Requesting a General Reading Please

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Requesting a General Reading Please

Post by Izuno » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:37 am

I'm going through a lot of bad luck right now. I feel like I'm losing everything that means a lot to me. Even though I have a family, we're not close. I can't talk to them and except them to understand because they never do. They don't think like me.

I don't believe I'm going to get married in the future. In my dreams, I went through everything a woman can go through with a man. Somehow, in those dreams, I fell in love with him, and I can't see myself marrying someone else. If I'm supposed to live together with a guy, I could probably do that, but I can't even think of having sex with any guy. Every time I try to picture it, I see the guy from those dreams grinning at me. If I try to imagine someone else, I get repulsed. I don't think that guy in those dreams exists because it feels like it's too good to be true.

I plan on living alone no matter how sad and lonely that sounds. Right now, the only thing that means anything to me is my career. After coming to college, I realized what I wanted to be. I fell in love with this career, and for that career, I need to major in Business in my university. I feel like I'll never get in because my GPA is kind of low. I've been getting sick so many times with ulcers, tendinitis, and inflammation of my jaws. I can't sleep or eat normally. I'm too scared I might lose this too. I lost so much already. I can't lose this too.

I really need someone to look into the future or something to tell me that it'll be all right or anything.

I think this is all the information you need. If you need more, please tell me. Thanks for helping me.

Name: Monica
Place of Birth: Trichinopoly, Tamil Nadu, India
Time of Birth: 12:05 PM
Date of Birth: June 28, 1990.

Once again, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. :D
Last edited by Izuno on Mon Apr 07, 2008 10:30 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Post by butterworth » Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:55 pm

I have two children. Their father has gone for 7 years.
I thought I will stay all my life alone. Then I fell in love with a man. His parents do not accept me.
I will never get married. I will never see his family.
We shall avoid being seen togother.

But I am in love, so I do not care about all that.
I only care of him.

Good luck.

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Re: understanding

Post by Izuno » Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:53 pm

butterworth wrote:I have two children. Their father has gone for 7 years.
I thought I will stay all my life alone. Then I fell in love with a man. His parents do not accept me.
I will never get married. I will never see his family.
We shall avoid being seen togother.

But I am in love, so I do not care about all that.
I only care of him.

Good luck.
What about your children? I'm they still need and love you. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope your life gets better.

I accept the fact that I'll be alone. Once I sleep with a man, that's it. I can't do it with anyone else. Even though I haven't slept with anyone, I've seen myself with him. I can't accept anyone else. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I think it wasn't meant to be in my case. As I said before, my career means everything to me. I lost everything else. This is all I have, and I don't know what I would do if I lose this too.

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Post by Izuno » Sun Apr 06, 2008 8:47 am

By the way, here's a picture of me if you need one.

Thanks for the reading! I really appreciate it. It might make me stop worrying about my career.

It might be big. Sorry, I don't have a good program to cut and resize pictures.

Once again, thank you so much.

Edit: I don't feel safe keeping my picture online for too long.
Last edited by Izuno on Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Gem » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:45 am

Hi Izuno, you are only 17, it is crazy to start making such sweeping statements such as you have. I know that at 17 you may think that you know it all, I know my teenage children think that lol, but you are so so young and things will change. You have your whole life ahead of you, please don't restrict your options on the basis of a dream or two, no matter how real or perfect they seem. At your age the mind and body and soul is developing and in the subconscious world feelings will be heightened and feel more sensuous and sexual. You are worth far more than that, no matter what you think now you will have plenty of opportunities and situations that will open you up to other possibilites. You are very pretty and I am sure that many will find you very attractive and want to be with you. Please don't pre-judge your whole life by these scant few years. Get a health check to put your mind at rest first, then make sure you exercise and eat well and get enough rest, relaxation and fun.

Decide what you want to do as a career and then start on that route, you can always change them at a later date, just don't think anything is set in stone, it truly isn't, you can change and if you think more positively then you will soon see better results :)

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Post by MangoMom » Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:46 pm

Hello Izuno,

Thank you so much for your request, but sadly, I have to decline.  I do not open the records of individuals 18 or under due to their spirit still developing.   The energies sourrounding your soul could be damaged if we access your records at this time and I will not be the one to do that.  You are such a beautiful young woman.  From my experience in the past I would say the guides were trying to show you what love is, not who love is.  The picture of the man you saw in your dreams were not as important as the feelings you were experiencing.  Consider that and check out the meditation forum, there is probably some valuable information in that for you.

God will bless you with so many blessings
Love, Light and Laughter

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Post by Izuno » Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:01 pm

Gem, I know what you mean when you say teenagers think they know everything. I really try not to be like those teenagers. It's just that this past year has been horrible. That's why I'm stressed out. I went to check to see if anything is wrong with my body, and the doctors don't know why I'm getting sick a lot. I told them every symptom I have such as blackouts, headaches, stomachaches, and etc. They did X-rays and everything, and they found nothing wrong. That's why I'm thinking it might be psychological or something in my spirit. I guess I should try to be more positive no matter how hopeless I feel. Thanks, Gem! :D

MangoMom: Thanks for the advice, MangoMom. :) Could mediumship really help me? I mean, you have to be a psychic to do that first. I don't even know if I have anything psychic in me, but I'll still check out that forum to learn new information. Maybe, you can give me a reading another time after I turn 18. I would really be honored to know what the records say.

Once again, thanks for the advice, Gem & MangoMom! :D

Would I be rude if I ask for a general reading, instead? I want to know if something is wrong spiritually.

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Post by Izuno » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:05 am

Could someone please help me? I'm becoming desperate. Things are going from bad to worse. My parents aren't helping. Instead, it's more like they're blackmailing or threatening me and insulting me.

I need to know two things. My career and the possibility of a marriage. I think I should go into business, but I don't know if that's my calling (if there is such a thing). Also, I don't want to get married. In my culture, we do arranged marriages, and my parents keep saying a woman first priority is family. If she gets a job, it's so that she can provide money for the family. Honestly, I don't like men. I'm not a lesbian. I think they're cute and etc., but I would never get involved with them. The career I'm aiming for is a career most women won't go into. So, if my pursuit in that career fails, that's good for my parents because then they can push me into a marriage.

I know that parents care about their children, but honestly, this is true. I've lived in this lifestyle for years. I fell into that trap so many times, and this time, I don't want to fall. If I fall, I'm afraid I'll be miserable my whole life.

Please give me some guidance. I really appreciate it. Thanks.


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Post by Destinatus » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:33 am

I wouldn't necessarily call this a ready you can use this as advice.  I know what position you're in when everything is against you but you need to trust your heart and your intuition. I was there before. I left home and moved to New York City all by my self, with money I got on my own, not much and I moved completely. I took my whole entire life with me.  Things will change, etc but you need to initiate things for yourself.  Yes you're 17... but remember I was 17 too.  You need to set things straight with your parents. Yes culture values, and religious values come first but if they love you which they do they will help you or at least give you a hand.  There are very much worse things that children can do and they need to be aware of that as well as you are an angel compared to most individuals I know you're age, which are all involved in prostitution, drugs, etc.  But anyways, I have several friends who are from India and I understand completely and some of them are scared to do anything for themself just mainly because the fact that they are scared of being disowned but so far you say that they won't help you, etc.  What the worse that can happen now?  If you're so passionate as you say you are then stand up for yourself and show that passion to your parents.   Career is important for me right now and you need to be strong and determined.  You need to put your foot down and say something.  Yes, there's a risk and yes so much seems like nobody is on your side but at least you can say to yourself that you tried and in all honest, you did nothing wrong.  All I know is that right now this is a transitioning period for you just like the one I am in and things will always be rocky but like all things, it will filter itself and you will figure things out.  But things happen for a reason, to an extent that is.  Travel somewhere? come to America?  Somewhere!  You're not running away but you're taking control of YOUR LIFE and that's what I believe you should do which completely contradicts the whole lifestyle but some things aren't mean for everybody.  Understand so far? please let me know if some things are unclear and I would be happy to clarify things for you!  It's 2:34 am and I'm hitting sheets! :)  Best of hope to you, keep your chin up.

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Post by Izuno » Wed Apr 09, 2008 9:47 am

I've told them many times that my career means a lot to me. Right now, things aren't going so well in college, and my parents ask why it's going wrong. I told them I'm doing my best, but they don't believe me. They think I'm lazy, childish, stupid and etc. They think I'm all talk and no action. They don't know what I'm going through. They keep assuming stuff and won't believe a word I'm saying.

Even though we live in America, my parents still follow the Indian tradition. I like my culture, but I don't like the fact that we have to do everything by tradition. I don't think God told us to get arranged marriage. I think it's something people came up with to control their children.

My parents keep asking me if I'll go to a community college since I'm too weak to handle the real world. For the career I'm aiming for, you need to go to an Ivy League. I go to a state university, and if my GPA is up, I have a chance. Currently, my GPA is going down and I'm frustrated.

I've accepted parts of my life. If people don't love me, fine, I'll just love myself. I just want my career to be well. I don't want to lose that too. When I met these people in the industry I'm aiming for, I loved it. I wanted to work with them and be like those people. I always had this urge to do something big, and I think this is it. I'm afraid because my bad health this year and bad luck that I might not be able to fulfill that dream.

That's why I need some guidance. Something to tell me if I'm going in the right direction or not.

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Post by Destinatus » Wed Apr 09, 2008 10:30 am

In all honesty I think you are going in the right direction.  Just continue standing up for yourself because soon people will hear you. It's very unfortunate in your position that if people don't hear you now, it's always the case.  People always try to keep to themselves but try to awaken something in them, your peers, etc.  I have no doubt that you will get where you want to go with your career.  There will be trials but once you'll overcome, which you will, it'll be that much easier.  It all takes time and some things don't need to have too much in them.  Focus more on your GPA. Talk to your teachers, communicate more to them and show them that you're eager to try to bring your GPA back up. That's what I did.  At my school if you miss 1 class from anything, getting hit by a bus, sick, etc. you fail for the day and then you're final grade gets dropped by 1 whole letter grade.  Intense huh? But I was very professional to my teachers and I explained them my situation and discussed it with them and they helped me out. You just have to use all of your resources and open your eyes.  If you're parents aren't going to be supportive, like mine, then take things into your hands more.  But what I see is that you need to calm down a bit, breathe, meditate and think things over as well as talk to other colleagues of yours that went through these Ivy league schools, etc.  In my opinion you don't need these Ivy league schools, you'll just be paying for name.  That's how it is in my industry but I can be wrong.  Again, more hope to you. :)

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Post by beleever » Wed Apr 09, 2008 6:50 pm

Hi Izuno, I think Destinatus has given you some really good advice, go and have a chat with your teachers explain what is going on and how you are feeling, have some time to recharge your batteries and then you can view things in a more positive light. From your previous posts I would say that you have put too much pressure on yourself and sometimes when you drain yourself emotionally you can make yourself physically sick. I wish you all the best.

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Post by Izuno » Wed Apr 09, 2008 8:21 pm

That's what I'm doing. One of my teachers won't understand and doesn't want to do extra work to make sure I do well so she wants me to drop. I'm taking a break from college right now for a few days reading on meditation and etc.

Honestly, I think I just lost my chance of getting accepted into Business. I'm not trying to be negative. It's like a three year old trying to do calculus. Not going to happen. I'll just have to find something else, I guess.

Thanks for the advice. :)

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Post by Destinatus » Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:13 pm

Izuno, don't think that way either. If you want it you'll get it.  It's simple as that.  Things worth having are never easy and they won't come that easy.  You have to work for it and you'll be rewarded.  Don't worry, if it wasn't meant to be it wasn't but don't go into something that doesn't make you happy and you do it for half your life knowing that you should of done business or something.  Do what makes you happy--that's the important thing.  Even when it seems as though so many people are against you, even more the better to thrive through it and pass them all.  This is all from my experience and you're not that far off from me in "age" but these are the same things that I went through at your age.  My parents hated the fact that I wanted to go into an artistic field--especially acting and dance.  Just hang in there.  


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Post by Izuno » Thu Apr 10, 2008 7:21 pm

Thanks Destinatus! :) I really appreciate the advice. I won't give up on that career, but because of bad luck and health this year, I probably won't be able to get in. I'm not being negative. I'm being realistic. How could you convince that you have what it takes in essays when you have no proof of intelligence or leadership abilities in college? I wish I could show them what I did in high school. If I do get in, I'll be a miracle, and I'll thank every God, angel and spirit there is.

This year has been a definite challenge to see how much I can take and still move forward. I can't wait till this period is over. :)

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