If anyone has the time.. Could I please have a psychic reading?

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If anyone has the time.. Could I please have a psychic reading?

Post by ButterflyLace » Fri Jun 01, 2007 12:14 pm

Hello, I was just wondering if it was possible to get a psychic reading??
My stats are:
Tonya M June
Jan 5, 1976
Lapeer, Mi
I guess my question on would be about my finances... Are they going to get better?? and is there anything I need to pay closer attention to in my life??
I thank you all so much for the information that is posted on this site.. I truly enjoy reading all of it.
Many blessings, Tonya

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Jun 02, 2007 4:00 am

Hi Tonya, Image

And we in return are equally pleased that you have chosen to visit us, and to become a valued member of these forums. Greetings from Adelaide the capital city of South Australia to all our American internet friends, including of course your good self.


Now on to your enquiry concerning the possible future state of your finances. I sense by you asking this question that you have some significant concerns that you will not have enough money in the future, in order to translate your most cherished (money) dreams into a living reality.

I do see you as currently (or at least in the very near future) in the process of having to make a very difficult decision about which of two possible courses of action you should take. The problem as I see it is that both alternatives have their own potential advantages and disadvantages, and that if it turns out that you believe that you made the wrong decision on the basis of the information which was available to you at the time, that you think that either could turn out to be extremely expensive.

In other words, I feel that your very understandable fear of the possible negative financial consequences of taking either of these actions is preventing you from deciding at all. To make matters worse, by delaying your decision beyond the point of no return you might possibly begin to panic and do something unwise which you could later regret. Whether this decision is a business one, or whether instead it is more involved with your personal, family or home finances, on the basis of this reading you are being encouraged (or urged) to take one step back from the decision which will ultimately need to be made, to allow yourself to take a long overdue relaxation break and to above all get a more balanced and practical perspective on the mainly cash flow challenges ahead of you.

This is not the time to jump in where angels fear to tread or to decide on the other hand to simply wait and see what happens if you choose to do nothing about this for an extended period of time (depend entirely upon chance or good luck). Unfortunately, making no decision is a decision in itself and is not a viable option for a person such as yourself. By doing so other people who only have the own best interests at heart will be more than likely to want to take control over what is after all your own decision to make as you see fit.

Of course you should also construct a list of all the advantages and disadvantages of you taking each alternative course of action first on paper (all those you can think of), but I am being told that you need to listen more attentively to your own feelings and instincts, in addition to using both logic and reason.

Your finances are I believe not going to suddenly improve over the immediate future (although a moderate to major lottery win would certainly not go astray), but I feel that it will be more a case of slowly but surely. What you may have failed to realise is that by making this one decision you will often quite unintentionally open yourself to new possibilities that you had not even considered or would never have thought about if you had not taken that first calculated risk. Taking a calculated risk is something very different from feeling as though you have been forced to do something that you are likely to regret, simply because you kept putting off  making the decision until something (anything) needed to be done.

It is not only the current balance of your bank account and your financial status that are really of utmost concern to you here, but also that helpless feeling of you increasingly losing control over important financial decisions, which will now need to be made by other people on your behalf that can so readily cause you to panic. Having at least enough money to pay the bills plus having a little left over in reserve to be able to fully enjoy the simpler pleasures that make life still seem worth living is an essential part (although not the only thing that is important) of our need to feel reasonably in control over our lives?  

There will I sense be a gradual improvement of your finances over the coming six months or so, but nothing too dramatic.  There is however much of a positive financial nature to look forward to IF you are only able and willing to listen to your own instincts at least as much as you have used logic and reason in the past. Take a more middle path, listening equally to both your mind and heart, do not pressure yourself into making a rash decision, take a relaxation break to get your thoughts more in order, THEN TAKE YOUR CALCULATED RISK AND DECIDE!

Making that first decision will then frequently open up new doors of opportunity to you, that had up until only moments ago remained tightly shut.


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Thank you for your time......

Post by ButterflyLace » Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:32 pm

Thank you for your time, eye_of_tiger it was appreciated! ... Your reading is exactly on the mark..I've had a couple of readings in the last year from different sources and they come back the same...Two choices and make the right decision... I just have a problem of what the choices are.... LOL So I can make a decision...My life is a bit turned up-side-down right now... I guess more meditating and prayer is called for here...  As soon as I figure it out I'll up date you if you like.... Again Thank you so much
Blessings, Tonya

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 08, 2007 11:40 pm

Tonya, :smt006

I am always pleased to be of assistance to you.

Financial concerns and issues, although they are only a part of the challenges we face while living in a physical world such as this one, can all too easily get on top of us and make our sunshine soon turn to rain.

While it is the love of money which is the root of all evil, rather than the money itself, not having enough to pay your bills and to have some left over in reserve for the simple luxuries which make life still seem worth living can be a serious obstacle to us attempting to continue to think in a positive manner.

May your God go with you always,

eye_of_tiger  :smt004

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