Reading Request for JeweloftheSouth

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Reading Request for JeweloftheSouth

Post by PrincessinVain » Sun Sep 14, 2008 12:44 pm

Hi Jewel!

I'd like to ask a reading about my current state of lovelife. I've been enjoying so far but I still don't know if I should give up my quest for true love since I've gone cynical already. Is there someone coming along? I have almost given up on that. :( My soul's been tortured on that department that I'm afraid Im taking a mean turn at things and I do not necessarily like what I'm seeing with the change of my behavior but a small voice inside of me tells me to be like that and just take care of myself.

I also want to ask re my schooling next year out of the country. I'm already dead set on pushing thru. Anything you see? thank you :)

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:35 am

Dear Princess,

Thank you for asking for me and thank you for the opportunity to be of assistance to you. I am feeling strongly that you are losing sight of yourself in wanting to have a relationship that will last. You seem to always be pulled toward the same type of energy, and that so far has not worked. There was someone you were very much in love with about 5 or so years ago who you always compare others to without being aware of it. Although it did not work out, you are holding on to your past. Getting out of the rut for you would mean to go abroad and meet new people and do something wonderful for yourself. When you do this, you will find that the love you seek will arrive. The first love that must arrive is the love you need to have for yourself. You have already become dis-illusioned and bored with the one you are with, and that only confirms what you already feel and simply know. It is time to leave your past behind and move forward. You do not take change very well and I feel you are a bit afraid of taking on a challenge for yourself, but if you do not fight for yourself and who you are, than who do you think will? Love, trust and respect must all be in a relationship for it to be successful. If you do not love yourself, trust yourself or respect yourself, how can you ask anyone else to? This is a cross-roads that you are at and you have a big opportunity to excel, the only on holding you down and back is yourself. Do not sell yourself short, which has almost become your custom. Be bold and couragous, and move forward, wishing those from your past well as you enter the sunbeams of your future, from the storms of yesterday.

You are deeply romantic, but others around you are not always this way, which means you must understand that you must find someone more compatible to yourself. In order to do that, you must truely understand who you are and what you really want, in your life and in a true relationship. Finding out about yourself is so important! When allowing yourself to look in the mirror, you will find many answers there, and yes many of them will be painful, but they in their pain will be of the most help and the most benefit to you. It is those things that most of us are afraid of looking at for fear of the truth. Things you already know, you will see more clearly and that will enable you to finally have the tools you need to become who you are wanting to be, instead of who you are at this moment. You also feel that life is passing you by rather quickly, and that is yet another sign that you must do the work on yourself to become strong enough to become who you are meant to be.

There are so many colors around you and you work well with color. Use your knowledge of color to enhance your life and that of others. You are a natural counselor, this will be part of what you will do in life. Not as a doctor of the mind, but one of the soul for yourself and others. Colors bring happiness to those who live in a dismal world. You have the knowledge and the power to continue on your path, if only you would trust yourself enough to move forward. You have been given wonderful gifts and talents, you must use them now to your advantage. They will help many others in a short while. You have a natural way of making others feel better about themselves and this is also what you must apply to yourself. Use your gifts to help yourself as well as others. You also have a natural ability to feel the pain and emotions of others. This means to me you are an empath. You have not fully understood this, but you will as your move forward. There are many books, and websites on empaths. The color green is also strongly around you which tells me you are very much connected to earth and have a passion for nature. Use this to find freedom and peace on your path. A simple walk in the park will indeed lift your spirits and clear your mind. It will also help to ground you and allow you a more clear picture of yourself and the course of action you need to take at any given time in your life. The door is now open for you to move forward and do the work on yourself that you must now do. I view it as a gift, and I can tell you the door will not remain open forever. In 6 months time, there will be other doors, but what you do now will determine what they lead to. Again........ Trust yourself. You are being guided into light and life, take the path that has been lit before you and bid farewell to your past because your future awaits.

There is also something more. You have never felt as though you belong where you were born. Going away from their and into a new place will bring new things. It will bring relationships of all types and opportunities you will not have otherwise. I see also you have postponed things because of finances, but that is coming together now. Walk through this door and you will find that you belong here for this part of your journey. You are stuborn and determined in many things in your life, and this is one thing you really must be stuborn and determined with. Allow yourself to live and to let live. Forgiveness comes as you move forward, and the pain from many things becomes less, and less as you gain a better understanding of it all. Using colors to heal yourself and others is what I see. You are very important and you can make a difference. I know you have thought you are just one person, but the world at large and the things of spirit all begin with one willing soul. Move forward in to the light of life, and trust your inner self and your angels. I see your success, do you? I wish you peace and happiness on your new journey. Thank you again for the opportunity.

Gentle Hugs,


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Post by PrincessinVain » Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:27 am

Dear Julie,

Thank you so much for your reading. I hope to heal myself in time as I embark on a new journey soon. I just hope that I would have no regrets :)

You said everything quite accurately that it's scary. Lol! :)

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Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Mon Sep 22, 2008 4:51 pm

You are very welcome! I am glad I could help. Thank you for the opportunity.

Gentle Hugs,


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