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Someone Please Help!

Post by BTYow » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:04 pm

I know there is something more to me I just dont know what. I feel like Im stuck. I am open to any kind of reading. I need to know what is going on. Please help!

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:19 pm


              Hey hon' I just wanted to tell you that there is alot to all of us... you just are probably becoming more open to parts of you that you had not been open to before.... Not sure what yet.... I will get to that... I am kinda a Ya get what I get kinda girl... so if what I say next has nothing to do with what you were looking for I am sorry about that... I just read the messages that I get... I haven't learned how to choose the ones that come through... *smile* Well now that I have warned you here it goes....

I am getting that there is something on your mind that hasn't anything to do with you or what you can/can't do... more like worry over someone... with valid reasons.... Not sure if it is family, but someone you are very close to.... You have some doubts about if you are where you want to be at... can't pinpoint where this applies though... work, home... relationships... just seems to keep spinning around.... Yes you do hear something... not sure as to what it is... but that noise is not you imaging something.... communication... is needed.... but not sure how to get the conversation started...

All I am getting now if jumbles... Like small peices of a conversation... lol... I can't quite make it out anymore... sorry...

Light, love, and Blessings,

I am hoping another reader with more experience can give you something more concrete.... *it is like a loud background noise now.... when you are trying to talk on the phone... can't hear either very well....*  I will see if I can get something clearer later....

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Post by BTYow » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:31 pm

That was great. I am worried about a friend, and very much confused in general! Ive just opened up to all things spiritual after many years of religious opression. I feel a power of some sort within me something Ive known since child hood but had suppressed for many years I just dont know how to find it. But I have been "just spinning around" lately & Im having a hard time trying to stop "spinning". Thanks for your insight!

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:46 pm

Lol Omg I thought that I was having issues getting a connection... and then i read that and feel kinda silly... *hugz* I truly feel for you though... that would drive me crazy if I had to deal with it for a long period of time.... the advice I give people when they are trying to learn is read everything that you can, If it looks interesting to you there might be a reason why... and after you have read everything... find the one that works for you... Basically if someone says to do something and you think... I can't do that then don't... Being able to use what we have is a personal experience and just cause something works for one person doesn't mean that it will work for all....

If you have specific questions I would gladly tell you what I do and how I do it, and you can decide for yourself... about if it is for you or not... *smilies* Sometimes I read something that is almost what I think would work and i change it to fit me... lol... I love this board and all the people who share knowledge and experiences... so this is a good place to learn and share... someone else might be just where you are now and could benefit from what you have gone through...

I am usually here a few times a day as I am currently work from home... so ask away in the post or feel free to send me a private message.

Light, love, and Blessings to you!!

                                                 Nyte *who is very thankful that you gave her feedback*

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