Can Any One Help Please

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Can Any One Help Please

Post by koorirose » Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:54 am

i am hoping that someone can help me please my neice asked my advise the other day and i dont know what the answer is ??

She said that while she is driving to her boyfriends house and it is raining expecially pouring down the strangest thing happens

As she is driving she comes to a certain spot in the road and guess what she sees A LITTLE WHITE MOUSE and this only happens when she is by herself (one time when her boyfriend was following in his car) and it was raining she did not see it.

i really really belive this is a significant sign but i am just not sure of what it is?? and what someone is trying to tell/alert her too.

if there is someone there that can help please give us your message/ opinion

thank you

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:09 pm

From Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson:


Mouse says, "I will touch everything with my whiskers in order to know it." Paradoxically, this is both a great power and a great weakness. It is good medicine to see up close. It is good medicine to pay attention to detail, but it is bad medicine to chew every little thing to pieces.

Mouse has many predatory enemies, including birds, snakes, and cats. Since Mouse is food for many, it has a highly developed sense of danger at every turn. So-called civilization is a highly complex set of components, which calls for more and more organizational skills and scrutiny to detail every year. Mouse is a powerful medicine to have in these modern times Things that might appear insignificant to others take on enormous importance to Mouse.

Mouse people anger many other medicine types because they appear to be nitpickers. Mouse people will spot the lint on your coat even if it matches in color. They will try to convince you that the simplest task is fraught with difficulty. They are fixated on methodology. They sort and categorize and file away for later use. They may seem like they are hoarding, but this is the farthest thing from Mouse's mind. They are merely putting everything in order so that they win be able to explore it more carefully at a later date.

The chiefs tell us that without Mouse there would be no systemization of knowledge. Mouse ended Renaissance Man and harkened the age of specialization. Mouse knew from the very beginning that "there is always more to learn". One can always delve deeper and deeper and deeper.

If your personal medicine is Mouse, you may be fearful of life but very well organized, with a compartment for everything. You should try to see a larger picture than the one staring you in the face. Develop largesse of spirit. Try to become aware of the Great Dance of Life. Realize that even though you may be sitting in Los Angeles, there is also a New York, a moon, a solar system, a galaxy, and an infinite universe. Jump high, little friend. You win glimpse the Sacred Mountain.

If Mouse is in you card-spread, its medicine is telling you to scrutinize. Look at yourself and others carefully. Maybe that big hunk of cheese is sitting on a trigger that will spring a deadly trap. Maybe the cat is in the pantry waiting for you. Maybe someone to whom you have delegated authority, such as a doctor, a lawyer, or even a plumber, is not doing the job faithfully. The message is to see what is right before your eves and to take action accordingly.

I was remiss to post Contrary Mouse Medicine...

Mouse in the contrary position may be telling you that you are spending too much time with maters of great consequence when you should be paying a traffic ticket or sweeping the hogan. You may have let yourself become slovenly. You may have developed a disdain for authority and order. YOu may be procrastinating about something that needs immediate attention. Bring Mouse medicine to your life's chaos and you will soon have everything tidy and shipshape.

Another message of Mouse reversed may be that you are "pipe dreaming" about your own importance in life. Are you wondering why you have not been nominated for an Academy Award? You can't be recognized if you are not taking care of life's details and walking in humility. Remember that all good things come to those willing to work toward wholeness. Little Mouse needs to see the big picture, but only assimilate the information the picture gives a litle at a time. Expansiveness can be overwhelming if you forget to take it step by step. Confusion is a product of "too much, too soon." Little mouse can conquer any task by using its scrutiny. Slow down and right the contrary medicine. Stop chasing your tail or being confused by the maze and start observing the details of your present pathway.

I took this from another interesting site I visit.  I have not scrutinized it so take what you can relate to.

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Post by MaggieRose » Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:12 pm

Very interesting.

I am surrounded by dogs both in the physical and spirit.  Many times I have seen dogs I have had before or felt their presence with me.  I have always loved dogs from the time I could crawl around on the floor.  My mother had a dog that I loved deeply and even though it bit me on the face, I still loved all dogs.

Many people think I'm dirty because I have dogs in my house even though I clean constantly and bathe them regularly.  I think this is partly due to the culture in my area of the country.  I really don't care though, because I know otherwise and I love my animals.  They are loving, caring creatures that always love and forgive no matter what.  They depend on my husband and I for everything they have and I would rather go hungry than to see them hungry or hurt.

I've never heard of the spirit mouse but it is very interesting concept.  Is it Native American?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:26 pm

The native American sees information in all things in life - the animals teach us many things.  They are there for our use.  I like the term totem rather than guide with regard to animals.  But there are wonderful books on the powers of animals, as well as this from cards.

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Post by koorirose » Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:27 am

hi there spirtalk thanks for the response i dont know if you mean my neice is the mouse person or not??

and wow it is a lot to take in when i have a bit more time i will sit down and really go through it cause some things i think could realte to her.

on a personal note may i ask are you native american?? and if so or not is this based on thier beilef.

as my neice and i are Aborginal Australia and our culutre has belief in animals and their purpose/meanings each of our tribes have different animals as our totems

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Sep 19, 2008 2:31 pm

I am not native American.  We find in mediumship that many come as guides and guardians.  I often think it is because of how they naturally relate to the earth, and all that is upon it like the animals, birds, insects, etc.  I personally have some native guidance and relate to input on animals from that source.  

Ted Andrews has wonderful descriptive information on animals in his book Animal Speak.

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Post by koorirose » Fri Sep 26, 2008 6:43 am

thanks for all your help spirittalk and i will try to get a hold of the book and take a look

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