I would really appreciate a reading.

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I would really appreciate a reading.

Post by amadea1949 » Fri Dec 01, 2006 5:23 am

Hi. I would really like a reading.  My birthday is 5/3/49.  Thank-you.

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Post by rainy » Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:25 am

hello pam,
Vishvas asked me to do a reading for u, so here goes:
WHAT COVERS U (current situation)
You may be called upon to help someone in need and this may be financial help. You would be wise to question the motives of this person, just incase they are leaning on you too heavily, whereas they should be standing on thier own 2 feet.
WHAT CROSSES U (problems u have)
There is a period of 5 days assoiciated with a event which causes great sadness for a man (i think) whom u r close 2. all things must come 2 an end and we experience pain and hurt because we r human. Even tho this person is experiencing some loss, there is stil hope but he cannot see it at this point in time but it is definately there. He will pick up the peices and move on but he has to grieve his loss and it mayb some time before he is healed and renewed. When the time has passed he will see there is hope for a new life but this may b in the Spring.
WHAT CROWNS U (that which has gone before, past events that have led u 2 this path)
I see a man in his late 30's, early 40's. This man is very serious about financial security and has made the accumilation of funds the main preoccupation of his life. His work mayb in the field of banking or the stock market. Appearances are important to him and to this end he dresses very smartly and conservatively and his attire is well made and expensive. Others respect him for his determination and passion 2 succeed.
WHAT IS BENEATH U (the current foundation and what u have access to build on)
Now mayb the time for a new adventure. R u feeling restless & need 2 get away? that new opportunity has just presented itself & just go. Do it. Life is not for stagnation but then again, you already know that.
WHAT IS BEHIND U (past events which has played a major role in bringing this situation to light)
I see a young man who has the choice of 2 different options, mayb he has 2 choose between 2 different jobs. He may join the army or the navy or some other adventurous line of work. There will be good news or an offer may arrive from overseas. He is a sensitive soul and has great compassion.
WHAT IS BEFORE U (immediate future & influences which are all about 2 come 2 light)
You could be about 2 achieve a postion that is very close 2 ur heart, either a child birth or wedding.
I see a woman who is about to get married. If this is not u then it is someone who will make a huge impact on your lifestyle. The person is sensitive and caring and very family-orientated. She is well groomed and takes great pride in her appearence.
YOURSELF (how u see yourself)
You feel that a radical overhaul is needed in ur life to put things in a different perspective for u. You mayb in a rut or feel u r unable 2 make the changes but an event will occur that will give u the opportunity to do just that. If some disaster does strike that u have difficulty dealing with, be aware that for some reason there is a lesson or message for u 2 learn from. It will be easier on yourself if you can remain flexible and do whatever you have 2 do wen the time comes.
AROUND YOU (how others from home, family or work view the situation)
Do they think u should uproot urself & move to a totally different location, even overseas for a better life?
I see 2 people brought together in unision & peace to share this special time in thier lives. A joint project has reached fruition & they r very proud of thier achievements and want 2 celebrate in grand style. Even though it took a long time 2 get where u r it has been worth all the time & energy expended. You can relax in ur new comfort zone and persue other objectives knowing ur life is more secure now than it has ever been.
THE OUTCOME (eventual outcome based on the current card path)
Whatever your past has brought to you, now is a time 2 reflect on the choices you have made along the way. Perhaps there were things you would rather have not done and you are planning to make ammends to clear things up once and for all. If there are some people who have caused you distress you are now wise and mature enough to deal with it in a intelligent and abstract way. Your thoughts are on relationships and making things better. If you go to a court of law around this time the outcome will be fair to you. Wrongs will be put right. You can assist this process by addressing those issues that have caused you friction & pain in your life and make some headway in your relationships with those who are closest to you.
rainy x

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Post by amadea1949 » Mon Dec 11, 2006 2:19 pm

Thanks rainy  . Some of it made since but there is a lot that I will have to look at unless it is something not yet happening.
  My grandson who is still in school was thinking about joining the Marines but he has changed his mind and wants to be a fireman.  That was  his two choices.
  We haven't had any kind of sadness lately but I don't know if that is now or not.
  I don't  know anything about a man like that ,that dresses conservativly.
I don't know anyone who is getting married at this time but that could change lol.
 I have felt stuck in a rut for a long time and am trying to change my life. I would love to take a vacation but with finances as they are, I don't see that happening.
 I have joined with someone in a joint venture.  We don't know how that will come out yet though.  We just recently started.
 Thank you so much for taking the time to read for me.  It was very interesting and thought provoking. I think you are very good. :smt002

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Post by rainy » Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:47 pm

thanks 4 the positive feedback. I still lack confidence in what i do but with comments like urs my confidence has been boosted n I feel good 4being able to help u even in such a small way but i would say dont make excuses for not being able to take the vacation, u need it, go for it and positive things will come from it.
rainy x

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Post by Vishwas » Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:04 pm

That was a good reading rainy, & I don't think u have to worry about them, u do them very well. I hope this has helped u pam. Thanx fo the reading again rainy.

I know u both can do good readings, & u both have shown it, & I am always there here to help u guys out, anything, anytime, plz feel free to contact me, by pm or I can give u my email & IM details by pm if u want. U both are great.

Thank u to both of u for being on the site.

Yours Sincerely,


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Post by amadea1949 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:37 am

thanks Vishwas for getting the reading for me.  That was very nice of you and thanks for the comments.  I hope you both have a great Holiday season.

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Post by astrobhadauria » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:54 am

Choose yur works

Preparation and serving of foods, public utilities, armed services, hygiene, labor relations, nurses, tenants, drugstores, laboratories, maintenance, diet, pets, firemen, policemen, nurses, employment counselors, waiters, dentists, dietitian, food processor, hygienist, rehabilitation counselor, pet shop owner. Sickrooms and places where people handle food, chemicals or drugs. Public and private service and hygiene. Those who are at the beck and call of others - the servers. Diet and nutrition. Small pets and animals. Labor unions.

Ramendra Singh Bhadauria

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Post by BLACKCAT » Tue Dec 12, 2006 4:43 pm

i will do a reading for you today. sorry i haven't gotten to you sooner. I'm pressed for time at
the moment. later today i will post your reading.

black cat

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Reading for Amedea

Post by misty-midnightrain » Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:37 pm


I see a new venture starting with someone close to you and it will be slow to start but will become a success.
You seem to have some health problems at this time and you will need to get more active and start walking more. Soon you will be feeling a lot better. I see that you have a sister or friend that has become closer to you over the last few months and this will continue getting stronger each day. You must learn to voice your opinion more strongly at times so people will not take advantage of you. There is a child around you every day and he loves you very much and looks up to you.  You have very strong psychic abilities and they will get stronger over time . I feel that you have the ability to contact loved ones from the past and it scares you sometimes. That is a wonderful gift that you have ,  You hold back your feelings at times and you really need to get them out or you will feel repressed. You love Butterflys and Fairies and Im sure with your talent you could even call the faries to materialize. They will give you strenght and insight about life mysteries. I get a strong feeling from you that you have 1 daughter , Could her name be Lisa. She is your pride and Joy and she loves you very much.  One of your Grandsons will soon be taking on a new job in Emergency services or as a Fire man, Encourage him to follow thru with his dreams. This is a general reading that I did for you. I hope it helps.
Blessed Be.

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Post by amadea1949 » Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:56 am

My daughters name is Lisa.  My grandson wants to be a firefighter. My sister and I just got back together after a rift.  I have just started a venture with another person.  Everything is right on.  Thanks. :)

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Post by amadea1949 » Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:33 am

thanks black cat.  I would appreciate a reading.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Thu Dec 14, 2006 4:56 pm

OK, i guess you have your answers then. very nice reading midnight train I'm impressed.

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