Please may I have a Reading

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Please may I have a Reading

Post by spiderwom » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:57 am

Hi when u have time I would love a reading.. Career and will marriage last are things I would love to know more about. Thankyou for your time and energy. Tawna

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Post by Raven » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:39 pm

Tawna, here is a Witch Stone reading for you.
This first position represents the spiritual as well as the physical nature of the person seeking guidance. The stone drawn is Magick Circle. An opportunity to gain Self=control and mastery over personal power is here. Look for the people in your life to point out the way to you, but they cannot accompany you on the journey that lies ahead. This is a road you must travel alone for a short time if you wish to gain the benefits.

The second position represents the nature of the problem. It stands for the matter that the questioner is seeking guidance for. The stone drawn is Censer. You are missing something important right in front of you. There is a vital lesson that you need to learn in order to grow, but you can’t see it from where you are at right now. It is time to change your view before this opportunity is lost to you forever. Seek to learn about yourself from what you see around you, and you will find the lesson that you need.

The third position represents the obstacles that are preventing any further understanding. The stone drawn is. Water, in this position, water refers to emotional well-being or love. There is a significant change in your life right now that is soon to affect your well-being, for good or bane. It's not too late to stop this change from occurring, but should you? You already know the answer.

The fourth position represents the source of the needed knowledge. It is the path to understanding and eventual enlightenment. It is not necessarily the easier path to follow. The stone drawn is the Sun. Now is the time to tap into your unused energy. There is something that you need to do, but you don’t believe that you are up to the task. You will do fine when the time comes, but first you will need to tap into the vast amounts of energy all around you in order to be ready. Now is a perfect time to cast spells for strength

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