How do I make a change

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How do I make a change

Post by Marquitta » Fri Apr 17, 2009 4:16 am

If anyone could read for me, this would be extremely appreciated. Any advice even would help me.

I just feel like I have been all over the place the past year in regards to work and school. I feel like there are no opportunities for me out there because I have been looking for a job, had job interviews, did the whole "go after them" approach and called back shortly after the interviews, but nobody seems to want to hire me. I haven't had a whole lot of job experience, but how can I get job experience if no one will hire me? I feel like I'm stuck in a vicious cycle.

Also, I feel like I have no support, especially from my family where it should be coming from the strongest. Their harsh words make me feel like giving up. They tell me that I will never do anything and someone who I thought was a friend said I am a loser because I haven't finished anything I started. (I quit a job because of bad treatment, and they wouldn't give me enough hours, and I also have decided to postpone my schooling til later in the fall in order to work a lot of hours and save up to get out of my house.)

I feel like people want me to do well, but they are ultimately killing my spirit in the way that they communicate with me. I just don't know where to find a job because it seems like nobody will hire me. And is it such a bad thing to put school off til a better time when I can be more committed to it? It doesn't matter my "track record", I'm really trying to do something for myself and make a big leap but it just doesn't seem to be happening.

Thanks everyone for listening and any insight will really be appreciated. Thanks for your time everyone.

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This is a strange way of making anyone feel that you want them to do well

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:30 pm

I feel like people want me to do well, but they are ultimately killing my spirit in the way that they communicate with me.
Dear Marquitta, :smt017

If telling you that you are a loser is your idea of the way in which people demonstrate that they want you to do well, then with due respect I feel that they have a strange and cruel way of showing this to someone like yourself who has always and continues even now to put so much of her heart and soul into trying her best to make things better.

I also feel that you have seriously misinterpreted their true intentions, which as I see it are to feed their own egos by deceiving you that they are saying these terrible things in your best interests, at your expense.
I feel like there are no opportunities for me out there because I have been looking for a job, had job interviews, did the whole "go after them" approach and called back shortly after the interviews, but nobody seems to want to hire me.

While it might understandably feel like there are no opportunities for you out there, there really are, but especially in the current world economic downturn and depending greatly on the relative availability of the type of job for which you are applying in your local area, they may become increasingly difficult to find.

Although it is tempting to feel that this is through some fault of your own and that you have been specially selected for their unfair treatment yours is unfortunately a fairly common experience these days amongst many others as well as yourself. In other words though there is no way that I can soften the blow of their repeated rejections of your applications for these jobs on your self confidence and respect, do not take this all so personally and so much to heart.

When I asked the cards as to what are felt are your chances of getting the job you want within the period of time thought to be covered by a reading of the type given on this forum (approximately the next six months, or alternately to the end of 2009) I was immediately prompted to draw The High Priestess on your behalf.

This is the card of hidden (esoteric) knowledge, intuition (inner guidance), and in many cases psychic abilities. If there is any card in the Tarot that best describes the qualities required by a person who has ambitions to eventually become a successful psychic advisor and/or reader in their own right, then this is it!

The moon crown on the head of the High Priestess as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate or make clearer what the average person otherwise might not see.

To reveal the secrets they need to know in order to make a fully informed and well balanced decision about a particular problem with something which is of most concern to them at the time of the reading such as getting a new job or promotion in an existing one, a financial investment, love, career, family, etc.

Now some of the information which you could possibly get through the High Priestess (who I believe represents your own inner wisdom or guide in this case) is going to appear at first as rather unconventional and to be honest with you more than a little strange and way out.

In addition to continuing to do all you practically can in order to become a successful job applicant over the next six months (if possible with the help of a qualified job counsellor or career guidance officer), do not be so quick to reject advice which could appear at first to be off the beaten path. In other words, do not immediately turn down any idea of a job simply because it is not exactly what you were looking for.

At least it would allow you to get your foot in the door and to have your abilities to do the job well and on time formally recognised by the people who count, and whom would then give you a glowing job reference when you later apply for the job you have been wanting all along.

We are meant to use both our logical and intuitive minds in a more balanced manner than most of us have usually done in the past, and while The High Priestess is not asking you to throw out all logic and common sense and go entirely with your instincts as a reliable guide when making important decisions such as which job to take, but it is I believe encouraging you to listen more to your inner teacher, in preference to accepting that other people must always know better what is in your own best interests.

Do not for the sake of argument immediately dismiss any advice they may offer you, but consider it carefully in combination with your own gut instincts or feelings on the matter. Discovering the most comfortable and most workable balance for you, between the two extremes of depending 100% on only your logic and reason, or on the other hand allowing yourself to be guided entirely through your own feelings or intuition. Neither of these alone is wise.

Find a happy balance point for you, which could potentially be very different from that of the next person, between your logic and your intuition when applying for a job as well as attending any interviews. Although this is easier said than done and for me to say it than you, never give up as it is often just as much who we know as what we know that counts in the end in the job stakes.

If you can do all or at least most of these things during the remaining months of this year, then the first quarter of 2010 will be the most likely time for you to get back into the work force. But I would be pleased to be proven wrong with regards to my current feeling that this is unlikely to happen before that.

Don't let either myself or my reading stop you from applying in the meantime, if you feel that you have an above average chance. :smt002

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Post by Marquitta » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:03 pm

Aww thank you so much for your time and generosity! The reading you just gave me was extremely insightful, and it's funny that you mentioned becoming a successful psychic because I had been talking with a friend about wanting to open up a psychic reading/healing service someday, in the future! I think my main love is photography however, and I'm definitely going to do all I can to just work my way up, I'm not in a position to be very picky about jobs right now lol.

But thank you very much for that boost of morale and always for your enlightening advice. :) I appreciate it soo much!

Lots of love and light to you!!!

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Post by BLACKCAT » Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:32 pm

I was pm to edit my post. I will erase it. I thought this was a forum for ppl requesting readings. I guess I was wrong.

Eye of the Tiger. I did not request a reading. Please do not pm me with your description of what you think of me. Everything I post comes from the heart. I apologize if you did not agree with it, or that you thought it would offend the person it was for.
Last edited by BLACKCAT on Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:42 pm

Marquitta,  :smt007

I am always pleased to be of help and comfort to my friends.

You are very welcome for the reading.


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