Reading please

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Reading please

Post by Kerosh » Sun Jul 10, 2005 2:22 am

Ok, need a reading now, and terribly so. My own self has left me. No longer can I sleep. I have failed many and I am in great sorrow.

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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 11, 2005 7:51 pm

hello Kerosh,
come on .. cheer up.i am sure u will get help here is u share with ur whats troubling u.

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Post by Abhishek » Mon Jul 11, 2005 9:41 pm


i feel quite the same two days ago. but today i feel much better. i used a simple method i always do... i talk about it... and i talk more about it.

try it! share whats troubling you with us. maybe that will help you some. and in the meanwhile i am sure someone will give you reading you asked.

take care

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Post by Kerosh » Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:59 am

Ok, I did do something and followed what I was told to do, and as you know it, everything gets better the instant I accept offers, etc.

But still, a thought invades my mind, my only doubt and fear.

Here is how it is:
Once I was with the spirit of Yanwe
Now I am Athenon

How it was explained later was that Yanwe was a spirit that had fallen long ago and I had looked through his eyes. This was a test and I had overcome it. In truth, I was always Athenon.

However, the true question lies, my one single doubt.

Did this really happen? How can I truly know. I know I see thing's. I know when I close my eyes I can still see the world, I can see that car that goes in front of us and cuts us off, or the person walking in front of me, or the road as it turns or goes straight. I can see the glorious energy. I watch the beauty God has given us in awe and wonder.

But the true matter is. How can I truly know who I am and if my mission is truly what it is. How can I truly know if I am who I claim to me. Always there are those that question me. I have always stuck to my faith and I still do. Saying one thing or another will not chagne anything. One will put more doubt into me, and one will confirm my beliefs.

This is a sore openning for darker spirits and is my only fear. If I can relinquish it, I can truly help others.

Please. I do not read for myself because, as I have said, the doubts above plague my every thought.

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:16 am


i am goin thru the same phase of self-doubt as you... however it is for a very different reason than yours.

everyone around me tells me i have "a of potential" and that i am wasting my time and why dont i am still such a small guy when i could have been so much more bigger. i was always the black sheep of my family and suddenly over the last few years things chnaged and i am looked up to and made an explame of.

the self-doubt or delima i face is... i have behaved the world would like me to behave... the stakes for in this social game is sky high... and now i am not sure if meant to do it or it just happened.

over the past few months i have been depressed and withdrawn. i know i am not what people think i am and yet there is no way i can behave or talk like me. i have been living like two different people and after keeping up with for a few years now... i SIMPLY dont know who i am, what are my objectives, what i am meant to do, or where i am.

i have tried seacrhing for answers. but none comes. and if i do find the answers... no route i know will be easy. but for now... as someone on this forum so aptly pointed out to me... "you dont get it... until you get it"


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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:08 pm

hi guys,
i dont exactly know what u r going thru, but can try to relate to it.
i guess time is the only solution. time is the only healer. mayb we r lost. dont know what we want frm our lives?
i know we will be able to overcome all these self doubts soon

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Post by nisha » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:09 pm

i am feeling so terrible at the moment and destructive!
and loss of self confidence...the feeling that i can never b good at anything!
makes me feel better reading ur posts. thanks:)

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