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Requesting a reading

Post by fire_and_ashez » Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:52 pm

Hello Mysticboard,

I was hoping someone could give me a reading in relation to a career choice. I had been working seasonally at a store and have finally decided I need change. I'm just not sure what field I should go into, or if I should go back to school for a degree. And as a side question, I keep having the feeling that maybe if I move to a different state out west, I'll find a job easier. So my other question is: do you see me moving anytime soon and will moving help/hurt a job choice.
Here is some info about me if you need it for the reading. Just ask if you need any other information. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer!

DOB:6/20/1987 (the time I believe was around 7:23pm)

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A Jill or master of all trades?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:11 am

Hi Ashley, :smt006

I just looked back in your profile and realised that the last reading I gave you was at the very end of October last year. The seasonal work at the store has obviously been keeping you fairly busy since then, but I sincerely welcome you back anyway. There are quite a few other factors which could potentially affect whether or not you will soon get a more permanent position including your qualifications, previous work experience relevant to the type of job for which you are applying and the relative availability of such a job in your local area - which a career guidance officer would be better qualified to advise you about. Your side question concerning the possibility of changing to a different state out west to increase your chances of being the successful applicant at least shows that you have left this option open when considering what is practical.

For the purposes of this career reading I will use your date of birth in combination with my own intuition, in order to answer your question to the very best of my ability.


Your Life Path or Destiny number is 33 which just happens to be one of the three so called Master Numbers according to numerologists (11, 22 and 33). When 33 is reduced to a single digit number by addition it gives six. To be able to use this to offer you advice concerning your career and whether or not you will be required to move west we will look at the general characteristics of the people with an LPN of 6 as well as what the master number means. Usually having a master number in your Life Path means that your purpose in this lifetime is to learn the lessons of the number six, but taken to much more advanced and challenging levels than most people ever have to reach. This can be a little frightening to a person to be told that they are walking the path of a master, especially if the expectations they place upon themselves are unrealistically high. Effectively you are being encouraged to constantly stretch and eventually outgrow what has been up until now your personal comfort zone or security blanket. But at the same time as this being scary, it is also filled with many exciting and positive opportunities and it is this which your reading is encouraging you to keep focussed on, even when the going gets tough.

The master number 33 is the path of a leader or pathfinder of a spiritual nature. This does no necessarily mean that you are going to be a world spiritual leader like Mahatma Ghandi who like yourself was a master number 33, but it does strongly suggest that you will serve as a guide or living example to others in this field of interest. With such a position comes many wonderful experiences, but also a huge sense of responsibility. Another important aspect of such a person is that they are always seeking truth, as part of their own healing journey. Now what this means to the type of career in which you would be most likely to excel must necessary be consistent with your overall spiritual purpose and beliefs. These individuals do not display any typical pattern in terms of their life story. However they do usually achieve fame and recognition amongst their small circle of admirers and friends through acts of kindness, tenderness and compassion that will hopefully lead to the transformation of the world's consciousness.  

It has been often said that this type of person frequently tries one job after another as often as most of us change our socks. This suggests to me that if you did choose a particular career direction that the first job you have will very likely not be the same one you are working at in two to five years time. It is almost if you are a "career chameleon" who changes her approach and attitudes in order to adapt to whatever job she is in at the time. This is common to people of all of the three master numbers. While a master number 33 individual is supposed to be quite rare, I am increasingly encountering them on this forum, and perhaps there is a definite reason why this is happening in such changeable times as we currently live in, where being able to be a Jack (or in your case Jill) of all trades would be a distinct advantage when dealing with the constantly evolving job market. It is possible that if you went back to school for a degree that you would be preparing yourself for a job which does not even yet exist, or at least in your local area.

My advice therefore on the basis of this reading would be to find a reliable and trustworthy career guidance officer or counsellor and get him or her to look at your total work profile and best match your qualifications and skills to what types of jobs are available. Keep in mind that you would most likely be equally successful in many different types of carers, as long as it was consistent with what I have already said above. Only then will you know whether or not you need to return to school, or perhaps consider moving to where the jobs are.

The final thing I would like to tell you is that you are most likely to be at your very best at any job where you feel in direct contact with your customers and clients for a major part of each day, and where you feel that you are by doing this job making a significant positive difference in their lives. I do see you as a worker in the helping or healing professions, or on the other hand as someone who works to  conserve the environment and/or in the role of a social activist who supports and fights for the rights of people who through no fault of their own have no voice in making the important decisions affecting them and their families.

Wishing you continuing good health and a happy but challenging future ahead in choosing your career direction. While I am not making any actual predictions about the type of job you will first get or whether or not you need to go back to school or move out west, I do feel confident that your own instincts will guide you well when the time arrives for them to do so (and not a moment before).

Loving regards,

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Post by fire_and_ashez » Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:17 pm

Thank you so much Eye of Tiger. You always give very informative and thought provoking readings.

I was hoping for a quick generalized "you should go into medical, or writing, or business, etc." But you have given me alot to think about in terms of being in one profession for life. I had never really envisioned myself sticking to one set thing for very long because thats just my nature, I guess its also in my numbers as well.

I also looked around online about master numbers, 33 in paticular, and couldn't find very much. I know you have already wrote alot about the number, but I was hoping you could give me more information on it. Rarities are definatley a curiosity of mine. Why is it rare? And do you know of any other historical people who were also 33s?

Thank you again! - Ashley

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Numerology and the master numbers

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 08, 2008 4:48 am

Ashley, :smt003

Try the following site, as it probably explains better than I ever could what having the master number 33 in your life path effectively means to you.

"Numerology and the master numbers"
The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind.......
According to this the relative rarity of the Master Number 33 comes out of the way in which only some numerologists calculate it (not including myself). Unlike where I simply add each of the digits to arrive at the LPN, there are numerologists who add the digits of the month day and year as completely separate units in order to make their interpretation. This is probably why I have already found so many master number 33 people on this forum using my own method of calculation (which many numerologists use as well).
The fact that the 33 is extra-ordinary demanding and rare can be seen symbolically in the methods of calculation......
Hoping I have not unintentionally confused you even further,

eye_of_tiger  :smt017

PS: In addition to Mahatma Ghandi whom I have already mentioned above, Jawaharlal Nehru's date of birth was 14-11-1889 which also made him a Master Number 33.

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Post by fire_and_ashez » Wed Apr 09, 2008 4:06 pm

Thank you for the site eye of tiger!

You didn't confuse me at all. I completly understand that some people add the numbers in different ways, but I've usually seen them added the way you added them above.

I also had never heard of Jawaharlal Nehru before and looked him up, his wikipedia article was an awesome read.

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Jawaharlal Nehru

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Apr 10, 2008 3:54 am

Jawaharlal Nehru was born on November 14, 1889 in Allahabad, central India. His father Motilal Nehru was a prominent advocate and early leader of the Indian independence movement.
Both audio and video files about his very active public life are available on the following website.

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