I would like a psychic reading about my love life :D

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I would like a psychic reading about my love life :D

Post by WernerOne » Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:48 am

the following is some info about me:
full name: Werner Emmanuel Figueroa De La Cruz

VIRGO Third Decan      6°50' Pisces Ascendant (first decan)
moon in pisces

Born on september 13, 1989  @ 17(5pm):15 {{Escuintla, Guatemala Time.}}

i am emotionally harsh and cold, and i am unconfident and shy. i would like this to change. if any of you can help me by doing a psychic reading of me would be great. i cant stand this four qualities of me, i want to turn lovely and confident!

thank you in advance.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 26, 2007 1:53 am

Hi Werner, :smt017

Was it either another psychic reader, astrologer, well meaning friend or family member who told you that you were emotionally harsh and cold, or is this entirely your own self assessment? While I do agree that you may first come across to others as lacking in self confidence when dealing with other people, it should not take much looking below the surface for anyone to recognise that you are in reality anything but being emotionally harsh and cold. I believe that by the time you reach this age that much of your personality is what it will always be, although this does not mean that change is impossible. Basically, I do not feel that you are lacking in any positive qualities, although you have your own weakness like everybody else does. I therefore do not feel that your personality needs fixing. What I do feel that needs some work is in changing your perceptions of yourself so that it more accurately reflects the person whom you really are deep down.

By changing your distorted perceptions about yourself, this should then have a positive flow on effect in how other people will also perceive you as being in the future? Fortunately for you, it is I believe frequently much easier to change a person's perceptions about themselves, than to selectively change certain aspects of their total personality (as you have suggested needs to be urgently done). My impressions on the basis of this reading are that the ways you believe yourself to be (your self perceptions) have somehow been distorted or twisted by someone close to you who probably had the very best of intentions that such advice was in your best interests. On the other hand I am not entirely ruling out the possibility that you have been psychologically abused by somebody else who had anything but your best interests in mind. I do believe that the ways in which you respond emotionally are different in many ways to how other people of your own age group might, but as you tend to keep your feelings largely to yourself they could easily misinterpret your silence as meaning that you simply do not care.

As well as this, I feel that many people think that if you do not worry yourself sick about something or someone, then this is evidence that you could not care less. I strongly suspect that this is exactly what has happened to you on many occasions in your own life, and as other people often act as a mirror in reflecting back to us our personal qualities which need the most work, your mirror has become distorted like one of those crazy curved mirrors in a fun house. In other words, you are not either getting a clear picture of the weaknesses you do need to work on, and at the same time you are ignoring all the positive strengths that you already have going for you. You are receiving inaccurate feedback about your true character, and you are then basing your assumptions on faulty or totally inaccurate information.

As I am telling you that you are at the core a good and decent man who is doing the very best with whatever resources God has already given you, I am certain that in the back of your mind there is a stream of thought or an actual voice that is trying to convince you over and over again that what I am saying now is ridiculous, and that you should therefore ignore any insights I might offer you in order to help you change your ways of thinking about yourself. This is what is often called the voice of your inner parent. It may or may not be related to your own parents in real life, whether they are still alive or dead. It is a strict voice of absolute authority which appears to do everything it possibly can to make you accept that as a human being you are a total failure, or at least with regards to the personal qualities it most fears. When you fear something, one way to remove the evidence to the contrary is to not only make out it does not exist, but to at times make out it is the complete opposite of what it really is. That is what our own subconscious minds are often guilty of doing. With a "friend" like this, who needs enemies?

Some people who have not taken the time or effort to get to know you better could very easily interpret the ways in which you react as meaning that you are a heartless and emotionally cold fish, when deep down I feel that your main problem is that you care too much (rather than not enough). While you cannot force any person to like you, I feel that you can by changing the ways that you think about such things in a more positive direction, also progressively change the type of person who will now find you more attractive and worth getting to know better. Another way of putting this would be to say that we tend to attract the type of person who most accurately reflects our most commonly held beliefs about our own self worth. Our unconscious mind can be a particularly effective and loyal friend to have by our side when the going gets tough, but when it gets out of control it can often be terribly cruel, and tell us things about ourselves which are anything but representative of the truth. Self confidence will gradually develop through the ongoing practice of both patience and compassion for yourself as being a fallible human being who is trying to do his level best at all times.

Please be kinder to yourself, at least until next time we meet,

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Post by WernerOne » Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:37 am

yes you are totally right! there's something in my mind that makes me think im a failure!!!  People do indeed like me, in friendships,love,lust, and in an admiring way. Even when i am mean, i do it in a very funny way that people like. But my mind wont let me progress and get the most out of it! From what i have read, my Venus is in Scorpio, which is said to attract the opposite sex like crazy, and this is really true. i knew this even before i read the venus in scorpio part. But yes, it is that part of my mind you told me about thats keeping me down! i need to work on it. thank you very much. :D

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Abuse of astrology

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:28 am

Werner, Image

In your case a little knowledge of astrology can be extremely damaging to your self confidence. If you had understood correctly about an astrological chart as being an indicator of your personality tendencies at the time of your birth, you would soon realise that there are other forces at work within your life beyond you "having Venus in Scorpio".

My own sun sign is in Sagittarius, and although my birth chart is quite accurate in some respects, it is way off in others as environmental and genetic factors also surely come into play. If you are not the sort of person as was indicated that you should be according to your astrology chart, it is not a sign that you are a failure or have failed, but merely reminds you that you are the complex product of a combination of different influences each affecting your personality in so many different ways, many of which are beyond your control.

I generally regard myself as a fairly good judge of character when I first meet a person, and I therefore strongly disagree with your poor assessment of yourself. Please do not either misinterpret your psychic reading or your astrology chart as evidence that I am wrong about the type of person I believe that you are deep down (where it really counts).

From your friend,

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Post by WernerOne » Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:02 am

thanks alot! i appreciate it!

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