Request for a Reading Please

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Request for a Reading Please

Post by Aevenai » Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:16 pm


I was wondering if anyone is free to do a reading for me. There are several situations I'm in that I would like some advice and help in about my health, family and friends, and direction where I am going.  

My name is: Crystal
Birthdate: 12/17/1986
Gender: Female

Thanks :)

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A spiritual pathfinder for others soon to follow your positive example

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:03 pm

Hi Crystal, Image

It appears from your request that you are presently feeling that you are  lacking in any real sense of purpose or direction in many different areas of your life at much the same time. You may also believe that both the Universe and life itself have temporarily forgotten, or even worse may no longer care about you. My own impressions on the basis of this reading are that neither of these beliefs could be any further from the truth.

I can confidently assure you that you are presently in a temporary holding pattern or find yourself to be at a spiritual crossroads, where some important decisions need to be made about where it is best to proceed from now on.

While to a certain extent the powers to be have basically mapped out ahead of you the most likely future path for you to take, it is now up to you to fill in it's finer details. This means that there is no danger of you taking the wrong path and not then being able to do anything more about it. Instead it is more a case of you being encouraged to try each of them in turn, and having enough faith in yourself and your own inner guidance that neither yourself or your loved ones will come to any lasting harm as a result of you wanting to test out the waters.

Stop being so frightened of doing something which may through someone else's eyes seem rather unconventional or totally out of character for a person such as yourself, as although their intentions are always in your best interests, they probably have far less idea about who your true Self is than you have.

I am not for one moment suggesting that you should do anything foolish and throw all sensible caution to the wind, but I feel that if you are unwilling to give yourself permission to now and then stray from the beaten path, that you could be unintentionally denying yourself of valuable opportunities to exercise your spiritual muscles and to learn to better understand exactly why you have come to Earth this time around (for you have already been here many times before but in a different role than that which you are playing now, and will many times again in the future).

I sense that during your earlier years that in spite of every effort you made to the contrary to stop this from happening, others outside yourself have made major life decisions on your behalf, that you are still experiencing the negative consequences of in the present moment. The time has arrived for you to be more assertive or stand up more for your own rights to decide how best to live your life, without becoming overly aggressive or defensive with these well meaning but often misdirected individuals.

Finding the most comfortable balance between the two extremes is undoubtedly going to continue to be a major challenge for you for some considerable time yet. But at the same time I am increasingly confident that you are more than up to meeting the significant but surmountable challenges your life presents you with head on, and sense that you really have nothing to fear from what lies ahead, other than perhaps fear itself.

So in summary your reading clearly tells me that while you are badly in need at present of relaxing and taking some quality time out for yourself for a change and recharging your spiritual batteries by whatever means are available to you, be sure to enjoy these precious moments of relative peace to their fullest, as very soon your life is going to become so busy that you will look back at this time with fond memories, and possibly live to regret not having taken maximum advantage of them while there were still with you. This temporary lull in the proceedings is not going to last indefinitely, and when it finally comes to an end it will probably be sudden and with very little if any warning.

Once again this is not yet another reason for you to feel more lacking in self confidence or to feel afraid that you will not make the grade, as you have already many times before demonstrated to everyone around you (at least to those people whose opinions count) that you are far more powerful and capable than you may believe yourself to be. I do not unfortunately feel that you are going to find yourself rudely thrust onto the world stage, or that you are going to make some great discovery which will potentially benefit all human kind, but in your small corner of the world I feel that you can still make a major and positive contribution to helping to make this a better world and life for as many people as possible in your local area, than they might have otherwise been if you had never been born, and if you had not had the courage and strength of character you have now to stick to your guns or persevere regardless of any resistance you might encounter along the way.

Do not above all make the common error of attempting to isolate your spiritual beliefs and practices from the rest of your life as if they were something for you to be ashamed about, or because they seem so far out of step with those of others who are closest to you, as you have chosen (not consciously, but as part of an agreement made before your birth) what is sometimes a long, difficult and lonely path to walk through this current lifetime. But in the end you will eventually serve as a wake up call or pathfinder to others who are walking their own unique life paths, through successfully undergoing with as little complaint as is humanly possible the series of experiences you will be personally having soon.

So embrace these challenges and opportunities with open arms as being signs that you are nowhere near to being as lost as you once thought you were. You are to a great degree the master of your own destiny and the creator of your own future through the conscious decisions you are making in the present moment - the only place from where you can make a significant impact on what already is and will be happening from now on. Decide that you will feel the fear but do it any way, for both the sake of others who are not as strong as you, but also most of all for your own self respect. As yet, there is not one possible future for me to predict. Only a diverse and broad range of different possibilities and probabilities, one of which you will eventually select to become your reality through the choices you make NOW.

Be kinder to and have as much compassion and patience for yourself, as you have so freely extended as a gift of love to others in the past,

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Post by Aevenai » Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:54 am

:smt039 Thank you so much eye of tiger :)
The reading has been insightful and accurate in many aspects; it really surprised me and I enjoyed it :smt049  You confirmed many things that was on my mind. I really appreciate that you took the time.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:14 am

Crystal,  :)  

You are more than welcome for the reading.

I am always happy to be of help to my friends, if I feel that I am able.

Thanking you as well for the positive feedback you have so kindly provided.

This helps me in return to constantly strive to improve both the quality and accuracy of my readings, over an extended period of time.

Kindest regards,

EoT Image

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