can i get a reading please

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can i get a reading please

Post by vahte » Tue Oct 10, 2006 4:04 pm

i am so tired of things going in my life. if i plan something and put my effort in it ,it goes well half way through and then starts all kind of obstacles.either related to that particular plan or something totally different
which prevents me from spending time on my project. why these things are happening to me? can anybody help?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:31 pm

When we do manifestation our dreams and goals are fresh and real.  They manifest!  When we are working through our dreams, our fears set in...will I suceed?  is this what I want? ..... those kinds of things tend to manifest confusion on what you are working on.  Complete and total focus without fears is really very is a human thing.

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Post by vahte » Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:46 pm

i agree that somewhere in the middle we do fear whether we will succeed.if we could keep the fear under control it will be benificial coz it will prevent us from becoming overconfident and blowing things up.
what would u do if things turn out like this.for example someone is preparing for a marathon. going for practices regularly and doing good. and just weeks before the marathon u fracture the foot and could not go for the marathon. all his effort is gone in drain. there was no fear. just wanted to participate in marathon for a good cause and at the same time build a good health for himself too. this is just a small example.what if u face similar set backs in life one after the other for a long time?

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 12, 2006 2:32 pm

We seek balance in our life of body, mind, spirit.  When we overemphasize any one aspect, the others have lack.  Empowerment of self comes through the tools of our own consciousness (visualization, meditation, affirmation) and they work to keep the strength we need to face all life's challenges.  

Begin each day with a simple affirmation (I like God is in His heaven and all is right with my is peace and of your own choosing would work as well...keep it simple) repeat during the stresses of your day and make it your last thought before sleep at night.  In this way, you are leaving all your dramas, traumas, stresses in God's hands to allow solutions to appear.  Try it, it works!

These tools will help you change your mindset from negative to positive in all things.  Acceptance of the good, the bad, the ugly is an exercise in living in the now and allowing all things to unfold at their own rate.

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