Psychic reading for cordial relationship

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Psychic reading for cordial relationship

Post by cpkumar » Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:30 am

Hi everyone...

I am having strained relations with one of my colleagues. We are not in talking terms since around October 2000. Please make a psychic reading for me and suggest suitable remedy to have excellent harmonious, cordial and affectionate relations with that person?


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Sat Aug 27, 2005 7:26 am

First please give us ideas as to what set off the problem.

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Post by cpkumar » Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:54 am

non-transparency, jealously and ego

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:48 am

Did one of you get promoted over the other. That usually causes jealousy right there.

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saw this where I work

Post by piscbelieve » Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:08 pm

I have an example of this from where I work, Kumar. I work in a salon and a nail tech and a stylist hated each other. They are both scorpios so no one wanted to back down. The hatred wore on for years. The stylist would tell our boss to intervene but he never wanted to get involved. He started to have a problem with the nail tech for being late and screwing up his schedule so he would complain about her, too. but he never fired her because of money. The stylist finally gave my boss an ultamatum: Either she goes or the nail tech goes. When he didn't fire the nail tech she finally quit last week. So my boss turned around and fired the nail tech. The stylist said it was too late and she is not coming back. I got into an argument with the nail tech awhile back. I thought about how her and the stylist don't talk and how awkward it is and uncomfortable when you have to be around someone you don't like. So I became the bigger person, took her aside and apologized for raising my voice and explained why I was upset with her and ever since we have been friends. So now with the other stylist I think she got mad at me for being friends with her. I don't particularly care for her personality to begin with for she is very controling. So I started having negative thoughts about her. In turn, she is in a higher position then me so she started telling my boss I wasn't doing my job. Luckliy my boss saw her controling ways so he told me later that when he confronted me about not doing something it was really coming from her. I knew it for I am very intuitive and can tell when people are talking about me. I never said goodbye to her when she left which I was relieved I wasn't there fro her last day, but now I'm scared we have made a little bad karma for ourselves and may have another life together. So what I'm saying is resolve this issue so you don't have to pay it back later. Make sense? Lacey
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