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reading request

Post by BLACKCAT » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:04 pm

i hardly ever do this, and when i do i usually don't get much response. but i'm requesting a reading. something happened yesterday that came down to a life and death situation for me. literally. i'm still in shock and keep replaying this is my mind over and over. i'm wondering if the right choice was made here or not? any insight would be helpful. and any info of what the next few weeks will be like due to this situation.


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Post by mysticangel » Sun Apr 15, 2007 11:38 pm

Kitty Kat!

I have missed you, but I knew that you needed some time to sort out some things.

I was going to respond only I have to be leaving the house in a few minutes for a training class I have to go to tonight and I wanted to spend some time on your reading to give myself some time to ponder a bit.  I will be back within a few hours and I will definately be more than happy to give you a reading.  That is any time for you my dear friend!

Let me know if you would rather I respond via PM, I will put the bulk of it there and post a little out in the public forum.


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Post by mysticangel » Mon Apr 16, 2007 4:35 am

Kitty Kat,

I posted the bulk of your reading through PM, but I will put part of it here for others to read.  I thought some of the information should be for your eyes only and if you don't mind later...I can always put it here later, let me know what you prefer...

When I first read your request, I had an instant flash but I wanted to give myself a little time to meditate on it a few minutes.  I recieved the same information as I did before.  However, it surprised me that I am still puzzled as to the why of it, but then figured it doesn't matter why it happened, just that it did and it needs to be addressed.

You are not the type to squeal and this was the first time you've thought about doing that.  You have been debating most of the night with whether you should or shouldn't.  Logically you know that if you don't, you would never know peace, but yoiu don't want to because of your own personal reasons for that.  Its never easy when we are faced with this situation, and would be one of the hardest you would have to make.  

Ask yourself this question and it will help you make that choice~~~

If this happened to someone you knew and they came to you asking for your advice, what would you tell them to do??  Whatever that answer is, that is the best answer for you to do no matter how hard it will be to do it.  As you know, either way, it will still be tough.  One is not anymore simpler than the other and both carry lasting impressions.  It really will be down to doing what is right.

We are human, and as human beings we do error.  For through the errors of life, do we really learn the lessons that are given to us to learn.  The important thing is that we learn from then and try to become a better person afterwards.  We all exists because we must learn different things for us to evolve and to grow spiritually.  So we have to tell ourselves that it is okay to make mistakes...can't change the fact anyways so we must learn from it and move forward for life does go on with or without us , so we might as well get on for the WILD and CRAZY ride and have fun doing it.  I know that every time I go through a very lengthy message for you and it might seems as if I am lecturing almost, but I do want you to be happy...and besides....I think your worth it!!!  God keeps telling me..."One sheep at a time, be patient, one sheep at a time" and so I try to help just that, one sheep at a time.  


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Post by BLACKCAT » Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:54 pm

I think you may be tunning into someone else. because none of this is what is going on. maybe the person below me, or above me that are also requesting readings. so i guess i will except what has happened. and try to move on. you said i shield myself.
but not really, maybe ppl just have a hard time picking up on me. i do like to stay hidden, but when i post i'm pretty open. i thank you for the time ,and attention you have given to me. i know i should stop asking for readings, because no one ever wants to read me, or they can't. it's OK, i'm not here to take away from, but to give freely. i am still confused about all that has happened, and i am very grateful i did not fall to my death. so ^%&*%^&% close thou. i think i read my boss very wrong. he is the hidden one. i am usually very good at reading people, maybe my feelings for him clouded the real view. i was hoping for some in-site from others on him. but i guess it's not for me to know.


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Post by mysticangel » Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:14 am

WoW, this is a first for me...and very much a puzzlement...

You have been however the only one that I can't seem to read then for that would only mean that whether you are conscious of it or have blocked out people from being able to read you.  Sometimes that does happen, however to my utter amazement...I could have sworn...but what the heck!!!  I am most glad that I was then!!!!  

Now, this has become a challenge for me to be able to penetrate thru that far, you have been the only one that have been able to evade me from penetrating thru and read, so it could be that even though you let yourself to be open, it's not enough for us to get through and therefore why the lack of know that just doesn't sit very well I will be forever try to accomplish that feat sooner or later...I hope its sooner than later cause all this thinking makes me determine to figure this egnima out.  LOL!!

Maybe one of these days when you have time we can chat thru IM so I can practice!  


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Post by BLACKCAT » Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:30 am

i don't mean to blocked, and i don't think i'm trying to be. does anyone else have trouble reading me? well, the answer is probably yes, considering every time i ask for a reading the response is very little. oh well, what's a cat to do?


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Post by reichild » Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:48 pm

I hope you don't mind BC but i have taken the liberty of casting the rune for you...with the help of MB free Runes Reading software i thought if people are finding it hard to read you perhaps spirit can and the program can be the channel (also i work best with rune)

Name: Blackcat
DoB:  27 June  1968
Question:what does Blackcat need to know about the situation she is inquiring about

Fork: This spread is used at a critical decision making point in life. The left rune indicates the first possible outcome. The right rune represents the second possible outcome. The bottom rune represents the critical factor that will decide which outcome will happen.

Othala (left rune)
The stone is Merkstaved.
This may mean some delay in work or unexpected backing out of help. This may also mean you may have not received some inheritance that you were expecting. You may also develop a feeling of homelessness. You need to get a stock of the situation and stand on your two feet before you lose what you have.

Eihwas  (right rune)
The stone is Reversed.
This may be a bad time for you. You may be confused and not able to take the right decisions. Whatever you may have built may be about to fall down. Do not fall to your weaknesses.

Mannaz (bottom rune)
This is the 'man' rune, as an individual or as a race. People are dependent on each other for their survival. You need to explore you inner self and that of others. Cooperation is easy to attain. More experience in social dealings. This is a friendly rune which signifies giving of yourself to the society.

Question:what will the future bring for Blackcat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
Cross: This spread is used to find the forces acting on your life. It is a very popular and common spread as it gives a deep insight to your life. The left rune represents an important happening in the past. The middle rune represents a deciding element of the present. The top rune represents a force that will work for you. The bottom rune represents a force that will work against you. The right rune represents the final outcome of the situation.

Ehwas (top rune)
The stone is Merkstaved.
You may be making false friends. Also there may be a break up in a relationship. You may feel restless and confined. Do not act in haste and think with a  cool mind.

Ansuz (left rune)
This rune means 'god' or 'deity'. It shows more sensitivity to divine and spiritual communication. This is also known as the 'God Rune' as you become more intuitive about the presence of the Lord. It also signifies justice and general awareness.  You are bound to attain more knowledge and wisdom from a higher authority, teacher or mentor. If you are seeking wisdom, you will be guided accordingly.


Wunjo (middle rune)
This rune is referred to as the 'wish card' and is the happiness rune. This is a very good omen and may bring good news. This brings harmony and good luck. This strengthens family bonds and increases joy and contentment. There will be lot of laughter in your life and change of luck. All your wishes will be fulfilled.


Laguz (right rune)
This is the rune of 'intuitive knowledge' or 'water'. People explore their inner self and develop a psychic ability.  This is an artistic rune which shows craftsmen with moody temperament. There may be self doubt which has to be overcome. This is also related to water in some form. Also indicates sexuality and fertility. Negative energy and unwanted thoughts are discarded. This rune relates to a female or the most important female in a man’s life.


Blank (bottom rune)
The Blank Rune denotes fate or destiny. Many believe that it represents the will of the Gods. It has extreme meanings of good or bad happenings. It represents the X in the human condition. The Blank Rune is also called Wyrd (pronounced 'weird'), which is the collective name given to the Norns, the three goddesses or fates of Teutonic mythology. Their individual names are Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld; they represent the three aspects of time-past, present, and future. The Blank Rune indicates those events that are inevitable. It may also indicate something that should be kept a secret from the querent.

I hope this cast is of some confirmation to you that you are cared for, watched and protected wether it be by your angel, guides, loved ones who are passed over or whatever it is for you there is spiritual love and protection for you BC.

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Post by BLACKCAT » Fri Apr 20, 2007 9:53 am

thanks for taking the time to do that. much holds true. i know were all here to learn and grow. sometimes in being abstinent
in one's life is where, in time the growth will come from. my attitude is turning back around, and while recently i have been pretty low, i can see now how in the long run i will benefit from this point in my life. we must always walk away with something learned from a situation or we repeat it. i feel i have become a little more self-enlightened. it takes me awhile to see things. i'm tend to be a bit stubborn sometimes.


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Post by reichild » Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:18 am

You are most welcome BC anytime :-) you are a person who will fight for your friends and i admire you  :)
BLACKCAT wrote: i'm tend to be a bit stubborn sometimes.

Yeah i think that pretty much goes for most of us BC you are not alone  :smt002

Take care

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