Simply Amazing...

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Simply Amazing...

Post by RebeccaReiki » Wed Feb 06, 2008 3:22 pm

:smt006 Without expectation and deep graditude I respectfully request a reading of any kind.  I have been through some very dramatic changes and I am feeling like now would be a good time for a bit of interaction with someone who is living on a higher level than the "real" world.

My Birthday is March 4, 1974

I am newer here so please let me know if there is anything else that is needed.  Thank you so much. :)

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Live more fully in this world, but be not of it

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 08, 2008 12:39 am

Without expectation and deep gratitude I respectfully request a reading of any kind.
May I say that you really do know how well to make friends and positively influence people by beginning your request in this manner? It is nice to meet someone who has a completely open mind, and has such a positive but down to Earth attitude to life in general. In a very similar manner, to give you a reading I will now open my own mind to any messages which may come through me on your behalf.
I am feeling like now would be a good time for a bit of interaction with someone who is living on a higher level than the "real" world.
Unfortunately, although I understand that you feel that this is a good time to interact with someone who shares many of your own beliefs about how this strange thing called life actually works, it is necessary for me to keep living in this world while at the same time gradually learning to understand myself and to determine why I was placed here on Earth in the first place. Too many people I feel have the wrong idea about "spiritual people" (whatever that might mean) somehow living at a different or higher level, when compared to those others amongst us who are not so spiritually inclined.

Live more fully in this world, but be not of it is my advice to you, and to others who may have a similar tendency to have their heads in the clouds, without as well remembering to keep their feet firmly planted on the ground. Another way of saying the same thing is that it while it is a positive quality to reach for the sky as long as your expectations do not exceed your ability to deliver, if you do not as well adequately ground yourself in the everyday practicalities of living in a modern highly technological society during the opening years of the 21st century, then all of your beliefs will come to nothing. We are spiritual beings temporarily using a physical body in order to learn a series of important lessons which can only be easily learned in a physical world such as this one, so in a manner we are constantly straddling two worlds, the Spirit World which is our true home, and this finite existence.

Do not therefore make the very common mistake of attempting to keep your spirituality (the outward practice of your spiritual beliefs) in a completely separate compartment from the rest of your daily life. You are intended to make your life a living example of your deepest beliefs, rather than trying to convince other people of anything, or wanting to force your ideas about life upon them before they feel ready to listen to them, if at all.

Be true to yourself in everything you do, as if you are trying to be just like someone else then you will almost inevitably fail. Nobody currently on Earth is as qualified and well equipped to be you as you are, so give it your best shot. Do not constantly compare yourself in a negative manner to others, as they have their own paths to follow and this is not a game of first one past the post. We have each come here mainly to work with our own problems and issues, but if we can in the process help others along their own way then there was a very good reason for us being here at this relatively brief moment in time.

Continue to reach out for help and words of wisdom whenever you feel the need to do so. Both may arrive through completely unexpected channels and be found in unusual places. Try not to judge everything and everyone immediately by surface appearances, as there is a germ of goodness and wisdom in everything or everyone, as long as we are each willing to make the effort to delve a little deeper or get to know the person better.

Find some special cause in your life to keep you motivated enough to keep going, even when life begins to get you down, as well as continually looking for that someone special with whom to share your most cherished dreams with, and warm your heart to strengthen it against the cold. I will now leave you with a blessing and assurance that your life is unfolding exactly as it should, and therefore to give in to your anxieties and fears now would be a crying shame. Continue to follow your chosen path with both faith and courage as your travelling companions, and remember that there is always somebody who is worse off than you. Count your many blessings, while at the same time spreading the blessings around in the lives of others as well as your own.

-----------------END OF MESSAGE------------------------

Be kind to yourself,

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Post by RebeccaReiki » Sun Feb 10, 2008 3:20 pm

:smt006 Greetings Eye of the Tiger.  It is very nice to meet your aquaintance.

Thank you so very much for your time and consideration.  I find your words comforting, inspiring and familiar.  I have in the past year or two begun to see the world with my eyes wide open.  I used to be a pessimist to the extreme.  Now I know that anything is possible.  I feel ontop of the world and as if I can do almost anything if I just put forth the effort and carry a good attitude.  I can see the best in the worst situations.  I find myself knowing the answers to things innately that I never understood before.  Creativity is swirling about my entire being and grows stronger by the second, as if my muse finally came back from a well deserved vacation.  I can feel others energy and emotions easily.  My intuition is surfacing. I can recognize meaning in every aspect of my life, big and small.  

I have finally allowed myself to be in this life who I am in my essence and I truly enjoy my own company.  I do believe that I am at times overwhelming to others in my company though.   I am not sure when and how to filter my feelings, thoughts and senses.  I dont know how much to say and how much to hold back.  In general it seems the more I let it flow the more easily it comes consequently. I have noticed not even my own mother looks at me the same lately, whether I say things or not, as if she does not know who I am anymore.  I am genuinely happy. I try to go above and beyond to help anyone that I can everyday. I do not want others in my life to dislike me, but I am completely fine with it if they do.

You said to be true to myself in everything that I do.  I smile when I think of this.  My favorite Shakespeare play is Hamlet and I have quoted many times through out the years this part of the play "This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." I have always felt that most people here on earth live with a veil of physical covering their being.  They put up walls and pretend to be more than, less than or different from who they are at the core.  I have always known that this is one of the most important things to exude from oneself.  I always thought that I was being true to myself by being kind, helpful and loving, but recently I have found that the depth of my truth was really very shallow and was only the surface of all that I am inside.  I have so much to learn and I can not wait to learn it.

I have come upon some outlets to nurture my heart.  I am a Reiki practitioner, although at this time I am not practicing as much as I would like.  I have become a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and quite enjoy the environment, company and service to others that is eminating there.  I am so regrettably lacking in the "go to" department for help and guidance.  I know that I can find the answers for all that I need within myself or in many other small and seemingly random things in my life and I do take full advantage of it when I can.  I am the sort of person who likes to have a teacher. I don't want someone with all of the answers, but someone to help me find them myself.  My grandmother was that person for me until she passed almost 10 years ago.  I know when the time is right a new teacher or many will come.  It would be so nice to be with another person who can see the world from a similar perspective as I do.

I have a sign on my front porch that says "Give Thanks."  My mother gave it to me a couple of years ago after she saw how much I liked it while shopping together.  I debated round and round about where to put it because it was so big. I think she meant it to be seasonal for Thanksgiving.  I mean it to be out there on my porch for the world to see, everyday until the paint wears off.  My neighbors have said how much they like it and I said thank you very much.  I have so much in my life to be thankful for how dare I complain about things that are petty.  I have a magnificent absolutely adoring husband.  I have been entrusted with four amazing little souls.  I have food and a warm house filled with all of the love it can hold.  I have everything I need and more.  This is true contentment.

I am so thankful for your reading, as it could not be a better description of where I am in my life.  

May light shine upon you...
With love,
:smt049 Rebecca :smt049

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:12 am

Thanking you Rebecca for your very constructive and positive feedback, as well as your kind words of appreciation. I really could not have expected a more glowing reward for giving any person a reading, and I consequently thank you sincerely for the time and effort you obviously put into doing this. You are also an excellent communicator through the power of the written word, which sadly I feel is a dying art.

You wrote in your response:
I am not sure when and how to filter my feelings, thoughts and senses.
This ability will only I feel gradually develop with experience, as knowing when to say something to best help another person is just as important as knowing what to say. While getting the timing right is a skill that most of us can only learn on the job, do not believe for one moment that saying nothing is preferable.

Trust more in your own instincts that you will be given whatever information is in your client's best interests, when it is felt necessary and not before.

From one teacher to another,

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