Respectfully requesting reading

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Respectfully requesting reading

Post by Sunsetcoquette » Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:43 pm

Hi, I just joined and would greatly appreciate any reading or help that anyone was willing to give. My name is Jean, my birthday is Jan 10, 1984 (though I would prefer not to have a reading based on astrology, please). I am looking at a very busy and productive year, though I am confused about what path I should be taking professionally. I am working through school right now and am unsure about my personal path, and my romantic future. My boyfriend and I are very happy together, but we are both facing the unknown in the next few years. We've been best friends for many years before our romance bloomed.
Thank you so much for any responses!


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Take better care of yourself at the same time as helping others

Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:29 am

Hello Jean, Image

I was wondering whether you did not want a reading based on either astrology or numerology (life path readings are based upon your full DOB), so I steered clear completely of these and went with the Tarot cards instead.

While I understand about the importance you place upon your relationship with your current boyfriend, I feel that between you have all the resources you will ever require to successfully meet any challenges you might encounter in the future as a couple, rather than as two separate individuals. This reading will consequently focus on choosing for you a suitable career path which will not only provide you with an adequate and regular income, but will be found to be personally satisfying and consistent with your life purpose.

Your major life purpose as I see it on the basis of the cards is to act as an effective voice for your disadvantaged fellow human beings, in gaining justice on their behalf. Overall I see you in a public speaking, caretaker situation where you can use your above average ability to communicate through use of the spoken word to speak on behalf of people who through no fault of their own whose opinions do not seem to matter to the system.

While I do not think that you are going to play a major role in ensuring that justice is done on the world stage, I do feel that you possess the potential to bring about significant positive change in the system's attitudes towards those whose voices do not normally tend to be heard. It is also unclear whether you will primarily do this on a voluntary basis, or whether instead this will become your main source of income as being a paid job, but if your career does not allow you to do this in order to earn your living, you will need to find a suitable alternative outlet for doing so in some other way.

People with your specific personality type are often in the same unenviable situation as politicians are, in that they must often attempt to please all of the people all of the time. This is of course completely impossible, but it does not prevent "people pleasers" such as your good self from trying regardless. Often you will feel as though you are caught between a rock and a hard place or are like the meat in a sandwich, in attempting to find some mutually agreeable compromise that will restore a sense of relative peace between both parties.  

People following this particular difficult pathway through life are here to teach others leadership by their own example, but a leader who has no willing followers is most unlikely to be effective in bringing about positive, social change. Unfortunately, this frequently also means that you have a deep but largely unspoken belief that if a job is worth doing well, then only you can do it.

This often means that you tend to bite off more than you can comfortably chew, and you fail to delegate responsibility and share the load with others, when any leader worth their salt knows that this is almost an invitation for disaster. While we should always try to do what we believe is the right thing to do and do it to the very best of our own abilities, becoming a perfectionist and workaholic will require you to make sacrifices in many other areas of your life at the same time (especially with regards to our closest relationships with those we love) and including your health on several levels. This reading is therefore urging you to find a more comfortable working balance for you between helping others as best you can at the time, and in getting your own equally important needs met as well. If you continue to work yourself into the ground and destroy your health and relationships in the process, what good are you going to be to anyone who might be depending on you.

While I am not making any actual predictions about how life will treat you over the coming months (as you say you are facing a fairly busy and productive year), please also spare a thought for yourself and for those people who love you dearly by putting just as much time and effort into taking proper care of yourself and in nurturing your existing relationships, than you often tend to do as a spokesperson for your favourite charity or pet cause.

Love, Light and Healing,

eye_of_tiger (green happens to be both the colour of balance, as well as healing) Image

PS: I will now leave it up to you to think about finding a specific job or career where your personal qualities as described above would be greatly in demand, and give you a distinct advantage over other applicants for the same position.

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Post by Sunsetcoquette » Mon Jan 21, 2008 8:31 pm

eye_of_tiger, thank you so much for your response! I am actually leaning towards a career in teaching, in large part because I think (hope) that I will be able to help people in that way. I have spent a large part of my time in public school systems and I think I would do really well within that.
Unfortunately, this frequently also means that you have a deep but largely unspoken belief that if a job is worth doing well, then only you can do it.
You're dead on here.
I feel that between you have all the resources you will ever require to successfully meet any challenges you might encounter in the future as a couple, rather than as two separate individuals.
Just to clarify, you mean that this is a positive and long term relationship? I do feel that we have a very strong relationship in general. We've been best friends our whole life, and I feel that as a couple we are more than the sum of our parts (hope that makes sense!).
(green happens to be both the colour of balance, as well as healing)

and it's my fave color! Thank you again, so much![/quote]

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jan 22, 2008 12:28 am

Thanking you for your positive and very helpful feedback, as well as your kind words of appreciation for my efforts on your behalf.

As a retired high school teacher myself I can only agree with and support your choice of a career.
Just to clarify, you mean that this is a positive and long term relationship?

I meant that your's could potentially be a very positive and long term relationship. I feel that you really love each other, and you already possess all the resources (internal and external) which you will ever need to make your relationship work well, but that it is now entirely up to the both of you to take maximum advantage of the opportunities which life is presenting you with, now and well into the future.

Hoping this makes my intended meaning a little clearer,


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Post by Sunsetcoquette » Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:10 am

I meant that your's could potentially be a very positive and long term relationship. I feel that you really love each other, and you already possess all the resources (internal and external) which you will ever need to make your relationship work well, but that it is now entirely up to the both of you to take maximum advantage of the opportunities which life is presenting you with, now and well into the future.
<fingers crossed> I hope so. Our individual futures may be unknown, we're young, but I know that I want him in my life always.
Thanking you for your positive and very helpful feedback, as well as your kind words of appreciation for my efforts on your behalf.

As a retired high school teacher myself I can only agree with and support your choice of a career.
Thank you- I think high school teachers are amazing, I had several that made my teenage years in school a wonderful time.

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