Reading by Kerosh for Abhishek

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Reading by Kerosh for Abhishek

Post by Abhishek » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:25 am

Ok, begining your reading now.

Let's see what's been going on. I will focus on your general life reading first and then start going into certain areas.

Truly, a good person you are.
This is the first reading I have ever had like this, it should prove interesting for both of us. I am being very blunt, but I am sorry it if it hurtful. Hopefully, you will solve these things.

Well, here is an introduction.

Full on Disaster. In the past, your failure has been your good fortunes. From this, you went on to start something, but it was not going anywhere.

In your renewed activity, you have become a full, needing to prove yourself to others, in your own selfishness and stupidity.

Your goal of course is to solve your impatience, which seems to be one of your greatest downfalls. However, your success, and ones who would see an end to you are what is holding you back.

In your future, disaster will strike because of your good fortunes in talents...

Farther on, an imposter will come... One that is terrible and will be your greatest downfall. One who is truly terrible and empty. He will trick you because, through all of this you will still remain a fool, thus his trickery will end in your demise.

The lesser thing with you is you will recieve what you deserve in the end. You are charitable and kind, but you will recieve what you deserve for your foolishness.

Your greatest downfall that brought all of this on was your new enterprise... It gave you your foolishness.

Over all, you have a great danger from thieves, such as the one who will come to you all too soon. You do too many things at once. When this person comes, do not let him in.

The way to get rid of this foolishness and stupidity is to get rid of this job you have, of what you worked for.

Someone else just read what I drew up of how to get rid of this so nothing is stolen, and they found something else. Anxiety. It relates to your credit, etc, and it creates more and more anxiety, which develops into stupidity and foolishness.

This was a pretty bad message, but hopefully it gets solved.

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Post by Abhishek » Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:07 am

Firstly, Kerosh thank you so much for the reading. i really appreciate the time and effort on your part on my behalf. i have a few questions if that is ok with you. please do take your time to reply as i do not want to take up to much of your time and other members here need your help and advice too.

i am not sure i understand this point
"In your renewed activity, you have become a full, needing to prove yourself to others, in your own selfishness and stupidity."
i however do agree that i hav huge bloated ego :p which often doesnt do me any good and lots of harm. i have consiously made an effort to keep myself in line and i am sure i am improving over time. thou i must admit there are times i have to sallow my ego and it isnt easy. but i do... for myself and for other around me.
Your goal of course is to solve your impatience, which seems to be one of your greatest downfalls. However, your success, and ones who would see an end to you are what is holding you back.
i hope i am not being stupid asking all these questions lol. *my ego* at work again. damn me! :D

i did not understand the success part of the above? "your success, and ones who would see an end to you are what is holding you back."
In your future, disaster will strike because of your good fortunes in talents...
can you expand on this more... how will my talent turn out to be a disaster for me?
an imposter will come... One that is terrible and will be your greatest downfall.
Deborah did a reading for me and said something like this too... however Deborah said that the person will be a female... you say "he"? maybe you are generalizing it. but i am now really curious about it.

i knew this lady online like 3 or 4 years ago and she suddenly disappeared and now suddenly she has appeared, or should i say re-appeared. we have stayed in touch ... thou very rarely during the years in between then and now... between the two of us we used to have a lot of fun and be really good friends. lately however we have talked atlast two or three times.

is she the one or could it be someone else? i mean we are really god friends but thats all there is to it and since we share lots of secrets with each other ... and i would hate to loose her as a friend.
The lesser thing with you is you will recieve what you deserve in the end. You are charitable and kind, but you will recieve what you deserve for your foolishness.
i know i am too charitable at times for my own good. here by foolishness do you mean my giving away freely or my impatience, ego and things like that?
Your greatest downfall that brought all of this on was your new enterprise... It gave you your foolishness.
what do you say is my foolishness? trust me when i say i want to imporove and have improved a lot over time.... and would like to continue doin so... please point out what my foolishness is...
The way to get rid of this foolishness and stupidity is to get rid of this job you have, of what you worked for.
i am confused... should i leave my current work of line and think of doing something else? i have been doin this ever since i remember and i dont know how to do anything else.

Thank you so very much again.


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Post by Kerosh » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:18 pm

Ok, that first question was the past. That, we don't really need to worry about.

I will only get to some parts right now because I have about 20 minutes.

A good job is what I constantly saw. Like I said, I constantly saw that you are very successful, getting lots, but that success is why you have become such a fool. There are those that are holding you back, probably in this job of yours.

I will get to your third question later, haven't the time.

I was generalizing, didn't read the gender. Will get to this later as well.

Well, it is good to be kind to others, charitable. However, doing that isn't really saving you. You still have your foolishness. You will recieve not what you to give others, but what you give to yourself. In the end, the imposter.

What I am saying is your job is creating all of this, your great success. Not saying you should quit. I will get to this later as well.

Well, I would say, don't focus as much on your job for a short time. Focus on the anxiety from your job. You don't have to get rid of what you do. You need to get rid of what's causing it.

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