Reading request

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Reading request

Post by Capergal » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:53 pm

May I have please have a reading. General, I understand that what I need to know will come across.

Let me know if any information is needed.


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Post by Raven » Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:02 pm

Jody here is a reading for you

This first position represents the spiritual as well as the physical nature of the person seeking guidance. The stone drawn is Autumn. Now is the time for necessary change great or small, so don’t shy away from it. Grab the bull by the horns and run with it, or else you will be quickly trampled.

The second position represents the nature of the problem. It stands for the matter that the questioner is seeking guidance for. The stone drawn Balefire. This symbol indicates a need for closer examination of a basic belief. Often the belief in question will be clouded by many other peoples perspectives, so be careful to weed through all the noise around you in order to hear the true meaning you seek.

The third position represents the obstacles that are preventing any further understanding. The stone drawn is Herbs. In a present position, read this stone as meaning a close tie to the earth, where balance and moderation are essential. Remember to maintain that balance in the very near future.

The fourth position represents the source of the needed knowledge. It is the path to understanding and eventual enlightenment. It is not necessarily the easier path to follow. The stone drawn is the Candle. This stone indicates a need to thank your own personal deities. Something has recently occurred in your life that may not seem like a good thing right now, but it will turn out to be to your benefit in the long run. Give thanks as soon as possible to hasten your understanding of the true nature of the situation.

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Post by alicialuck » Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:40 pm

I tried to pick up on you but it was a little tuff. Seems there is a little doubt as to wheather u will get a real reading. I don't want to say the word "sceptic" so I wont, I will just type it. I see a green handled letter opener near your PC. I could be off here, but am just putting out there what I have.
Lets see.....anything else?
I am listening to my guides.
ummmmm......Are you thinking about going to college to teach as a grammer school coach? i get that you are interested in sports.
I could be way off here. But I never guarantee anything.
I see a baby ring on your right hand pinky finger. Tis could be litterally, or a symbol. If it is a symbol. you are eaither in the early stages of pregnancy or have a child under seven months old. Or will soon be with child. I see tennis shoes now, and that means that you truely are into sports of some kind. If your career is centered around sports, you are on the right track for sure.
I am being told that you should wait to make big changes in your life, Now is not the time. Wait at least 5-9 months then make your move. I am suppose to tell you that things are fine with you.
If it is not broken, do not try to fix it.
Blessings Love and Light

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Post by Capergal » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:45 pm

Let me respond to Raven first. I want to thank you for the reading.

This first position represents the spiritual as well as the physical nature of the person seeking guidance. The stone drawn is Autumn. Now is the time for necessary change great or small, so don’t shy away from it. Grab the bull by the horns and run with it, or else you will be quickly trampled. ----- I have been thinking about going back to school but keep thinking this is not the right time for me. Hubby thinks that I should go for it. I want to be a lawyer and he says I can win a case even if I am wrong so he feels this would be good for me but I keep holding off due to money issues.

The second position represents the nature of the problem. It stands for the matter that the questioner is seeking guidance for. The stone drawn Balefire. This symbol indicates a need for closer examination of a basic belief. Often the belief in question will be clouded by many other peoples perspectives, so be careful to weed through all the noise around you in order to hear the true meaning you seek. ----- Not really sure about this one

The third position represents the obstacles that are preventing any further understanding. The stone drawn is Herbs. In a present position, read this stone as meaning a close tie to the earth, where balance and moderation are essential. Remember to maintain that balance in the very near future. ----- I am a nature freak. I live in the country and take my dogs for walks all of the time in the woods behind my house and then down the road to a water hole for them to swim.

The fourth position represents the source of the needed knowledge. It is the path to understanding and eventual enlightenment. It is not necessarily the easier path to follow. The stone drawn is the Candle. This stone indicates a need to thank your own personal deities. Something has recently occurred in your life that may not seem like a good thing right now, but it will turn out to be to your benefit in the long run. Give thanks as soon as possible to hasten your understanding of the true nature of the situation. --- I am not sure what this might be. I recently got turned over for job that I thought I should get. I truly believe that all things happen for a reason and believe that I was turned down for this one because it is not my time and will have something good coming.

Again I want to thank you for the reading. Most of this makes sence to me.


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Post by Raven » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:52 pm

Thank you for the feedback. I'm sure you will see where they all fit eventually. Its good you are in the country, it gives you strength and calm at the same time.

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Post by Capergal » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:52 pm

Alicia, I must say when I read this I got goosebumps, you will see in my comments why.

I tried to pick up on you but it was a little tuff. Seems there is a little doubt as to wheather u will get a real reading. I don't want to say the word "sceptic" so I wont, I will just type it. I see a green handled letter opener near your PC. I could be off here, but am just putting out there what I have. ---- I do not have a letter opener but I do have a green folder next to my pc. I am not a sceptic. I truly believe. Now my hubby is a sceptic
Lets see.....anything else?
I am listening to my guides.
ummmmm......Are you thinking about going to college to teach as a grammer school coach? i get that you are interested in sports. ---- I am thinking of going back to school but not for teaching. I want to be a lawyer. I am interested in sports
I could be way off here. But I never guarantee anything.
I see a baby ring on your right hand pinky finger. Tis could be litterally, or a symbol. If it is a symbol. you are eaither in the early stages of pregnancy or have a child under seven months old. Or will soon be with child. I see tennis shoes now, and that means that you truely are into sports of some kind. If your career is centered around sports, you are on the right track for sure. Hubby and I have been trying for a very long time to have children. We have recently seen specialists to find out what could possibly be the problem. I have been hoping for a long time I would get pregnant. We have been told that we should conceive within 6 months and it has been 4 now. I am hoping that this ring you see means that I will soon become pregnant

I am being told that you should wait to make big changes in your life, Now is not the time. Wait at least 5-9 months then make your move. I am suppose to tell you that things are fine with you. --- I do know that now is not the time for big changes. I need to get finances in order first
If it is not broken, do not try to fix it. --- I truly believe this, but sometimes I still try.

Please let me know if you pickup on anything else.


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Post by Capergal » Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:54 pm

Raven, I could not be anywhere else. I tried living in the city and it is not for me. I work in the city and then go home to the beautiful country.

Thanks again


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Re: goosebumps

Post by alicialuck » Thu Jul 21, 2005 9:43 pm

Your welcome.
Blessings love and Light to you. I will let you now if I pick up on anything else.

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