May I have a reading please

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May I have a reading please

Post by kaz22 » Tue Sep 06, 2016 8:10 am


May I have reading please,
as I'm not really sure if I'm on the right path at this moment in time.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:27 am

Hello again Kaz,

It has been quite a while since you last requested a reading (December 2014), and I am sure that much has happened to you since then. Like everyone else here your life has had its ups and downs or opportunities and challenges during the intervening months, but overall you have done reasonably well in spite of any obstacles which have been placed in your path along the way.

The thing is that there is not one right path for you at this moment in time, with all of the others presumably being the wrong paths. Instead there are multiple alternate paths which you could take, as a consequence of decisions which you have made in the past, as well as your main life purpose or mission. While it is true that some paths are easier to walk when compared to the others, these are not necessarily better or indeed in your best interest if you are to grow and develop as both a spiritual and human being.

Now I should not have to tell you (but I am going to do it anyway) that some of the paths which you have chosen to follow up until the present moment have been challenging at best, and unusually difficult at worst. But even these stony and winding paths have not defeated you, and as a result you are a much stronger and wiser person from having made it this far with your sanity and sense of humour still both relatively intact.

According to this reading you are often one of the first to encourage and congratulate one of your friends or family members when they have had their own successes, but strangely you are also frequently one of the last to give yourself the well deserved credit for a job well done.

Do not confuse self love (valuing and respecting yourself for who you are) and recognising and celebrating your achievements with vanity and believing that you are better than everybody else (superiority complex). They are poles apart from one another. Vanity and a superiority complex are the outward symptoms of a very insecure and fragile ego, while self love nourishes the soul and makes even greater achievements reachable in the future under your own terms of what achievement or success personally mean to you.

Earlier in your lifetime you have minimized or completely ignored your successes and achievements, mainly because they were not important to you and because someone other than yourself  was living their life and successes through you. In other words your successes and positive achievements were measured according to their understanding of what those two words mean, instead of what they mean to you.

At the same time as you were pursuing their goals instead of your own, you often ignored getting your needs (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) met so that the other person's needs could be realized as if your needs were nowhere near as important as theirs. It is true that sometimes it is necessary to temporarily put your needs on hold in order to help a friend or other member of your family in a crisis or emergency situation.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. But it is when this self sacrifice becomes a more permanent negative habit that you can easily learn to resent the very people whom you most want to help. It is this habit as well as the one about you not giving yourself enough credit that this reading is focusing on, above all else.

The path which you are currently on (which by the way is essentially the same path which you were already navigating in December of 2014) has been carefully designed to offer you the maximum opportunity of learning these two important life lessons.

1. Learning increased self love, primarily through recognising and celebrating those successes and achievements which are important to you.


2. Learning to better balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs of those people whom you are helping, against your own equally important needs in one or more of these different areas.

Since this particular path which you are walking at present (with some minor detours along the way) has been meticulously designed specifically for you to learn these vitally important lessons which will in turn prepare you for even greater challenges which you will ultimately have a victory over, the reading is giving it as well as you a green GO light on this road.

There will at times be an amber light displayed (meaning proceed with caution) as you move slowly but surely toward your goals, but these will be kept to a minimum, and only used if or when necessary.

Doing anything which is important to you always involves you taking certain risks. Indeed life as a whole is a risky business. The best idea is to minimize the risks which you take, and as much as possible to ensure that they are calculated or planned risks. Always balance the risks of trying any new experience in your life with the risks of not trying it, and potentially missing a golden opportunity for your optimum growth and development in the process.

Love, Light & Healing,

Brian :smt006

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Post by kaz22 » Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:04 pm

Hi Eot ( Brian ) :)

your right I've been up and down in dealing with things, First tho you once told me that my gifts could be the by product of my high end dyslexia and could all so be on the spectrum.
You are right on that I am also autistic too, and it makes sense to me now why I get very anxious around people &nbsp;and new places so thank you for opening my eyes on that asi didn't know then as I do now :) <3
Aslo your right I do put me on a back burner so to speak and help other first, its slow but I'm also trying to learn to love myself but old habits tho kinda fall on to, also I am my own worse enemy being hard on my self in ways other people tent to moan at me for it,
I didn't think the path was the same one then as it is now, things that should of change hasn't change tho I still miss my best friend I know things wont be normal again that way but sometimes one needs to look forward as hard as it is,
It is nice been back here again i really have miss your readings and this place.
Thank you very much my friend <3 love and light to you and your family, :) <3

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:00 pm


I thank you for your honest feedback.
I didn't think the path was the same one then as it is now, things that should of change hasn't change tho I still miss my best friend I know things wont be normal again that way but sometimes one needs to look forward as hard as it is,

Things which have not changed when you think that they should have suggests that they still need to be resolved, and that the path which you are walking (which is essentially the same one as in December 2014) is still the preferred one at this time, although not the only one.

But you are doing your best to move on with your life in spite of losing your friend, so please do not beat up on yourself for these things not appearing to have changed at least on the surface, as below the surface in your unconscious mind things are well on the way to you successfully adapting to your loss.

Take good care of yourself,

Brian &nbsp;Image

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