I would like a reading please...

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I would like a reading please...

Post by breathingwater » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:53 pm

I've recently made a big move in my life and while I am on the path to becoming spiritual I have been incredibly sad lately.  I cry a lot when I meditate.  I feel like I am stuck and not moving forward in my life, especially with my career.

I would love a reading done and to recieve some advice or information that can help me move forward out of this rut.

Please help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, and my first name is Elizabeth.

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Post by amadea1949 » Wed Dec 27, 2006 1:07 am

You know at this time of year, more people are depressed than any other.  You are crying because your body is tired.  It needs a cleansing.  You feel that everything is past and that nothing is ahead.  You are so wrong. Life has a way of going up and down and next year will be up, but this will take time.  Your career will take a turn in May.  I don't think they appreciate you where you are and you don't want to be there anyway.  I see you going back to school and taking something you will enjoy.  Maybe it doesn't seem possible at this time but it will.  I also see a trip...a breathing space.   You just need a start.  Think of what you really want to do. Take a hint from that song " I am woman hear me roar.."  Get up and do something...don't just think it.
  I see a large mirror.  Inside is the face of a girl.  She has long blonde hair and is smiling.  I don't know if this is you.  She is hiding herself because she doesn't have faith in herself. I don't know if this is you or someone you know.  If it isn't you then she is asking for your help and if it is you, then you need to help yourself.  Good luck and I hope this reading has made sense to you.  I am practicing to get better.  Thanks and have a great New Year.
 I also feel you have a tender heart and have no faith in yourself.  You are a special person. Let your tears dry and take a walk out in nature and see the beauty surrounding you.  Breathe in the air and let it energize you.
Set a vase of flowers on your table and look at them each day.  Burn a lavender candle and smell its fragrance.  Look at the world differently.  We make our own world by what we see and feel.  Its up to you to take the right path and leave the negative behind. Come on and feel alive.   :smt049  get that heart beating and start moving.

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Post by breathingwater » Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:57 am

amadea1949 wrote:   I see a large mirror.  Inside is the face of a girl.  She has long blonde hair and is smiling.  I don't know if this is you.  She is hiding herself because she doesn't have faith in herself. I don't know if this is you or someone you know.  If it isn't you then she is asking for your help and if it is you, then you need to help yourself. .
I have blonde hair and it's very ironic because I am consantly looking at myself in the mirror.  I am not "checking myself out" but feel that I am desperetly searching for something and never finding it.  I feel so UGLY and not enough.

At work, I am surrounded by very large mirrors.

Amadea, thank you so much for this reading.  All of it made perfect sense to me, and brought a sense of relief when I read it to know that there are good things ahead.

If it's not too much trouble, can I ask another question?  When it comes to my career, do you pick anything else up?  I know that I need to move forward from what I am doing but am having such a diffuclt time trying to find what it is I need to be pursueing.

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:23 am

amadea1949, thanx for the reading, u are becoming better & better with these readings, I am happy to see this.

& is this "No-Faith-In-Themseves" thing something exclusive to aquarians?? Me, Samson, breathingwater, etc, etc, don't know how many more & all of them Aquarians. LOL.

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Dec 27, 2006 7:49 am

Oh & breathingwater, hope this helped you, & feel free to ask more questions, if anyone can help you out with them, they will.

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Post by mysticangel » Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:47 am

breathingwater, you are young and vibrant!  Remember that the exterior is not what matters!!  It's your soul.  If you have a beautiful soul, believe when I say that it will shine brighter than any star in the sky and it will radiate onto the outside.  Everyone will see the beauty for what it is.  You are at the point in life where you just left childhood and the beginning of walking into adulthood.  Give yourself a few more years to grow into who you really are as a person and then judge.  You are not giving yourself time to blossom at all.  You have a beautiful pair of eyes everyone pays quite a lot of money to have.  Don't be in such a rush to grow up, keep that inner child growing within you and it will take you far.  You have let the people around you convince you of what you now think about yourself.  Sometimes people smack on others because they themselves feel insecure and feel they are lacking next to you.  People tend to criticize others so that it would make them feel better about themselves.  You are not the problem, it's others, so enjoy your beginning into adulthood and always feel confident about walking forward regardless of what anyone say otherwise.  As long as you are happy, that is all that should matter.  When you live life on how you think others want you to in order to fit in, then you are doing yourself a disservice by doing that.  What you are doing is putting a lid on all your hopes and dreams, and if you let that happen than it's really a shame.  Be confident on who you are and where you want to move forward in life.  In other words, spread your wings and fly and discover what is out there.  I agree with amadea about you going back to school.  You will also become a very fluential person in society.  Believe it or not, you will eventually be very assure of who you are and what you've become.  School comes easy for you and you tend to like subjects in the areas of literature or speech.  You have sat and daydream about your future, picturing your success.  You tend to be a quiet individual most of your life and are content of just observing those around you.  Because you keep to yourself more often than not, it has resulted in your lack of  confidence in  yourself.  You feel powerless next to someone aggressive (not to say you are a timid person).  You are just a shy person that's all.  You will eventually get over that shyness in public and around others, you will still be more reserve in your private life, but professionally you will start to feel more comfortable making your opinions known.  

Take care,


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Post by Vishwas » Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:16 am

Very well said Mysticangel.

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Post by breathingwater » Wed Dec 27, 2006 4:11 pm

mysticangel wrote: I agree with amadea about you going back to school.  You will also become a very fluential person in society.  Believe it or not, you will eventually be very assure of who you are and what you've become.  School comes easy for you and you tend to like subjects in the areas of literature or speech.  You have sat and daydream about your future, picturing your success.
Thank you mysticangel, for driving this point home.  School has always been something I've feared because during highschool I was a very sick and sad girl and actually did not do well at all.

I've always said "I'm going to be a great writer someday.  I'm going to leave my mark on the world like Hemmingway and all the other great writers."

Maybe this is true after all.  Thanks Mysticangel, for doing this reading.  I think it's been a much needed shove in the right direction.  I will now stop daydreaming about my future and start the journey TODAY.

Oh!  And I had to laugh when I read the comment about my eyes because I get told many times over what beautiful eyes I have and asked if I wear colored contacts, wich I do not.  So you were dead on about that!

It's amazing, what you and amadea can do.  Both of you are truly gifted, and thank you for taking the time to share it with me.

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Post by mysticangel » Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:54 pm

you are very welcome my dear, anytime.


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Post by mysticangel » Wed Dec 27, 2006 6:59 pm

Breathingwater, It's very funny that you mention Hemmingway in your post.  I was once told by my intuitive advisor that one out of three of my guardian angels at my side is Ernest Hemmingway.


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