requesting a reading please

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requesting a reading please

Post by jackiel » Tue Oct 30, 2007 10:07 pm

If anyone feels incline, could i have a reading. i keep getting different, advice, and im going nuts, thank you.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:29 am

If it is any consolation to you I sense that the people who are offering you this friendly advice believe that they are doing so in your best interests, and are not therefore intending to confuse you further than you already are.

Many people will tell you that knowledge is personally empowering, and that as long as we have enough information about a particular issue then we can always solve ANY problem using ONLY logic or reason as a 100% reliable guide.

The sad fact of the matter is that we have been conditioned by our society into not equally trusting our intuition/gut feelings when it comes to making important decisions. Even worse we have been made to believe that what information comes to us through other than our physical senses is something evil, and therefore is to be totally ignored. I believe instead that we were designed to use both reason and intuition in a balanced way - each useful within itself as well as perfectly complementing the other. No wonder then that we are all so confused most of the time, when we are only running our decision making engine on half it's normal number of cylinders at any one moment.


I wish to add that I personally admire your courage in reaching out for help in this way, as you have obviously recognised that you are far too close emotionally to the outcome of your decisions in order to be able to read the situation objectively.

While in the end it is you and you alone who must make your decisions and then be willing to live with their consequences, I am being asked to pass on to you a message that unless you can somehow significantly reduce your overall levels of stress from other sources other than the problem you are currently working on or attempting to deal with, then while I do not think it will be impossible, I do sense that it could all too easily and quickly turn into an uphill battle. In other words, take some quality time alone to relax and to examine in more detail which other areas of your life are presently major contributors to your overall stress levels, and do anything practical you can think of to lighten your worry load.

Meditation for stress release only at this stage (self realisation and merging with the spark of God within you can come much later, when you are not so stressed out as you are now), progressive relaxation exercises, gentle massage, a long warm bubble bath, some self pampering or for that matter any calming and relaxing activity that is in no way related to the problem in hand. I would however advise you not to resort to too much retail therapy to make you feel better, as a lack of money or of being able to decide how to use it more effectively may be at the root of many of your current problems. I do not want you to make your financial stress even greater by you accumulating record amounts of debt on your credit card.

Please also begin to give yourself the long overdue credit you deserve for being able to get this far in your life with your sanity relatively still intact. There is I feel a very big difference between you taking justifiable pride in what you have achieved sometimes under very adverse circumstances, and vanity. With due respect I sense that this is a lesson you still have to learn much about. Do not beat up on yourself for having some difficulty in recognising the difference between the two, as I feel that you may have been brought up with this often unspoken belief (again by well meaning people who love you).

Not wanting to stress you out any further at the moment with too much helpful advice at one time, I will now leave you with these insights and sincerely hope that they will go at least some way towards helping you to once again get back on top of each of your problems in turn, helping you to focus on one at a time (rather than frightening yourself unnecessarily by looking at all your problems at once).

It is especially important to take care of your health with the guidance of your family doctor over the coming months, as the stress has made your immune system less effective than it otherwise would have been. This could see you picking up any bug or illness that is presently doing the rounds, so take special care in this regard. Logic has it's own role to play when we need to make decisions, but it also has it's serious limitations (which is where our feelings and intuition should kick in)?

Love, Light and Healing to you and your family from me and mine,

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Post by jackiel » Wed Oct 31, 2007 2:30 am

Thank you , You are right i have been very stressed, and unhappy. i have been asked to go back with my ex, husband, do u see that happening?
And i can only hope i am a little sane, i do have my doubts,,lol

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Major changes

Post by yourinfopro » Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:51 pm

Hello, I went back to my x and now we have been married 30 years and have been quite happy..super happy really. I would tell you thugh that that is rare. The same problems will still be there and if the X is unwilling to correct them with you together then you still cannot make everything work. One person trying  long term does not make a happy couple. Money is a big issue and sharing the responsibility is tough. I would offer this suggestion..sitting down and/or going out a few times to see how willing the X is to try without committing yourself might show you how much the X wants you back before you decide. Please search your heart and rediscover how much you love this person...can you be happier without this person? If not then your battle is just starting. Hope this helped.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:24 am

I am very cautious in telling you that I either do or do not see you going back with your ex husband, as this is your decision and nobody (least of all a psychic reader such as myself) has the right to make this decision on your behalf.

While I am happy to hear that going back to her ex apparently worked so well for Debbie (welcome to the Psychic Reading forum Debbie), I would not want to be seen as giving you a 100% guarantee that it will equally work in your own very different circumstances. It might, but then again it might not.

By predicting that you will stay with your ex for the next 30 years or so, simply because I said that you were destined to do so according to the cards (even if you were feeling increasingly miserable and alone as each day passed) then I could quite unintentionally be sentencing you to a life of intense suffering where your remaining feelings of self confidence and self esteem were mercilessly destroyed.

On the other hand by predicting that there is absolutely no chance that you and your ex could ever work out your differences (and there is nothing in your reading that suggests that the marriage is doomed to failure no matter what you tried), I am possibly cutting off many of the available options for your own self healing process.

Overall, there is nothing at all in your reading that either specifically says that you should immediately return to your ex husband and possibly continue to be ignored or abused by him in some manner for at least the next three decades, or that your marriage is a total failure and that since there is no hope of ever fixing it you should therefore cut your losses and run in the opposite direction, just as fast as you are capable of doing. Whichever of the two options (stay or leave) you decide is the best thing for you to do, we will continue to support you in your decision.

Hoping this helps,

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I agree cmpletely

Post by yourinfopro » Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:02 am

Thanks EOT for the welcome..great site!!!
I had a unique situation with my husband...we were a very good match and loved each other. I left him because he had an extremely dangerous job and I wanted him to live not die so he had to pick me or the job. I won.

this situation can only be resolved by her and looking into her heart to accompany her judgement of right and wrong for the situation. No reading should "tell" you want to is only a guiding hand. I hope the direction you need comes from a higher power you already have with you that I like to call the love of God within us all, others call it something different.
Please just remember that my outcome on this was right for must search long and hard for YOUR answer.

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