psychic reading

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psychic reading

Post by weejaine » Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:39 pm

Hi My name is Jaine and i am female, i was wondering if someone could give me a reading...
Iam learning the tarot and was wondeing if i am persuing the right road or should be taking another and also what i am doing wrong with developing my psychic abilitys :) jaine

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Post by mysticangel » Sat Apr 14, 2007 7:21 pm


Do not limit yourself to just the tarot cards.  Being able to develop your abilities is the ability to utilize everything it has to offer.  Reading tarot cards is a good way to start, but remember that all tarot card readers are not psychic, but all psychic are tarot readers.  Reading the tarot cards is an art that can be learned, because the cards are read in the sequence order that they appear before us for interpretation.  One card will inadvertantly affect the other depending on where they lie in the spread you are using at the time.

Your abilities however requires much more of a delicate and much dedication on a person to be able to develop them to any level a person is capable of being.  Could you learn how to do this, of coarse you can.  The one factor that most forget about is that people tend to want to learn how to use what is already naturally within them for the wrong reasons.  

Being able to utilize your psychic requires responsibilities because as they say, "Knowledge is power."  How powerful the psychic of one's abilities are great and must be respected or it can really be detrimental to all concern.  What are you doing wrong???  You are not really doing much of anything that is wrong and you just need to be guided in the right direction.  Frustration is one enemy, trying too hard is another.  The psychic realm is within everyone's reach.  Why some try and cannot find it is because we don't allow ourselves to be one with it.  We see the psychic mind as being something of a separate entity that we must learn how to do and not really understand that in order to reach any level of the psychic takes one to understand that it we are one with it and not two separate entities and one trying to learn the other.  You have to learn together, working simultaneously to achieve one goal in mind.  Your higher self, or one might say your intuition, or even your celestial body is the other 1/2 of who you are.  We feel lost because we can't combine our two selves to make it whole.  Without getting into too much details and information for you at once, you have to know the why of it before you can learn the how of it and sometimes are able to do both simultaneously.  Some are able to learn the how of it, but can be prevented from moving further or stronger if they just learn one without the other.

Below is your reading........hope you find that it helps you and that you find enjoyment while reading it!~~~

Right now, you are quite fascinated with being able to do what you have seen in this forum and what is out in our surrounding societies.  There's a feeling of powerfulness that you know you would get from it, if you were able to do some of the things you've witnessed already.  You have a drive within yourself now that if someone would take you under their wing, you will be a most adepth student.  You find yourself feeling really rather frustrated and feel that so far your efforts to learn the gift is not producing the results that you are wanting, or how quickly you are learning at the moment.  You are the type of person that when you have decided to do something, there's no stopping you and you can be quite stubborn and you don't give up so easily when faced with obstacles that stands between you and your goal.  You have been hitting brick walls so far in your search for information on how to develop your abilities and you are at a loss for direction because of it.  You like learning about the Tarot cards and have picked up the concept easily enough.  You ask about whether you are going in the right direction by way of the Tarot cards because you want to be able to do more than just being able to read the cards but have doubts whether you are capable of more than that or if you should resign yourself to just the cards.  You want someone to tell you so that you are not heading in a direction in which you feel you might just be wasting your time and effort if there is no hope for you there and you would rather just not pursue that area if you know for sure where the cards lie for you and you think if you knew, then you could save that time and would be able to utilize that time better by staying where you are at and really focus your effort and talents to perfect the cards instead.  You are not much of a risk taker and do not like unsurity because you strive to be in control of things around you.  You hate not knowing and that pertains to most of everything in your life.  You are much to hard on yourself, more than you need to be.  

Be careful that you are not hiding behind this facade of control.  When I say that, I mean that inside you have certain insecurities that others rarily see or if ever for that matter.  You guard your feelings well within you and more often than not, there are those who misunderstand your motives and that has caused you to create this invisable steel wall around your heart so you will not be hurt by all around you.  To the world, you are this go-getter, indepedant, confident type person and others are attracted to you and have seek your advice.  SMILE sometimes and don't be so serious all of the time.  I get this certain loneliness and desperation to find your way and not feel so confused on what direction to take.  You feel like you have been wasting a lot of time and effort ((not just in trying to develop your psychic abilities)), but in all areas of your life.  

If it is any consellation to you..... you remind me a lot of me a very long time ago, and you just need to have patients and not let desparation hinder what you are capable of being whether it involves your human abilities or your psychic abilities.  Have hope, for without hope...who are we then and what do we become???

I hope this helped you....


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