If I may have a psychic reading

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If I may have a psychic reading

Post by MysticTerri » Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:06 am

:) Hello,

I was wondering if a psychic could read for me Please! I had alot going on in my present life in all catagories and wanted to see what you could tell me?

Thank You

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flight _of_angelwings
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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:36 am


I'm seeing the ocean and its cold outside.  Theres a bathroom that is either in the works of being renovated or it needs it urgently and your hoping it gets done.

Do you feel your a bit of a loner as I see you alone/lonley but quite happy to be that way altough you would never say no to some true company.

I see fruit someone packing fruit which may indicate you work in a fruit and veg shop or that you love to garden.

Hang on.... why are you so dissapointed.  What has made you feel so down regarding family issues.....I tend to agree with you they could have been there more love for you if they had tried consistently.  You if you have had children will treat them with much love.  you have a tendency to to become moody and quick tempered.  It has served you well in the past but its time to break down those barriers and move forward without restriction.  Its this bottling up that is tiring you out and making it harder to stick to something like you have been able to in the past.

So you are planning a big career change, going back to study?  You can do it.......but someone may have to give.  someone that expects more than you should give.

I'm hearing holiday......you dont get the chance to do that much ........you would always find a better reason to spend money on something else rather than you.

I'm being drawn to you chest.....the height of your scapulas......has your arm been in a sling recently or you required surgery?  If so if it has happened then you need to let it heal....you are using it too soon.  If not then your arms feel like they are tied behind your back and you feel you can do nothing.  I'm kind of feeling its both.

Do you own a motorbike?  scooter.......Some may see you as having a rough edge but you are so soft in the middle like a chocolate eclair, all soft and sweet inside.

wow you are coated in blue, sparly blue, you are constantly cared for by spirit.  You are given much love and they want you to know you are healing.  you are making progress and now are stepping in the right direction you have taken the first step.


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Post by mysticangel » Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:42 am


I had to wait a little while before I posted my comment to you or rather a reading for you....

I was really taken back by sheer surprised at the very onset and you are not kidding when you say a lot is going on right now...and that only lasted for a split second before I had a very rude awakening....to say the least, it knocked me back in my seat from it... I really dont know how to say this other than come straight out and say it I suppose...

mysticterri, it would seem that you have some company guests in your home that you really dont want there, and I don't mean guests as in human guests.  You haven't been experiencing things within your home lately that either you really are not sure what it is or that it has scared you very badly from everything that's been going on or happening...this individual did not like the fact that I was there prying and pretty much told me so to back off.  In fact, this individual tried to get in my face and really had a fit that i was intruding...if I were to guess....you know of their presence and at first you learned to live with the fact that its there...but here recently something happen that really scared you....even now as I type this response, I can feel your nervousness and you are jittery and very jumpy. Easily startled, in fact you just jumped out of your seat just now....

I could be wrong in my assumptions...but I have a feeling that I'm right....


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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 1:48 pm


I am not a psychic. I would just like to reassure you that whatever you are going through just now will bring you some valuable lessons that will stand you in good stead in the future. Make time for yourself and take care of yourself. Taking care of ourselves is not selfishness it is self-awareness. When we are happy others will benefit also.

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Hi There

Post by Rosemary » Sun May 13, 2007 8:25 pm

Hi Terri

Thought I would do a reading for you as well you sounded upset, so here it goes.

I feel you are going through relationship problems which have been going on for some time but have come to a head now.  You feel like you're in a real pickel about it all but it has come to a head for a reason and you need to move forward.  This has been weighing you down for a while but I see a ray of sunshine at the end of the rainbow so hang on in there.

You are also I feel, trying to find another place to live?, a rental or something like that?  Its like its all happening for you and you're stressing something horrible but it will all come together fairly quickly, and you will be surprised at how it will all seem right in the end.  You will find a nice little place that will suit you and you will wonder why you didn't do this a long time along, when you thought first thought about it.

I just feel there is a lot of people pressuring you right now and you should do what you feel in your heart, not what other people want you to do, which you may have done in the passed.  You're a nice kind quiet person, and don't let other people railroad you.

Hope this helps



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