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Some Help Please.

Post by Samson » Sat May 12, 2007 10:43 pm

Hi, I was just wondering how far do I have to go to find that lady around the corner who might be waiting for me, I feel that I've reached a dead end, could someone please help me. Thank You.


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Post by flight _of_angelwings » Sun May 13, 2007 1:09 am

Hey Samson.

I have read your energy again.  Theres some things I am being asked to say to you but will not place them on here due to the personality of them.  

You do have a woman in the future but this will depend on you now and what your willing to shift for the change to occur.  Theres some steps required within your life that need to be adapted and rebooted so to speak.

It is available to you and now is the time to take charge of you.  Forget your out ward goals and focus on what you see in the mirror.  
Buzz me on msn next time you see me and we can chat.

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Post by Erinrose » Sun May 13, 2007 1:37 pm


I believe if you find you have come up against a brick wall, then it is time to buy a sedge hammer. Good luck.

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Post by LibB » Thu May 24, 2007 2:44 pm

Erinrose wrote:Samson,

I believe if you find you have come up against a brick wall, then it is time to buy a sedge hammer. Good luck.

I believe if you've come to a brick wall it's time to change direction in your life.

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Post by Samson » Thu May 24, 2007 6:26 pm

I thought about change, but what kind of change am I looking at, does this mean that I have to become gay???  Very Puzzling.

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Post by MissEm » Thu May 24, 2007 11:58 pm

Become Gay Samson?

One doesn't turn or become Gay! lol

Change direction?-->>  Shift yr focus.  
From LibB:
I believe if you've come to a brick wall it's time to change direction in your life.
We don't mean give up on what you seek but if one avenue fails or reaches a dead end, try another tack.  Perhaps yr approach has been too direct and too singular in focus. Sometimes things in life can be more fruitful or successful if you go about them in a round about way.  Think of life as a maze.  You know you enter the maze and there's an exit at the other end but its never a direct route.  There are always corners and long stretches of straight path but then there's a seemingly dead end but you really just need to turn the corner to go down another path.  Whether this specifically relates to seeking a partner or work, I don't know but the principal is the same.

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Post by LibB » Fri May 25, 2007 2:15 am

Thanks MissEm. Well said. This is what I meant by what I said. No Samson don't become gay as in change sexes to be in love with. Yes become gay as in happy and content within yourself. I've found more often than not that if you are depressed or unhappy and looking for the love of your life to bring you the happiness that you seek you will end up with the wrong person. Someone who is alike to the negative energy you have and not the positive energy you are looking for. Please learn to love within yourself and find what makes you truly happy within yourself. As soon as you start to feel happy about being you then you are more likely to find the love of your life. If you find a hobby you like then you can bring independent happiness to your home and in turn have positive thoughts when you are there.
Another of my problems is when I am with someone I want to be single when I am single I forget to do the things for myself that I want to do (like my art). I end up looking for someone else to be with.
At the moment we need to focus on what you like and love to do and you need to help us to help you. You also need to help you to become you. Have faith in who you are and act as such. Your negativity is a smoke screen so lets move that along and see the light that is shining within.
I'm proud of you for asking and being able to ask for help.
Brett is hanging out to go on a country people train so let me know your station so we can meet.

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Post by Samson » Fri May 25, 2007 10:38 am

Thank you all for your responses to my question, I've taken note in everything that you have said and will try to make adjustments accordingly.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:44 am

Hi Samson, Image


Your life is still very much a work in progress?

Before responding to your recent question in the Psychic Forum concerning your difficulty in understanding readings, I looked through your earlier postings which lead me in turn to this one.

Could I please say that I feel that you have already been offered some excellent advice by the female members who have so kindly given you guidance above, but I felt that you could also possibly benefit from a one Aussie male to another chat?

Yes I do agree that you need to make a change in your direction or way of going about attracting the woman of your dreams and that at least consciously you will try to do everything you possibly can to increase your chances of finding a long overdue sense of lasting love and happiness in your life. I am certainly not saying that I believe you are incapable of working much of this out for yourself, or that you are not being entirely honest with us about the possible reasons why you are experiencing so many difficulties in forming lasting relationships with women.

Your joking(?) comment about the need to become gay in order to become attractive to women strongly suggests to me that you may unconsciously believe that the only way that a woman could possibly feel safe and secure in your arms is if you are not sexually attracted to her. Assuming you are not a homosexual (which I agree you are either born or not born as, and is above all not a reason for any shame, as being a married man myself of over 28 years I have both worked closely with gay teachers in the past, and have also had several gay friends who always respected my own heterosexuality).

I am not a qualified psychiatrist or psychologist, but my feelings on the basis of this intuitive reading are that for some reasons only known to yourself you are currently unconsciously BLOCKING any of your otherwise genuine attempts to approach a woman, and are thereby becoming your own worst enemy. With due respect, you are by doing so shooting yourself in the foot, or in another way of expressing this giving up on the battle before the first shot is ever fired.

Somewhere and with someone else significant to you in the past, you have hypnotised yourself into believing that you are essentially a bad person, when I feel quite the opposite is true. You also appear to think that you have some personal problems entirely unique to yourself. Not likely! Do you fear your own strength and the most unlikely possibility that you would use your greater make strength in order to take advantage of what you believe are fragile and vulnerable female human beings, because I think that especially the women of today are much more self confident and mentally tough than you may have been brought up to believe they were.

Never place any human being on a pedestal high above you (whether male or female) as everyone will inevitably disappoint you at some stage. Also do not hold on to unrealistic expectations about what a woman does or does not want, as they are each as unique as one man is to another (maybe even more).  I am not putting myself forward as an authority on women, but I believe that to find out just what they would prefer in their men the best way is to ask them, rather than you continuing to attempt to read their minds.

I feel that they will have much more respect for you if you show an equal respect for their opinions and the decisions they might make. Some women prefer their men to be stronger than themselves and to be more dominant, while others want an effectively equal working relationship. How will you know which one if you never get to the point of actually talking to them?

The important point I am trying to make here is that the excellent advice offered above and all your best intentions will very likely come to almost nothing UNLESS you can at the same time go some way to removing these unconscious mental blocks. You may never remove them completely, but this does not mean that you should necessarily give up.

Discovering what your own still hidden mental blocks might be, and therefore what we can do to best assist you in removing them would serve as a useful basis for any readings I could offer you in future.

I feel as one man to another that if we could somehow help you to remove these mental obstacles you have unintentionally placed in your path (and I would be very pleased to do this if it is your wish), then any efforts you also make to apply some of the brilliant suggestions that our lovely MB ladies have so kindly given to you will now have a dramatically increased chance of succeeding, whereas before you may have only felt you were going endlessly in circles, and basically getting nowhere fast.

If you would like to show yourself at least half the love and compassion that you so frequently give generously to others (the need to learn to value and respect yourself is not confined to women), then I would regard it as both a pleasure and privilege to help you do so, by giving you some simple mental exercises which anybody can do at home, in order to blow those unconscious mental blocks clear out of the water.

This friendly advice is of course to be used in addition to you seeking professional and maybe medical advice as well, as you feel it is required. These suggestions are never to be used to replace professional advice, but only to serve to complement it.

I believe that you are a much kinder, loving and sensitive person than you presently appear to think you are, to ever use your male strength in order to manipulate a woman into doing something which she does not want. Please give both yourself and Aussie women in general a little more credit than that!


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Post by Samson » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:53 am

Well Thank you Eye Of Tiger, I believe what you have said to be true and correct and I will listen to all the advice that has been given to me, by you and the others.

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