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Lise Young My Former Court Appointed Attorney That Fled The

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:34 pm

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An Update

Post by Catwoman148 » Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:45 am

My dear group,

I wanted to update all of you of what has taken place and changed during this last week mostly. I have been trying some Hyperspace techniques to deprogramming what is in my mind for negative mind sets that attract the events to me because of my thinking from the programming.

Things have been changing. For instance, I had a vision of the whole police force coming to our aid, and I knew it was true. Before, we were having planned drive by's, and one cop even tried to hit me head on with his car, and played chicken with me on the road. Now, the police are nice to me. City workers smile too. It has been amazing.

My friend Leela had her four children taken again by Children's Services for no reason again. Her children's father was caught abusing them, and she took pictures of the bruising. Children's services was going to procecute her for taking the pictures. Leela got pregnant with the last two children because of daily rapes and stalking, and she didn't believe in abortion. The children's father was never even married to her, and things were really bad. He even bragged about disposing of human bodies for the District Attorney here in butte county. After using a different mind set like I talked about above, Leela went to court, and the pictures are now evidence against the children's father. A search warrant for the black hand that bruised them so badly was served, and his house was searched. It looks as though he will go to jail. Next door in the next courtroom. Michael Ramsey, the district attorney was next door not in the capacity of district attorney. We believe that he is being procecuted. A U.S. marshall accompanied him, and patroled the halls.

The black ops helicoptors and intruders from the government stopped going to my fathers property, and the atmosphere is peaceful most of the time.

I notified some relatives on the Fox side of the family, and told them about the embezzled trust fund, and gave them the geneology information that they needed, as I guess I am one of the only Fox relatives to have that information. I needed the history, and they have that.

The BIA suddenly wants to make sure any case in Butte County concerning someone with Indian Blood gets free DNA tests, and takes the cases into their juristiction. So that is what I am going to be working on this week.

I don't feel so afraid. I owe a lot of thanks to all the people in the background with their prayers, light, information, and help. So I wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you. Thank you.

Much love, Pamela

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:04 am

Your welcome Kitty. I am glad you have found the light at the end of the tunnel there. Could you please help me now.
Love you lots,

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:14 pm

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Thu Sep 01, 2005 2:15 pm

Dear Pamela,

We all are glad to get this good news from you and I am in particularly very happy to hear from you.

God Bless You.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :smt006 :)

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Post by Catwoman148 » Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:10 am

Dear Group,

I am bursting at the seams with what I was told. A teenager I know told us that Michael Ramsey the Butte County District Attorney was convicted!!!!! for production of child pornography, and child molestation, and I heard that he was trying to kill an eight year old girl, and that they got him!!!! She said that the article in the paper said that he got twelve to fourteen years in prison. I have been looking for the article, and have not seen it yet. She said it was like a small blurb. Leela saw him in court two days ago, and he was escorted into a courtroom by a U.S. Marshall, and the Marshall was patrolling the court hallways. I had a vision two days ago of him yelling at the top of his lungs, and he told me to get out of the room, and I did. This is one man out of 147 to go down. 146 left if this is true. It will be kept quiet because of the National Security Issue. What a wonderful thing the hyperspace place has done. Wow!!! I will let you know. I have to thank all the others who have prayed, consoled, and made us laugh too. Thank you everyone. Don't let up yet. We still have some stuff to go through.

Love, Pamela

P.S. Blondeagle I would be glad to help you now. lol I have missed you. I had to change some of my thinking around, and it changed things. I have missed talking with you. I have missed Pravin and Deborah too. I even didn't talk much with Floridalightworker. Thank God I was led to this site in the first place. I wrote Montel Williams again, and I had written Sylvia Browne, asking for her help too, and then the link to this site came in my e-mail box. I don't know who sent it, but I am sure glad that they did. I love all of you so much. My brain is working again!!! I will talk more too when Wes hooks up my computer to be on line too. I can hog the computer all that I want then. You might get sick of my writing who knows. Anyway, God Bless all of you, and may peace and joy be upon you all.


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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:33 am

Okay Kitty. I will perch here waiting for ya. Me get sick of you. I dont THINK so puddy tat.
Your loving friend,

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no bubbles to burst

Post by Deborah » Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:40 pm

14 years ...he will get out on good behavior in 2-7 ... maybe while he is in more people will come forward. He will have a permanet list on the districts attorney list and have to record every where he lives. He will not be alowed in a public park , near schools and alowed to even walk on the side walks by the schools . But at least once he will have to notify people of where he is living / working etc.

Famous pedifiles cry... "I have found God" and they get good behavior!


Ps.. for people such as him or anyone who has done such acts .. need more than 14 years..they took a childs childhood ..that can never be repayed ..I know He will look upon them when he tries to enter his home ..but down here ..there is more children ..and they never stop they get out and start back up... These are laws that need to be changed ... when a human being is hurt then this needs to be taken more serious... I have seen in the news people get 25 years for killing a dog ...but hurt a inocent child u get 7-14...something is wrong with our system ..NWO ... all of it is a crop of _________!

All Govt is currupt ...ppl all think America the place to make money land of the free... yes look at above he will live a free life .. at whos expense!

ERRRRRRR (sorry topic that really gets me going)

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