I need a reading. It is an EMERGENCY.

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I need a reading. It is an EMERGENCY.

Post by Catwoman148 » Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:47 am

Hello, my name is Pamela, and I am involved in taking down corrupt officials in Butte County because of ritual abuse, pornography, and child molestation. My daughter was abducted by the criminals because of the evidence we have against them. Now, it looks as if I am involved in taking down BIG Famous Officials, that has to do with similar things, but mostly embezzlements totaling trillions of dollars. I have had death threats, and our team is in danger. The American People are in danger also if the right decisions are not made. If anyone can help, pleeeease help. I am afraid. I am also quite angry. Thank you.
Pamela Mulaskey

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:54 am

Is wittness protection avaible to you at all or are these guys so powerful they can still find you even in that? Somehow the FBI is going to have to be called into this and thier protection program is the only way you will be able to have any sleep at night. I feel like you will win your case but it will be a hard fought and draining event. I believe going underground until the case comes up in court which it will in about a year or so is the best way you and your daughter can sleep at night.

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:08 pm

Hello Catwoman!

Do you know how to surround and protect yourself and your daughter with 'pure white light'?
You are dealing with the Cabal/Illuminati and 'pure darkness'!

Is your daughter now safe after the abduction?

Sit in a quiet space, and try to take in 10 breaths to the count of 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 and exhale. . .
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5. . . Close your eyes and visualize pure 'white light coming in through the top of your head, mentally bring it IN all the way down to your solar plexes. (belly button area) And hold it a few seconds. In your minds 'eye' fill your body with that 'light, from your head to your feet, until you are comfortable and expand the 'light' in a 'magic bubble', in your minds' eye, outside of yourself further and further and further . . . until you can visualize that light encompassing you in a bubble 20' feet around your body. It may take you a little time to be able to visualize this, I have no background info on you.

When you do this, teach your daughter how to make her 'own' magic bubble. . . Children can be very receptive to this! (no matter what age)

I am not making light of this. You are in 'danger'. The only way to dispel 'darkness' is to treat it with 'light'! DARKNESS can NOT deal with LIGHT!

Do this as many times a day as you go into a 'fear' space with the anxiety this is creating. Have your daughter do this with you, when she is near you. If she is young. Or maybe she is old enough to do it by herself and would be more comfortable.

I will have some Reiki Masters that are friends of mine and we will send to you and yours 'for the highest good' several times a day.

A protection program with any agency might be a plan. . . But can you trust the bastards?

In 'the light'. . . Linda :smt051
Your Future is the 'reincarnation' of Your Thoughts. . .

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Re: "I need a reading. It is an EMERGENCY." to Flo

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:29 am

Dear Floridalightworker,

I will do this light technique. I am adept at it, but I have not taken the time to do this because I had given in to their chaos. I am working at being still, and getting rid of the fear which means fabricated evidence as appearing real. I was iniated into Reiki 24 years ago. Reiki has done wonders for me. About the other subjects, I knew it was the illumanati, but I Did not know what branch. My mother is in it still. So are the Butte County Authorities that took her. I was abused by their parents when I was a child through my mother, and now their children have stepped into their place. For instance I was abused by Chet Ramsey, and now Mike Ramsey the current District Attorney has the part in the abduction of my daughter. My daughter is still abducted, and the FBI does know, but some of the FBI is involved in this, and other factors made this case into a National Security Issue, and that is about all I can say about that. I can't go into protection because I know where they dump the whistleblowers through someone who has seen the dump site. Also, twice an accquaintance of ours who found out about this case, and the other things involved was visited twice by fake FBI agents. It is so difficult for me to know who to trust, but I am getting a handle on it somewhat. Any help you could provide me would be good. My daughter is being pimped out from a local foster home through children's services. My husband and I obtained enough evidence to put a stop to it all, and have it exposed. My daughter was abuducted for leverage to keep us here. Our home was illegally condemded and sold, all kinds of things. There are contracts out to kill us that I have knowledge about, and no one who has come up against Butte County has ever survived. That is why I have been so vocal. It has to stop. The murders have to stop. I am not the only one in town with this problem. All others here that know, have been through the same thing with no alleveiation. My sister's father may be Anton LaVey or Ed Mascal if that gives you a clue. Her sexual abuse started at the age of two, but she is unaware of all of it yet. My real father Floyd Smith stepped forward, and filled in the blanks when I approached him and asked him point blank if he was my real father after God told me he was. He is a Bounty Hunter, and other things, and his brother was murdered a few years back for the same information. His brother was also a Bounty Hunter. They busted open a pornography ring of Dave Harder here in Oroville. My father's two children were also boarded up in a house by officials, and the house was set on fire, and they died. The house that I was living in on Lincoln Blvd. was torched on Friday, December 13, 2002. Many of my animals burned alive. This week we had six cats poisoned, and last week, one of our dogs was poisoned. We have had drive by's, I was poisoned when my daughter was taken. There was a forensic lab report obtained by my father about it. It is hard to be still. I have been trying to sue the County, but it is a Charter County, and run by LAFCO which is an organization that is to prevent Urban Sprawl. I wanted to procecute under title 42, but there are imposters from LAFCO in there too, so I have to procecute under the RICO act, Title 42, and another route that I won't speak about. Our case is a National Issue. I believe that LAFCO is the illumanati. I was abducted when I was twenty-five by a man named Erik Johanson from Norway. He was sent by Ed Mascal who was almost my step father who was the coven leader in San Francisco for a suppossed Wiccian group. My mother was with him sexually until his death. I lean toward Ed Mascal being her father, but who knows. My husband used to be a warlock as well, and his name is Wesley Peden. I have been fighting this all of my life, and now I am 48 years old. I was told by six psychics twenty-four years ago that I would come into so much money that I wouldn't know what to do with it all. This has now come into the realm of a possibility that I won't talk about. I was told that I would be a famous saint for God, and that I would work in the political arena, and possibly the United Nations, this now has come into the realm of a possibility that I won't talk about. I was told that I would be helping law enforcement officers actively in the future. This has now come into the realm of a possibility that I won't talk about. I was told that I would have horrible things happen around me, but nothing to me, and that I would be greatly loved by many people some day. Except one vision. I was told that I might be able to change that vision when it happened, and I believe that I may have done that, but if not this event will happen within the next few weeks, and things will never be the same for me. My husband Wes, I fear will be murdered, and I fear my father may be murdered, and God knows what will happen with my children. My daughter still abuducted, and my seventeen year old son still with me. This is why it is an emergency. I recieved an e-mail from someone, and I need to find the bliss I used to carry no matter what from our Great Creator. Then, I can be guided. The pornography ring that my husband and I investigated, and found that almost all of the Butte County Officials are in. They perpetuate the ritual abuse and sexual abuse for revenue through litigation, and services for a bankrupt county. They are also involved in the Cocaine Cartell, among a bunch more stuff. So if you should hear of the murder or attempted and almost successful murder of Pamela Mulaskey in Oroville, Butte County, California, please get this word out, so my death will not be for nothing like, so many others that have been murdered in this town, and the incidents covered up by government officials high and low. I knew you knew the truth by your words to me. Thank you. If there is anything more that you can tell me please do. You are right on the money. Thank you so much for your time. God Bless, and I hope to hear from you soon. Love, Pamela

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Post by FloridaLightWorker » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:40 pm

Hi Pamela!

Just an update. . . I have spoken to 2 friends who are healers, and we are working sending, 'love', 'light' and Reiki for 'the highest good' several times a day, to you and your family for protection & healing. We are in New York City and Florida. We are all working with you as of yesterday, 8/3. Please keep surrounding yourself, with white light and Reiki every time you hit that fear/anxiety space.

Yes, I knew exactly where you were on your first post. It felt like my 'spirit' punched me in the solar plexes with a 'gut yuk' sick feeling! The only place that comes from is: the Illuminati/Lizard people. (shapeshifters) Two of us have dealt with 'them' before, on a high government level. Another time for that, this is about YOU!

May we please have your date of birth? It would help us.

We all agreed, is there any way to step out of California for a few weeks to clear yourself, heal, and gain a positive perspective? You are so stuck in 'their' muck, (understandably so) and 'fear' which they thrive on. Or do you know a Reiki Master that you trust for a 'hands on'?

Thank you for taking the time to post what is going on with you and yours. A copy of that is now in a safe place.

Please keep in touch with me in the open room or a private message.

'In the light'. . . Linda :smt083
Your Future is the 'reincarnation' of Your Thoughts. . .

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Post by Catwoman148 » Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:41 am

Dear cltncblondeeagle,

I am sorry that I did not respond to your e-mail earlier. As you know, you know what is up by now. Your prediction and foresight is probably pretty accurate when you said that it would be about a year more before it would be resolved is accurate. Going underground is just about impossible when the people I am dealing with can find you wherever you go. These people with the vested interest in our case, and the decisions I make means that I have to think carefully, and they can decide weather I live or die, and I can see why that would be the case now. The clearing that I have been getting from Linda, and the others, has opened me up to see the big picture, and the agenda's of everyone involved. I want Butte County to go down, but I do not want a bigger agenda of another group to kick in that is worse for all humanity either. I belong to no group. I do not adhere to any set religion except that I know that Jesus is my Savior. I do not belong, nor will I ever belong to a set Christian Religion. I have a deep relationship with the Great Creator, and I listen to that voice. Thank you for your time and input in this situation. My husband also does not conform to any set religion. Too many religions use part of the truth, and the rest is used to control people, to keep them blind, and follow along like blind sheep. They are not taught to trust their own relationship with God. Just the person preaching or teaching. God is empowering. Religion is taking away that power. I can talk long, I'm going to have chinese food with my best friend and her children. You take care, and again, Thank you. God Bless, Pamela

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Help I need a reading It's an Emergency

Post by Catwoman148 » Sat Aug 06, 2005 12:53 am

Dear Linda,

Thank you so much, and thank your friend's so much for the help coming my way. My mind is so much clearer. I can't get away from here right now, but I do give my permission to you, and the trusted others to work on me long distance. If anyone bad comes, my husband clears them away for me. The light loves away the darkness. I have to go. I will write in private about the other issues later when there is some quiet time for me. Thank you. Danger is still there, but oh how I can change that vision if this works out correctly. Keep that light coming because it is for a lot of people's protection not just mine. I will not allow what I saw planned to take place in our nation. God Bless, Love Pamela

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Sat Aug 06, 2005 1:53 am

Hey Kitty if you have an instant messenger service I would love to talk to you some more there.

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Aug 06, 2005 2:15 am

Dear Friend,

I have been reading your post and that of FloridaLightWorker. What she says is absolutely correct but in your situation it will be difficult for you to create the white light which I call the psychic energy or the Divine Energy. If your house is surrounded by Divine Energy then no evil spirit can pierce it. If you are surrounded by it then no harm can every come to it. HE does not allow you attack anyone but only Defend yourself. You have put yourself in a position where you to attack to defend yourself.

Please give me the full name of those to be defended, Age, Gender and where you live that which city/country and a general idea (If you are in United States or any such Big Country) which part of that country i.e. South, North, East or West or South East etc. etc. I shall try to give you protection. If your intentions are fair and you are on the right then HE is with you and success is guaranteed. I feel it will take you between 9 to 12 months to come back to normalcy.

I have been saved many many times right from when I could remember from innumerable problems and it defied logic as to how someforce always save me. Truth always prevail. Right always prevails although the fight is a long one. Truth prevails in the end. I need not add that what FloridaLightWorker has suggested is something similar to what I would also say. Sit calmly in a quiet place. Reduce your Brain Beating so that you feel completely relaxed and calm and cool. You will go into Alpha Level and then you try to draw this energy imagining it coming from the Centre of the Universe to the top of Head in the centre and through it right inside your body. Even the blue/yellow/white energy flowing inside is sufficient to give you protection and the more energy you can drawn the more energy you have to protect others. You have not sit on the floor or anyplace where the energy once having entered your body is grounded or there should be no earthing facility. ?Sit on a sofa or bed or a chair with feet on a proper thick matting as the energy should not flow away.

Practise this as much time as you have. Once you get this energy you have just to direct it to your Daughter to be able to protect her and you can yourself then protect anyone you desire to do so but the person will only benefit if his mind and heart are pure and he is truthful.

God Bless You. HE is with you testing you. Everything will be all right soon.

Pravin Kumar

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Butte county and handling human remains

Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:02 pm

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New Butte County Flier

Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:11 pm

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Post by Catwoman148 » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:18 pm

I just wanted the group to know that after what I disclosed yesterday in court, I am exhausted. I will update everyone within a couple of days. A lot of other things went on, and two witnesses that came to court with me had their lives threatened a couple of days beforehand, and were being chased by two men on foot, and men in a white cadilac. I called my father, brought them home, and a good police officer came and took the report, and were able to aprehend the would be killers of these young men that were pandered in the foster home where my daughter is now. A young girl age thirteen that turned over evidence about the set up with us, is missing now, and considered a runaway. That's what they do. Report them as runaways and then kill them. Her mother is a social worker involved in this. Please pray for her safety, and return. I love this little girl, and she has been so brave to expose not only others, but what she was involved in herself, and she is embarrassed. Thank you to everyone for Reiki, Prayers, and Light. It has made us come through.
Love, Catwoman

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:23 am

Dear Pamela,

When you wrote to me on PM that night I saw your opponents outwitted and doomed and you were protected totally but I found an elderly person, maybe your Dad, in great risk. I told this to Linda. The next day I saw you all in white light but the light wavers in a way that you are always protected totally but those around you and with you are in risk.

Even now I see you in pensive mood but fully determined. A determined person having only one goal in life will be very very dangerous for the opponent and hence the threat to those who are close to you and not to you.

Gradually you will come out of this with flying colours and then people will come to you with respect with folded hands like we say in India "Namaste" . Keep it up. I am with you but a word from you, just a word from you will inspire us to be on our toes always and be by your side.

God Bless You.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020

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I wrote this to Pravan Kumar, and I was so lazy that I just

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Aug 10, 2005 7:57 pm

posted it here for everyone. lol I want to thank all of you.

Hi, I am finally able to write after all of the comotion. I went to court, and my daughter, foster mother, or social worker, was not there. My old court appointted attorney Lise Young fled to Oregon without telling me, and I did not know what attorney I had. I brought the two witnesses that knew my daughter was being pandered in Foster care, and I brought my seventeen year old son David. The Judge has a warrant out for her arrest for embezzlement in the pennibanc trust. Her name is Judge Roberts. My Social worker Julia Marquard is also involved in embezzlement of trust money, so is the Foster mother Carolyn McMillian that panders, and drugs, the children out of her home, and produces child pornography as well. Robert AKA Roy McMillian was convicted on sex offenses in the Military, so it doesn't show up in Butte County. One of the witnesses that I brought has 42 scars from abuse in the foster home, and knows how and where they drug the kids. McMillian even gives the kids heroin. This witness broke Robert McMillians leg twice. The other male witness, broke Robert McMillians leg once, and knows where all of the hidden camera's are to get the pornography pictures of the girls when they are having sex at McMillian's house. My daughter is being sold for five dollars a pop. My father just had one hundred and forty-seven warrants served on Butte County Officials etc. for 850 million dollars of embezzlement charges, so when I anounced in court that I demanded DNA testing because my father Floyd Allen Smith was my biological father, their mouths hung open at me. I told them that my daughter had a right to know who her real grandfather was. The Court told me that I had to obtain my own DNA test. I said that was fine. I would. Then, I told them that my father was Native American, and was from the Apache, and Cherokee tribe, and that this would take the case out of their Juristiction. Their mouths hung open more. Then, the Judge Roberts asked why my daughter couldn't call and talk to my mother. I told her that it was because my mother had been a prostitute, and sold me to Butte County Officials when I was a child. More mouth drops, and Robert King who is my daughter's attorney that is in conflict of interest in this case, and up to his eyeballs in the pornography thing just stared at me until I left court. I was calm, and just stared back, and when I was speaking, I made sure to look into his eyes calmly. The Bailiff with the Butte County Sheriff's Department looked at me in shock when I told them who my father was, and then, he looked quite angry, but I ignored it. The two Social Workers observing had their look of shock as well. Just the week before, my father tried to file the warrants at the Butte County Superior Court. The Court refused, and didn't believe that they were real, and accussed my father of pretending to be a Federal Marshall. My father and my husband Wes recieved their appointment letter to be Federal Marshall's for the pennibanc trust, and are just waiting to be sworn in. He showed the Court and Children's Services his filed, stamped, and approved letter from the Secretary Of State's Office in California located in Sacramento. Children's Services still didn't believe it, so my father told them when he comes to arrest them, they will believe him. The court told him to fax the warrants through Sacramento for them to believe him. As of yesterday, all of the warrants were faxed to the Butte County Superior Court through Sacramento. The Judge asked why my daughter could not talk with my twenty-eight year old son in Georgia, and I told them again that my son had become a sex offender at the age of thirteen, and was arrestted on eight felony counts of sexual abuse, and was diagnosed as a sociopath at the age of eight, and I could not determine if he was well or not. Social workers were trying to place my daughter to live with him. My daughter called my son in Georgia, and told him a bunch of crap, so he called me. We had a good conversation, and then I wrote him a letter about why I didn't think he was well, but that I love him very much, and would like to have an honest relationship because that was the only way I deal with things, and if something should happen because of the death threats, and paid people Ramsey hired to kill us, he should at least know me, and I wanted to know him, and get our issues resolved. My son was taken from me at the age of four, and when he was first abducted, I didn't know where he was for two years. I never got him back, and my mother made sure that he was inducted into the family pedophilia and witchcraft. The two young men went to speak after I told the court that these two young men were there to speak about my daughter being pandered in the Foster Home, and that they had both lived in the foster home. Judge Roberts would not let one of the young men speak at all, but that doesn't matter because that judge placed him there, and procecuted him for breaking McMillian's leg. No words were necessary. The other young man didn't tell much after the Judge was screaming at him, asking do you even know what the word pandering means? Ha, did she make a mistake. These two young men were threatened to be killed by Julia Marquard my daughters social worker, and Carolyn McMillian the foster mother just several days before. When the white cadilac, and two men on foot were chasing them to do the job, they ran to our house. I called my father, and I drove them to their house, and they stayed until a policeman my father called arrived. The stalkers were arrestted that night, and full statements were made about the Foster Home and Children's Services selling children for sex. So the court thing did not matter. I was given a new attorney, but he was absent, and a very kind woman was there for me. She whispered to me that if I have Indian Blood that this changes everything for you and your daughter. She told me that the tribe would pay for the DNA testing, and it would save money, and then they would take over the case. The Children's Services Attorney told the Judge that I was just making all kinds of wild allegations again, and that I was just out of my mind. I didn't care because I know the truth, and possess the truth about these people. My father is in danger. People want to put a bullet in his head. His wolf was killed during the last few days. A more extensive study on the dead cat was done, and someone had put our cats in a bird of prey cage that we have at our other house, and dehydrated them, and then let them out. When we have a pond that is full in the yard that is six feet by eight feet, and four feet deep, it is impossible that our ten dead cats all got dehydrated. The forensic tester thought it was phemaldihyde at first because of the fleas being on the cats body two days after she was dead. I was told that the dehydration caused a sweet smell that kept the fleas on the cats body, and the ants had entered the cats ear canal before I tried to save her. Her name was Gypsy, and they ate her from the inside out. Our Security Team will be making the arrests ourselves, but there is a lot of things to straighten out. The FCC may make the arrests for the pornography before our warrants for the embezzlements kick in. After the threats were made, I wrote the President, Senate, News Teams, and everyone I could think of asking for our lives, and asking them to work with us, and that I never in my life expect this case to become a National Security Issue. We had other things too, but that is about it for now. Wes wanted to say Thank you, "I knew that there was a disturbance in the circle, but now I know it's coming from the light. Not the darkness." I will say something I have not said in a long time. Sad Gurunath Mararaj Ki Jay! I don't know If I spelled it right. Namaste, Love, Pamela

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Update On Some Things For This Wonderful Group

Post by Catwoman148 » Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:48 pm


Dear, dear, group of wonderful people. Instead of posting what has happened again here, I put the link of our blog here instead. I have been helped by members here privately, which is why I have not posted here. I am so glad that I was brought to this place. God Bless, Love, Pamela

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