Is It Possible to Connect with Another Person Through Me?

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Is It Possible to Connect with Another Person Through Me?

Post by boba7523 » Sat Nov 14, 2015 4:09 pm

Hi Everyone,

I have a friend who has just gone to Hong Kong to seek treatment for cancer. She has decided that she wants to go through this alone and has cut off connection with everybody.

She said she might return to the U.S. in March...

I'd like to know if it's possible that psychics have the ability to connect with her through me to see how she's doing, where she is, and what her and I will become?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:07 pm

Hi Boba,

Yes it is possible to do this, but many readers would regard it as a third party reading as well as an invasion of her right to her own privacy, and would therefore not attempt to make the connection on moral grounds.

Your sick friend is clearly desperate enough to take the huge risks involved to find a cure for her cancer in Hong Kong, and may not want to get her friends involved in what could be against the law in the US.

She might believe that the less that you know about exactly where she is in Hong Kong, the less is the chance that you could be unfairly prosecuted yourself for taking any possible part in what must have been one of the most difficult decisions of her entire lifetime.

If you are seeking to discover where she is in Hong Kong I would advise against you doing this for the reason above, but if it is instead that you want to send her healing energy and extra strength to help her get through the treatment, then I can see no harm in you doing that through a psychic.

In order for the healing to be most effective you need to step aside and put her case completely in the hands of a Higher Power. This means that you must also put aside any requirement to know how she is going, or precisely how the healing energies must be used. Trust your God completely to know what is best for your friend at this critical time in her healing journey.

How you speak to and treat her when she returns to the USA will I feel largely determine what type of friendship/relationship you will have with each other from then on. Remember that if a person is as desperately ill as she is that she may not always speak or behave logically, and may no longer be able to feel your friendship with her in the same way as before she left. Can you cope with that real possibility if it happened? Cancer changes people?

Effectively she is not the same person whom you thought that you knew. Although it is always easier said than done you are being challenged here to take a more passive hands off approach to her decisions, and to trust implicitly in the healing process and its source that everything will be done in her best interests at all times.

She is very likely tired and exhausted from so many people with the best of intentions telling her what she should and should not do to try to treat her cancer, so do not be just another one of these people, by asking for too much information or placing conditions on your friendship with her, when or if she returns from Hong Kong next year.

If she resists the healing energies sent to her (and she could), they will be safely distributed to others who are similarly in need of them. That is why I believe that even if she does not accept the healing energies, that us sending them can do her no harm and some good will still come out of it for another person, and his or her family who are also praying for a miracle.
On behalf of yourself I hereby request a healing for your friend, in her body, mind and spirit. I ask that she be placed completely in the trustworthy hands of God's healing spirits and her doctors, and that we will know with no fear or doubt that everything which can be done for her, will be done. For the highest good of everyone who is affected by her illness. Amen.


EoT    :smt049  :smt049

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Post by boba7523 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:27 am

Hi EoT,

It's so great to see you again--so comforting to "see" a familiar face. I remember my first time here on MysticBoard way back in 2006 or 2007, when you and MangoMom gave me a reading. This place is like my sanctuary when I feel down and lost, and your words rekindle my lost spirit and give me strength to go on.

From what my friend told me, her family only knows she has "eye problems" as to not make them worried, and only a few of her close friends know about her cancer.

I just literally met her 2 weeks ago, gone out with her twice and enjoyed every second of it. I've never had any luck with girls that could me feel the way she made me feel. She made me feel so happy and free. God she is so beautiful. Only 2 physical meetings with her, and my feelings for her are one of the strongest I've experienced for a woman.

I do not want to intrude her space while she finds cure. But what she is doing--cutting off connection with me--makes me so worried and petrified of what might happen. She told me maybe she has less than two years to live, and this literally made me break down.

Right now, what's making me uneasy is the fact that she "might" come back to the U.S. in March. Not for certain, but "maybe." I can't lose her. I can't. She's a very spontaneous person who does not plan ahead. What'll ease me is her giving me a definitive answer that she will be back in March... Then my heart can be at ease and I would keep my distance with her.

EoT, I have her phone number and email. Right before she left, she said she wants to be alone starting "now." But gave me an e-mail so we can keep in touch just in case her phone doesn't have reception there or something.

I told her I didn't want her to go through this alone. She answered with "I've got a great team of doctors and nurses to help me get through this." Maybe I'm just overthinking this and actually making her feel sad because I keep being worried.

Is there anything psychics can do in this case?

Off topic: Seeing so much suffering in people everyday, I once said to God to let me endure some of their pain. With the women I met, a lot of them had issues, and I've always acted as the wise person who gave advice, gave them a shoulder, and words of wisdom. Perhaps it's my empathetic wish that attracted these women to me--God granting me my "wish"? This is off topic and some may consider me crazy for what I just said lol.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:32 pm


I am saddened to have to say that other than what I am already doing by sending her healing energy and extra strength, her life is in the hands of her God.

It is particularly difficult when you love a person as much as you obviously do to have to completely surrender any sense of control of the situation to a Higher Power which is far bigger and wiser than ourselves, but that is exactly what we must do to open the healing channel between God and this woman.

For it is only God who created her, who can also heal her. It is vitally important that while she is overseas and away from you in the physical sense for all her energies to be focussed exclusively on her healing.

It might sound selfish to some people, but effectively at the moment any time or person outside of her current treatment does not exist for this woman, although it must encourage you to be told that there is even the remote possibility that she could return (not necessarily to you) in March next year.

Expressing one's faith in this manner in the face of what is without doubt a very serious medical condition is possibly one of the greatest challenges you will ever face as her friend, and the idea of sacrificing yourself to take away somebody else's pain is at the core of Christianity. It is therefore something never to be laughed at or to be used as a way of proving that the person involved is losing his or her mind.

It is a way of keeping our hope going, and because hope is difficult to find in these circumstances, any person who ridicules another for wanting to heal someone through transference of their pain is taking away any hope that this person will need in the months ahead.

The doctors giving her two years to live might have been correct if she had done nothing to help herself since the diagnosis, or she had no treament for her cancer.

As long as she has already accepted and received the conventional treatment for her illness her time over there can do her no harm, and may potentially do her much good. The predictions of men including doctors are often shown to be worthless when the divine is in control.

If she will accept your communications then do keep in contact with her, but beyond that only God and his healing agents (doctors and spirit doctors or healing angels) are in charge of her case.

I only wish that I could confidently tell you otherwise, but I would not want to either take away any of your realistic hope, or give you empty or false hope. Both of these would be cruel to the extreme, and there is no way that I would do this to you as a friend first, and as your reader second.

Love, Light and Healing to the both of you.  

Give my and your healing prayers enough time to have an affect. Constantly checking in to see how well they are working in accelerating her healing is almost guaranteed to block the very energies which she needs to receive from getting to her.

Like a watched kettle never boils, too much watching and measuring of how much her treatment might be helping her, could have the unintended effect of taking away her sense of hope in the process.

Healing begins from the spirit and works its way out to the physical. This means that she may be healed, but her physical body may not be able to survive. But all of this is only a guess when it comes to what is possible when God intercedes on behalf of those whom we love.

Quantity or length of life is never as important as its quality.

Would you ask anyone you loved to accept a much poorer quality of life, just so that they could stay with you another few months (a rhetorical question)?

Only God can answer the question which is uppermost in your heart, and he is not telling your friend and reader any more about what he has planned for your lady friend, than he is telling you.



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