or avoid for very long.  

Life inevitably involves us taking certain calculated risks to get what we want or need. If we always try to wrap our family members up in protective cotton wool in a vain attempt to protect them from the big, bad world, then we can easily stop them from learning the lessons that they need in order to be able to survive when we are longer around.

All the above is normal when you are dealing with the everyday risks which our lives present us with, but when the paranormal is involved, our need to feel in control over every single factor which could affect us as well as to protect those whom we love often at the cost of our own health both increase hundreds or thousands of times to a point where we are no longer of any practical use, either to ourselves or to them. The big question is always how do you control or protect people from something which is normally invisible?

What you most need to know at present is that it is very important and/or urgent for you to fairly quickly find the right balance between wanting to feel in control and to protect those people you love and believing that you can always control and protect them from anything which happens.

Your reading is certainly NOT saying that you should not do what you can reasonably and humanly do to be able to feel that you maintain some control over what happens to you or that you should stop protecting your loved ones. That would be totally irresponsible and no loving mother such as yourself would ever consider doing this.

But your reading IS saying that any good thing can sometimes be taken too far, and wanting to always have complete control over everything and everyone and trying to always be there to protect them from every potential danger, no matter what this will do to their self confidence and them learning the lessons which they have come here to learn is no exception to this general rule.

Note that the best point of balance between these two extremes is heavily affected by the relative ages of the people who you are responsible for protecting to your own. Obviously you would need to tend more on the side of more protection when dealing with a young child or a person who is ill or disabled, when compared to how much you should need to protect a reasonably fit and healthy able bodied adult in the same situation.

It is felt that finding the right and best balance for you between many pairs of extremes in several different life areas including this one is possibly a common theme or thread running through most of your life lessons during this incarnation. The main challenge with finding and maintaining the best balance point between two extremes is that if or as soon as you find the elusive point, it will immediately shift in one direction or the other.

You will need to continually review your approach to these matters, to be able to restore the balance point somewhere else. This is what is called a dynamic or constantly changing balance. Effectively we need to continually and successfully adapt to constantly changing factors and conditions, in order to live a balanced life on many levels (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).

Failure to do this at any stage could have serious negative consequences for our own growth and development as both a spiritual and human being. What practical good are you going to be to yourself or to them from a hospital bed, or early grave?


Love, Light and Healing,

EoT    :smt049  :smt049

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Post by shaymarie » Fri Jun 12, 2015 2:58 am

Thank you for your time! You have no idea how much this means to me.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:50 pm

I am always pleased to be able to help my internet friends.


EoT  Image

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