Could I have a reading please?

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Could I have a reading please?

Post by JasmineBlossoms » Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:54 pm

I met a guy online that I never met and fell so much in love with. Since we broke up, I am in a deep depression and miss him terribly.  :smt010 Is there anything good im my future? Thank you very much. :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:25 am

Welcome Jasmine, Image

I am certain that one of our friendly board mods will quickly move your request into the Psychic Reading forum on your behalf (a subforum of this one).

Unfortunately to offer you some idea of whether or not this man intends to get back together with you any time soon, one of us would need to give you a third party reading which is sadly not permitted on this site.

As to a relationship reading as you have requested, one of the readers will be pleased to read for you once your posting has been moved into the appropriate forum.

Love, Light and blessings are now coming your way,

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sat Jun 09, 2007 1:26 pm

Thank you eye_of_tiger :) I'm sorry I posted in the wrong place, this forum is so big and confusing :smt045 I'm trying to learn my way around here.  :smt006

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:20 am

My impressions from your reading are that while the guy you met online is very unlikely to come back to you, there is still much to look forward to for you in matters of the heart. You come across as a particularly passionate person, whether it is with regard to you finding someone who loves you as much as you love him, or with any cause that is especially dear to your heart. But this passion cannot be simply divided between the man I feel you have lost and the man whom is waiting in your future. If you attempt to hold on to the distant hope that the guy you met online will come back to you, you will therefore be keeping yourself from being able to take maximum advantage of any opportunities which may come along.

Significantly, I feel that the man in your future will not be met online this time, so I would suggest that you should not continue to exclusively focus on online dating over the coming months, but at the same time widen your search to people living offline in your local area. You are being strongly urged to use your instincts or listen to your inner feelings when reaching such an important decision, at least as much as you use both logic and reason. In other words use both your mind and heart equally, and stop trying to be someone else than the wonderful person you obviously already are as you will almost inevitably fail at doing so. Be yourself? There is much which is positive in your future to look forward to romantically, but do not make the common mistake of spreading yourself and your passion too thin between more than one man at a time.

Love, Light, and Blessings now coming your way,

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:41 am

Thank you so much  eye_of_tiger :) It's like you know me in person. Yes I know he won't come back and as much as I love him, I know it's for the best. He used and abused me as they say. And I did try to make myself over for him I hate to say. You gave me new hope of finally meeting someone that loves me for me. I am very passionate about everything...who I love, my family, my animals, friends, etc. I would never see more then one man at a time, that has never been me. As for thinking with my mind and heart, that will be hard, I think with my heart and my mind goes the other way. :smt003 Thanks again, you really brightened my night. :smt058 It's time to move on completely.  :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:23 am

Dear JasmineBlossoms, Image

You are always most welcome. Unfortunately it is quite possible to have/hold on to two men in your heart at the same time, without having to actually go out with them both. If this other man abused you in any way, then I believe that you deserve much better from life than this and that the decision before you is what some would call a no brainer.

Now, if only your mind could convince your heart of this (and I have never said this would be easy), you can finally put the abusive relationship behind you once and for all, and move on to something much better (you deserve all the love and happiness you seek), with both a revitalised spring in your step and a new sense of hope and feeling of love in your heart. Your reading left me overall feeling very positive, and I do not even know you that well yet.

Wishing you continuing good health and much love and happiness for the future,

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Post by JasmineBlossoms » Sun Jun 10, 2007 1:40 am

Awww ty for the flowers :) It's hard to believe but this man that I love, I've loved more then anyone in my life even though we never met. There was only him even though he accused me of going out, I rarely go out because I only have one friend offline. He controlled me, he had more im's and women that I knew about, I believe he's married also. He talked to me like you wouldn't believe. And I allowed because I love him and am very lonely. He knew I was badly abused in my first marriage and played on it. I'm scared of men from that first marriage so...

Yes, it is very hard to forget him. I still cry many a tear and my friends have been so great at listening me go on and on.

I will make it, I know I will and I believe it's alot because of what you posted. You really gave me more hope then I've had for myself in a long time and I can't thank you enough. :smt058  :smt060

You were right, I did join a dating site but those guys say longterm but they mean something totally diff if you get my drift. :smt002

I'm so glad I joined this forum, you and everyone else has been so kind to me :)

Thank you. :)

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Post by HappyChic727 » Sun Jun 17, 2007 1:05 pm


I am not a psychic but I am close to your age and feel like I have a little advice for you.  First, make a Pros and Cons list.  That always helps!  Usually, if you need to do that, it's because (hello!) the guy is a jerk anyway.  Do not pine away for another second on this guy.  Your love for him cannot be real.  You want to be in love and so you allow yourself to be in love with him but you know what?  If he's abusive, a user, possibly married, possibly hitting on other women . . . then he doesn't deserve YOU.  How 'bout them apples!

I'm very strong when it comes to this subject.  I've been alone for a really long time.  I am still glad that I'm not with the wrong guy.  Have you ever seen that tee shirt that says something like . . . I've met Mr. Wrong, Mr. blah, blah, blah but I want to meet Mr. Right, not Mr. Right Now?  It's so true isn't it.  We can make ourselves love someone who is Mr. Right Now, all the while knowing we deserve better.

Tell your heart to get over it.  Take a walk.  That will lift your spirits automatically.  While you are on your walk, think about what you do want in a man.  Make a list when you get home and then ask the Universe for this man.  Be specific.  The Universe needs you to be specific.  Like a friend of mine said one time . . . be careful what you wish for - you might just get it like the girl who wished for a husband . . . and got someone else's!  

You'll be fine . . . forget that jerk.  He's not worth another minute of your time.  And if you continue to pine away for him, you WILL  be missing out on other opportunities.  So you only have one friend offline?  There are plenty of ways of meeting people in the real world.  Smiling is helpful!  Say "hello" to a cute guy at the coffee shop . . . you might be glad that you did.  

Okay, I'm done beating you up!  Enjoy your Sunday!

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Post by Outbound » Sun Jun 17, 2007 3:58 pm

Hello Everyone,

I am the"jerk"

While I am not going to turn this into a He said She said post, it seems that this thread has been derailed from the original topic of Jasmine asking for a reading, into an advice thread, so I think it only fair that you hear more than just one side of the story.

Jasmine and I met on a forum about a year and a half ago and all was going great for us both. I had only been a member of a few PTR support forums, and she was a veteran of pretty much all different kinds. She owned an open discussion forum and I joined. It was your typical forum with jokes, regular discussion, sex talk and all that.

We got close pretty quick, and she explained to me that she had this guy that she would see every Thursday night for sex and then on Saturday night for barhopping. I went on like it was OK because we had only known each other a short time, but really I was sitting at home missing her and waiting for her to come back online. This went on for a few months, and then one night she said that it was all made up and the guy was ficticious. In a way I was happy, but in another way I couldn't figure out why she would make up such a story.

Another time we had an argument over something that I can't even remember now, and she said she was going for a weekend with a guy that she was supposed to have been out with in the past. She stayed away for almost the whole weekend and then when she came back, she said it never happened and it was all made up.

Everytime we would have an argument she would tell me she was going out with some guy and then after it was over she would always say it never happened.

Then things started esculating to the point where everytime she got mad at me she would threaten suicide. This got to the point that every night she was killing herself for one reason or another. She even went so far as to stage her own death and post on different forums as her brother in law saying she was dead. The first time she did this, I went for two days not knowing if she was even alive.

These are just a couple of things that have happened, and because of them I have a hard time believing anything she says, and that has caused some real problems.

I do admit that when we first met that I flirted with another woman on the forum, and yes I did flirt with her for a few months, and yes we did IM,and to this day she still throws that in my face and gets really jealous and mean towards me if she even thinks that I would talk to another woman. There is something that I didn't even realize until last night when I was looking through some old files,, I was talking to this other woman at exactly the same time that Jasmine was telling me she was going out with that guy for sex every Thursday, and no she didn't tell me that for revenge. So I really don't see why she still throws it up to me. Now she accuses me of flirting and screwing around with every woman on the planet, and lying about everything,, I even PMed a WM and one of the staff of a ptr the other day asking about referral links and she accused me of being in love with both of them and even PMed one and told her she knew we were a couple.

Jasmine and I have made plans to meet several times but it seems like when it gets close we start pushing each other away. She knows how it upsets me when she starts talking about being with other men, and she uses it as a weapon.

There is much, much more to both sides of the story but I have taken up too much of your time already, I just wanted you to know that there is always two sides to every coin.

And Jasmine, please correct me if any of this is inaccurate.


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Post by HappyChic727 » Mon Jun 18, 2007 1:52 am

Ut-Oh . . . well thanks for the other side of the story and if I owe you an apology, then you have it.  

At this point, you both should stay away from each other as you are toxic for each other, it seems.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jun 18, 2007 7:19 pm

I want this discussion between the two parts to stop here.

Jasmine came here...told the story without naming any person.

She has got her reading and suggestions.

Other who have been in same situation have given her advices out from their own experiences.

So far is all one have been blamed one need to feel hurt.

When so outbound show up...state that he is the one...and start to give his own defence script....then we move this into more private quarrel...and that I will not allow.

When I take the age into account...and the fact that all this have happen on another site...then I wonder why Outbound are "stalking" her?

I wonder if he is a type that need to have control....if the intention is to bring back the love in their relationship...then I might say it's a strange way to do it.

Since Jasmine has got her more need for discussion  and I close this thread.
Just to be sure...I don't blame Jasmine for anything of this.


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