general reading please eye of the tiger

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general reading please eye of the tiger

Post by Yrriki » Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:21 pm

which area of my life can you see a change coming soon thanks "Yrriki"

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Re: general reading please eye of the tiger

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:25 am

Yrriki wrote:which area of my life can you see a change coming soon thanks "Yrriki"
Change is one of the few things on which we can always depend in our life, so the short answer to your question is potentially that there will always be changes going on in most of the different areas of your life at much the same time, and that you should therefore do whatever you can to best prepare for it before it happens. It is not so much the changes we need to worry about (as they will happen anyway), but rather it is how well personally we will be able to adapt to or fit in with these changes.

If we foolishly attempt to prevent the changes from ever happening and are filled with only doubts or fears, then while making any progress is not going to be impossible, it definitely could be a drawn out uphill battle. If instead we see within these changes new opportunities to become more aware of our own previously untapped inner strengths, and learn valuable lessons from dealing with these changes in a balanced manner, then doubts and fears are much less likely to distract us from the task in hand.

I also believe that as all living creatures must we were designed to adapt to changes in our surroundings, but that both the amount and rate of change that we are expected to deal with as part of modern living is far beyond anything for which we were prepared, when we were born into this world. Without some change, stress or discomfort, life would get terribly routine and boring. Without reasonable levels of stressful change, we would never be motivated enough to make whatever changes were necessary, with the intention to help ourselves.

When I asked my inner wisdom as to which particular area of your life is going to take the highest priority with regards to dealing with significant change during the next six months, I drew the Ten of Pentacles. Pentacles or Coins are not surprisingly often associated with money matters. Tens are believed to mean that you have now completed an important phase of your life, and are now waiting patiently (?) to begin the next.

Since this is the Ten of Pentacles, I sense that your finances or perhaps your job is soon going to undergo a series of changes which although they will require you to keep calm and will challenge your abilities to cope, that you will prove once more to yourself and to others that you are perfectly capable of effectively managing your own money, as well as finding a more suitable and hopefully better paying job for yourself without outside interference from well meaning friends and other family members. In other words the following few months will most likely involve some new financial and/or job challenges, but there is no reason to allow your fears to hold you back from achieving whatever you set out to do only months before this.


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You are so right

Post by Yrriki » Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:31 am

Money is playing a big role in my life right now..I am once again been tested to handle someone else's finances and this time my eyes are wide open and I have eyes at the back of my head to protect myself from the jealousness of other people..the changes, are, the way I handle and do things with money...the changes have also taught me to be cautious,patient and to take my time and not rush into things without first standing back and working it out..thankyou for your reading you are the best..and I appreciate you taking the time to answer my request..God bless...

By the way if you are thinking of that special something,  purple/lavender,lilac  tones will do the trick...

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