Should I go with my boss on Sturday?

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Should I go with my boss on Sturday?

Post by piscbelieve » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:07 pm

I was wondering if anyone could do a quick outlook for me for this Saturday. I am an assistant at a hair salon and every year my boss goes to Orlando to a huge hair show as a platform artist to color people's hair. I've worked there for two years and they don't know until the last minute what the heck is going on. Just yesterday my boss was told he is not going to do hair. He is not sure if we even have tickets to get in which worried me as I can't afford the door price. Last year I made something up b/c another stylist was supposed to go and she backed out at the last minute. I felt more comfortable with her going since it was mainly all men or people I didn't know. Well this year I decided to give it a chance. The other assistant was supposed to go and we were to get paid for two days. I'm broke so I thought this was great. Now they told her yesterday she isn't going since they aren't doing the hair colors and don't need us to shampoo. But they want me to go and help the distributer shop!??? For what I don't know. Hair stuff I guess. I'll be stuck with my boss and this guy in the car for a five hour trip! Both men over 50. I don't feel very comfortable. We are only supposed to go for one day now and they don't even know if we will get paid. I have no idea what he wants me to help him with since I just graduated school and don't have a lot of experience with hair yet. He has a heavy italian accent but I think he was seriously hitting on me a few times he came into the salon. So if anyone has any insight before I get myself into a bunch of aggravation I don't need. Or will it be a good time and I'm just overeacting? I don't want to disappoint them but its not my fault that they are so unorganized. Please help, Lacey
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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:38 pm

How old are you? If I had a 50 year old man hitting on me and I am 35 here, I would run like hell. I feel like you will be misserable as hell to because you would have to be on your guard against him and any potential moves he MAY make on you. It would be great for the grapevining and networking aspect but personal safety and comfort far outweigh that stuff. In other words DONT GO!!!!

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The Gift Of Fear

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:59 pm

Hello, I am reading a book that my children's therapist gave me called "The Gift Of Fear: Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence" by Gavin De Becker. You should read it if you can. He passed these books out for free to the surviviors and myself in Oroville.

I would not go because...............

If plans keep changing, there is something up. Diversion like this is a good tool to confuse a person from making the right decision. You are stuck thinking rationally about why the plans are changing, and stop listening to your heart and intuition, thus something could happen.

The man is older and Italian. This is a red flag. Older men? You alone? Italian? Remember that many Italian's have been involved in the mafia, thus you could get into real trouble.

Many ill meaning sex offenders look for women in the hair styling business. No money? Another red flag. Many times this can be strategic if you are targeted by a sex offender group that first sets traps.

Traveling with strangers, and working with lots of unknown people, and suddenly no one you know will be with you? Red Flag.

Trust your gut feeling. FEAR is not always a bad thing. It is a natural instinct. Feel it, look at it, and let it go.

Money issues? God and prayer can be your answer to that instead of these men. I have two stories to share with you. These two are only two of many.

I was left very poor one Christmas. I wanted to give my children something for Christmas as they had just been through a lot of hell, and I kicked a husband out that had pretended to be a Christian named James Russell Hobbs, and he ended up beating my children very bad, he beat his own child, and was so violent that I didn't know what to do. I didn't listen to the fear. He even ended up having a semi automatic weapon, and a nine millimeter gun, a cross bow, in the closet, and other things that kept me in terror. He was sent in. I was left with no money went I kicked the jerk out, and had the police escort him away. I prayed silently for one hundred dollars to buy my children Christmas presents. I decided to celebrate it in January because I got rid of him on Christmas Eve. I had these triple bunk beds that I was going to sell for the one hundred dollars. A family needed the triple bunk bed set, and couldn't pay until later. I gave the family the bunk bed set, and that was when I prayed. The next day, a man showed up at my door, and he gave me an envelope. He told me that someone came to him, and God told him to give it to me. It was a one hundred dollar bill. I cried.

Another time, I had no money, and I was forced to travel with my children for visitation with their father that was a six hour drive. I had to have twenty dollars, or my children would be given to the abuser if I didn't follow court orders to the letter. A friend of mine came over, and told me that God told her to tithe to me this month, and she gave me twenty dollars.

Another time, the evil man spoken of above spent all of my money, and his money, and left no money for food that month. I had four children to feed that month, and I prayed a desperate prayer for food. I went to a park for a church gathering, and a woman I had never met came to me, and told me that she was supposed to give me sixty dollars for food. I cried again, and our family ate that month despite his evil plans for my family demise.

Another time, he spent the money again, and I got on my knees, and prayed out loud for money needed again, and I needed twenty dollars. While James Russell Hobbs was staring at me pray, a twenty dollar bill appeared out of thin air, and landed on the coffee table before him.

God does not want you poor. Pray dear girl, and see what happens. God has taken care of me like this for the last twenty four years when I was homeless for months off and on, and I only had God to help me stay alive. I can fill a book with miracles that happen when prayer is offered to God. Our ministry was based on a no money thing. We fed the homeless people here in Oroville, we also gave away clothes, furniture, etc. I didn't believe in charging money for things that God gave us through prayer like other ministries. Someone needed a stove. I prayed, and it came. Things that the homeless people needed would always come within three days. I was going to make a prayer book of what I prayed, and when it came in for the needy before the County made sure that we couldn't run our ministry. We were told that we were helping the wrong people. When this mess of ours is finished, Wes and I will be back in our ministry. It is called The Team J.C. Task Force.

Take care dear girl, and go with your first impression of a situation, and explore it. Feelings are gifts too.

Love and Light, Catwoman

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thanks for reply

Post by piscbelieve » Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:11 am

Yeah, I am 27 and married. I just told my boss tonight, who by the way is a decent man and and wouldn't try anything, that I feel uncomfortable and that I didn't want to go. I told him the guy made some comments to me which was okay then but not if he wanted me to shop for him which made no sense. But I spoke with this man tonight, which I really don't think he means any harm its just the plans are so shady that your right, I won't feel safe and comfortable because I don't want to be apart of their circus. I admit I become a little inflexable when I'm out of my box sometimes, but I gave them a chance and they blew it. He actually said I could help out with the booth that they will have set up but I know little about this hair color so I don't think it will be worth it. This guy was still being vague about pay, etc. and my boss understands. I told the guy I would think about it b/c I really didn't know what to say anymore. But when I got off the phone I said no to my boss. Its a shame b/c I am just getting started in my career and it would be good to network like you said and talk to people. But, I'm already trying to talk with people involved in theater because I have a degree in it and would like do makeup for productons. I don't care for the salon scene as I've worked in the business for awhile and can't stand the gossip. But we'll see. Thanks for the advice both of you. Catwoman sorry to hear about your ex. And I think thats really cool that you got money when you needed it. Fortunately I'm not that bad off. I have a wonderful, but sometimes annoying :smt003 husband and together we are making it through. But yes I agree that the universe will take care of your needs. But will it stop those darn creditors from calling every hour? Just kidding. Lacey
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first thing u said..

Post by Deborah » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:03 am

One of the first things you said was did not feel comfortable....

you do not know the situation...and u dont know if ur getting paid..

well seems arrangments are all being changed..

I think I would ask for clarity and at that moment if clarity was not reached to where I feel comfortable I would just say I feel it is in my best interest not to attend this year.

If the man is 50 or 25 it dont matter ethnics

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Post by Sophe » Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:09 am


I think you made the right decision. Usually your first instinct and intuition on a situation is the best. If it doesn't feel right, figure out why and then come up with a resolution that you feel comfortable with. Otherwise you could be putting yourself in a very volunerable situation.

Sometimes it is hard to see past the immediate needs of your daily life and sometimes we will do anything that may ultimately hinder our growth. I think this is the God of your own heart helping you to confirm some things about your future. The universe will definitely take care of you but you need to be the ultimate decision maker for your life, if you want to do makeup for theaters (etc.) then make a confirmation within yourself and let the universe help you unfold this desire. But it won't happen unless you truly make this decision and put it out to the universe for help in achieving this.



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Post by piscbelieve » Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:45 pm

Thanks, everyone for the advice. I didn't go. I didn't get a clear answer on the situation no matter how much my boss and the other man kept trying to push me. I stood my ground and it felt good. I would of went if the other girl went with us. They had another male going, too, so thats three in total and then me! The third was actually really cute and he came in to get his hair done before they left. I was a little disappointed by that because he seemed cool and he was young and sucessful, but... maybe it would of been bad in a way b/c he is having marital problems and I have a tendancy to fall in love with every hot guy that comes along. I'm married now and rather not be tempted. I'm only human, but my venus is in pisces so if I like someone that is like my thing! I am magnetic in that way and will just draw the person in. But I'm getting into another story. :smt018 Anyways, I just read a section in my astral travel book about thoughts and how some people can't make decisions about their life so things may not happen how they truely want because its back and fourth all the time. I feel like that now so your right, Sophe, I have to make the decision to do makeup for theaters. But, I have to do everything in my power that will take me to that so it manifests. I like talking on here because I don't have a lot of friends down here since I'm fairly new. Well I've always liked people who were kindred spirits, and by that I mean I like people who are into metaphysics. Its hard finding people who understand astral travel, horoscopes, etc. Well, hope I can help you guys in any way in the future. Thanks, Lacey
"I'm everyone. I feel used. I'm everyone. Paint it black& white & easy. Call on me, spin, spin sugar, twist for me, spin spin sugar"

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