basic reading?

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basic reading?

Post by spiritnhiding » Sun Feb 18, 2007 9:19 pm

Just need a basic reading...

Anything I need to know? Any basic knowledge is what I'm seeking I guess... Kind of have alot on my thoughts, so I'm wayyyy confuse to pin point just one question. It's greatly appreciated!!!

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Post by amadea1949 » Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:50 am

First off, you need to calm your mind.  Too much is toiling around in there.  Your confusion is probably due to your not knowing what to do.  You seem very impatient.  I don't think you are very happy where you are.  You are just letting life pass you by without seeing and feeling it.  Unfortunatly it isn't going to get better until about July when a new period comes into your life.  Things will get better for you.  Is there a field of flowers close by in the spring or is it a picture I am seeing?
You need to get into nature and feel the vibes.  It will calm your mind and help you make your decision.  Keep in mind that sometimes we need to let go, in order to live our lives.  Don't be afraid of change.  We all have to move on sooner or later. I hope this has helped.  good luck.

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Re: reading

Post by spiritnhiding » Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:25 pm

Thank you!!! Your right about the confusion and about the part where you said I'm NOT happy where I'am, that is very true.  And yeah flowers are all over it's kind of spring where I'm at. and yeah I do gotta let go of somethings.

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Post by michbeek » Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:17 pm

Hi Jennifer,

My name is Michelle and I am an Angel/Guide Intuitive.  Here are the messages I received on your behalf:

You have had to deal with a lot of sacrifice in many areas of your life.  It may seem that life has dealt you a bum deal but what is really going on is that one of your major life lessons is to learn through experience.  This means you must endure some sacrifice to learn in this way.  You do not take advice from others and prefer to do it your own way, this also leads to sacrifice and hardships in many areas of your life.  In particular your love life.  

Confusion to the point of depression is something you have struggled with for a long time and continue to do so.  Life for you does not have to be as hard as you make it.  You have a keen sense of intuition or gut instinct but often times do not use it.  By remembering to use your intuition, you will end the vicious cycle of the "victim" and the "why me" syndrome that plagues you.

You are very spiritual and very sensitive emotionally.  Almost too sensitive which often allows your heart to get trampled on.  But, because you are very spiritual, as you mature in age and gain wisdom through experience, you will gain greater understanding of life's philosophies and the struggles and frustration of life you feel now will diminish greatly.

Are you a teacher of some sorts or do you plan to become a teacher or instructor?  I see this as a very good choice career wise.  Teaching will be something that will seem a little awkward at first but as your experience in life and your spiritual wisdom develops, you will find that there would have been no other career choice for you than this one. Painting, I also see painting as either a hobby or part-time income.

Are you living in a flat or apartment right now?  I see you living in an apartment style house, maybe a loft?  I also see you with a young man, mid twenties, sandy brown hair, tall, slender.  He is gentle and kind, similar to you.  Sensitive emotionally as well, but in a manly sort of way.  I feel as though you already know this man, either he is a friend now or a new acquaintance in your life that you never really thought of as someone you'd end up in a relationship with.

Do you have a sister?  I sense there is a strong family bond with mother and another female that would be near the same age as you, like a sister, cousin, or even friend that is very sisterly towards you.  You rely on them a lot to help you pick up the pieces of your life each time you fall. You couldn't imagine life without them.

Are you in school now? I sense that you haven't really spread your wings to fly and leave the nest completely yet.  There is still a strong need for home.  Either you have not moved out of the home or you visit home often as a way to feel safe and secure when your life yet again falls apart on you.  During the next 2 years, you will gradually begin your life on your own and comfortably sever ties with home as you become more at ease with the direction of your life.  I see age 26 as a time of change for you.

I do hope these words resonate for you.

Love and Light,
Angel/Guide Intuitive

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Re: Reading

Post by spiritnhiding » Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:26 pm

Michelle Thank you, I really appreciate this reading.
I'm residing in an apartment, but dunno about the guy thing lol.... Maybe something new to come or something that is "there" now. However can't pin point just one guy that age lol. I know a few that's in their twenties.

And yeah I have 3 sisters lol. But that person you said can be a friend maybe?

And no not in school at this very moment. But would like to go back.

Your VERY accurate about all the other!!!!

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