Premonitions, dreaming & other intuitions

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Premonitions, dreaming & other intuitions

Post by badkiddd » Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:36 am

I had an uncle pass away several years back. Abou 10 days before he died I had a dream that he died. But the part that isn't right is this:

All my life I have had the kind of dreams where you know you are dreaming. I have had reoccuring ones my whole life too. Very vivid and I am aware enough to be able to play with them change things to see what may happen. But they would always end the same no matter what I did.

I also have had lots of dreams about death but in the dreams I still know it isnt real and the people actually get killed during the dream. But the one about my uncle was very different. It seemed as real as me and you. Also, he had soemthing bad about him. Like he was dead but still alive. I remember running from him afraid for my life but he was already dead. I woke up not sure if it had really happened...

Skip ahead about a year. After the one dream abot my uncle, I went back to the same old patterns. Until one night I had a new dream about my older sister. I went to her house, (I had no clue I was dreaming until I woke up) walked up and knew something was very wrong. The door to her house was left opened just a little bit. That was the first indicaton something bad happened... SO I push it open more and go in slowly. I was afraid like i fel someone was there watching me that I could not see.

I walk into the hallway and see her bathroom door open a little too. So I walk in to find her dead in her bathtub. Before I could even gasp or yell or anything i hear her husband come i the front door with her kids. I run into the living room to stop them from finding her there and that is when I woke up. I was confused, afraid in complete  shock. I immediately called her to make sure it was not real. She laughed it off and went back to bed.

I felt silly so I forgot about the whole thing. Well, about 10 days later, we were involved in a terrible accident with an 18 wheeler and my sister died next to me.

I havent had another dream like this since. Can anyone help me? I need to know if it was just some wiered coincidence or more? Do I have some special ability or just a fluke indcient? thanks all.

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Post by ImALostSoul » Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:38 pm

Hi Badd
Its not a coincidence, You are most likley having premonitions.
Dont be discouraged by what has happened, you can develop this into a valueable life tool.


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