Is anyone in the mood to read and give me some guidance?

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Is anyone in the mood to read and give me some guidance?

Post by astroau » Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:51 pm

Hey :)

I just thought I would post on the off chance that anyone has some life advice for where I'm at.

Thank you in advance :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:34 am

It is always good to meet and welcome another fellow Aussie to our forums.

The following life path numerology reading assumes that the date of birth as displayed in your forum profile is accurate. If it is not your true date of birth, this is somebody else's reading and NOT yours.

Numerologists believe that your Life Path Number or LPN is the best indicator/predictor of what personality strengths and weaknesses you are most likely to have been born with, as well as your main life lessons and challenges during this incarnation. Be aware that all of these can be modified or completely changed by the meaning which you have given to what has happened to you over the last 26 years since you first entered this physical body (your accumulated life experiences to this point in time).

-----------------------Your reading begins here---------------------------

Your DOB as shown, gives you a LIFE PATH NUMBER (LPN) of FOUR.

The keywords for the average person walking the same number 4 life path as yourself when born are as follows.................

Practical, hard working, determined, decisive, organized, systematic, controlled, no nonsense, down to earth, the person whom you see on the surface is the person whom you will usually get. Has strong ideas about what is right or wrong. Has been born with a natural genius for planning, fixing, building, and somehow, with practical application and high intelligence, making things work. You are one of the most trust worthy of all individuals; one of the cornerstone members of our society. Indeed as a Life Path 4, YOU ARE A BUILDER OF SOCIETY.  When someone wants a job done well and on time and on budget, you are the the ideal person to do it brilliantly. While many or most of the above qualities of personality strength and character can potentially work to your advantage or in your favour, each of them also has a possible associated negative opposite. Any positive quality can in practice become a disadvantage which works against you moving forwards with your life and achieving your full potential.  If I attempted to explain what I am talking about with every single quality included above, this reading would take me hours to put down in words, so to save time and energy for both of us (as this process of soul searching can be emotionally exhausting for the client, as well as for the reader) I have chosen three of them in preference to all the others.

HARD WORKING - Surely it is always good for you to work hard and always try to do your best in everything which is important to you. Or is it? If you work so hard that you destroy your health and every other area of your life including your closest relationships with other people whom you love (and whom love you in return) suffers as a result, then all the success in your work that you are wishing and working for may bring you only pain and tears. If you have nobody to share your success and money with, of what lasting use or satisfaction will all this "success" give you, especially as you grow older? There is a big difference between working hard, and you becoming a workaholic. Aim to give 80 - 90 % of yourself to your work (particularly in the very early stages when you are still building up a reputation as being skilled and reliable) , always leaving at least 10 - 20% of your time and energies and efforts for all the other equally important areas of your life. Is it worth putting your health at serious risk or being the most successful business person in the cemetery for you to give that last 10% of yourself to your job or career ambitions? Giving 110% of yourself to anything (or anyone) is self destructive and borders on insanity.

ORGANIZED, SYSTEMATIC & CONTROLLED - These three personality traits seemed to belong so well together with each other, that your reading could not separate them. Once again you would normally regard these three as being personality strengths, which should always operate in your favour or to your advantage in you working towards and ultimately achieving your life goals (whether it is your career, or whatever else it is that inspires you to give of your best efforts). But you can be so well organized that you can unfortunately become inflexible and set in your ways and methods of doing things if something changes in the meantime. If you are unwilling to try to adapt to new and possibly constantly changing conditions in your job or in your closest relationships, because this is the way that you have always done this and it has always worked OK for you so far so why should you change it now, then always being  overly organized, overly systematic and overly controlled in your responses to your life's many challenges could end up making you your own worst enemy.  

WHEN SOMEONE WANTS A JOB DONE WELL AND ON TIME AND ON BUDGET, YOU ARE THE IDEAL PERSON TO DO IT BRILLIANTLY - While if you do the job well and on time and on budget will earn you a good reputation with your employer and will not do your bank account balance any harm in the process, if you begin to believe that you and only you are capable of doing the job well and on time and on budget and that you must always do the job completely by yourself and never depend upon other people to help and support you, then you are unknowingly setting yourself up for a disaster on a major scale. Nobody is completely independent and irreplaceable, and every team leader needs his or her team of followers to work cooperatively together with him or her and contribute their own ideas, knowledge and skills to the united team effort. If all the ideas are your own and you are unwilling to compromise and trust those people who work under and with you enough to be able to delegate some of your responsibilities to them when necessary, then even if you are giving 90% of yourself to the task in hand, the result of all this hard work and perspiration is more than less likely to come to nothing/zero/zilch. Just as every team needs an effective leader, equally every leader needs the right team of people working with him or her towards a shared goal, to support the leader's efforts. The descriptive word "ideal" as in you being the ideal person for the job is a highly subjective one, and it is always a matter of personal opinion and perspective. Usually we ourselves or the situations in which we often find ourselves are anything but being ideal.

-------------------------Your reading ends here-------------------------


EoT  :smt006

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