Reading Request

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Reading Request

Post by alyolu » Sat Jul 18, 2009 8:46 pm

For the first time in my life...I have no clue! Usually I just instinctively know how..what ..why ..when and where. Right now..I feel totally paralyzed by confusion and I don't like it.

My husband has been sick and out of work for over 9 months..he is in good health now and looking for work...but my job is soon to come to and end and like some people we are living paycheck to paycheck. What little we had saved financially is long gone..we are thinking of relocation.

Any insight from a reading would be greatly appreciated !

Alyolu Female 4-4-1960
I am Spirit, I am all that surrounds and all that is within it.
I am Spirit, that is what I have come to know, only to realize my journey has far to go.

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Re: Reading Request

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:11 am

alyolu wrote:For the first time in my life...I have no clue! Usually I just instinctively know how..what ..why ..when and where. Right now..I feel totally paralyzed by confusion and I don't like it.

My husband has been sick and out of work for over 9 months..he is in good health now and looking for work...but my job is soon to come to and end and like some people we are living paycheck to paycheck. What little we had saved financially is long gone..we are thinking of relocation.

Any insight from a reading would be greatly appreciated !

Alyolu Female 4-4-1960
Welcome Alyolu,  :smt006

I would not wish to be seen as insensitive to your suffering, but if you have somehow managed to reach the age of 49 years and this is the first time in your life that you do not have a clue as to what to do from now on, then I feel that you are doing exceedingly well when compared to the general population.

At the very least I believe that you should give yourself some long overdue and well deserved credit for getting this far, and for continuing to reach out for help wherever it is available. It is particularly evident from your reading that what you feel that you have achieved merely out of necessity in supporting your husband through his illness and period of unemployment is only a demonstration of the same inner strength and determination you have always shown right from the start.

While I cannot read your husband directly as this is after all your reading and not his, I feel that I can draw on some of my own personal life experiences in the past to get some idea as to how he must be feeling about in his eyes only failing both his much loved family and himself. This situation is of course made even worse for you both by the current depressed world economic climate, where employers are tending to shed their workers in response to a constantly shrinking profit margin and future outlook instead of taking any new ones on, plus the highly competitive state of the employment market and the relative availability of the types of jobs your husband is looking for in your local area.

But even though on paper when we consider all the factors which appear to be going against your husband fully recovering from his illness then getting back into the workforce sooner rather than much later, your reading is basically saying that that there is still every reason for you to feel positive and confident that you will eventually survive the storm as a united couple, and come out of the other side of this dark night of your soul both that much stronger within yourselves than you ever were before this all began.

Looking now at your family finances, which must almost undoubtedly have been placed under intense pressure over the last nine months as a result of your spouse's extended period of convalescence and the ever accumulating mountain of unpaid household bills which I do not know if you have noticed always seem to arrive at the worst possible time, your focus card for this month's reading which was the Seven of Swords says that you are currently in a period in your life over which you may feel that you have very little if any control over, when in reality you are far more in control over your circumstances than you can most likely even start to imagine.

I am not going to insult your intelligence by predicting that your financial future and security will be without their challenges and that the road ahead is paved with gold. As you can see from the list of factors above which is nowhere near being complete and in the light of all you have both endured with such faith and courage during your husband's illness, this is always much easier said than done and although many of these factors are beyond your control, one of the things which you do have considerable influence over is what meaning you associate with this event. For it is the meaning we associate with a particular event, rather than the event itself, which largely determines what our emotional reaction and consequently our practical response will be in gradually at our own comfortable pace dealing with it.

Just think for the moment as to why two couples can experience a similarly long period of illness with the numerous negative and potentially disastrous consequences this must have upon the weekly budget, and yet one pair manages to get through relatively unscathed and stronger as a direct result of successfully undergoing the experience, while another is effectively destroyed by it all and loses all remaining self confidence and respect in the process.

So in the context of your question as to in which direction your financial future will take over the next six months or so, the Seven of Swords or so called Thief's card could be interpreted to mean not that you are in any imminent danger of being physically robbed or cheated out of whatever remaining money you still possess, but that instead the way in which you look at and think about the experience unpleasant as it is at the time could either make your task much easier or "rob" you of your motivation to keep going, when all the physical evidence seems to be against you making it.

In other words it could be symbolically saying that your own mind could if you do not continue to keep focused act as the robber or thief of your inner strength, faith and courage, but only if you adopt the completely negative point of view in trying to cope with it. Another alternative interpretation may or may not involve you investigating the possibility that the illness may be either directly or indirectly related to your husband's previous job or jobs, with possible attendant worker's compensation payouts, if a definite link can in some way be established between the two as admissible evidence in a court of law. At the very least there may be a stress issue to be looked at as a factor in him being more prone to develop this affliction than the average person not doing the same job as he did.

Above all the main message of your reading is one of positivity and encouragement to you both. It tells me that there are tools in your survival toolkit which you have not even yet become fully aware of, let alone begun using them up until now. While on the surface the Thief's card sounds rather ominous and threatening, in practical terms it is pointing clearly to a large part of the final solution to your financial difficulties during the remaining months of 2009, as well as the first month of 2010.

It gives me every confidence that you will eventually successfully not only survive this period financially, but that also your marriage will be a stronger one as long as you still have each other and you do not permit your mind to seal from you what is rightfully yours - your faith, courage, self esteem and self respect both as individuals and as a couple (to name only a few of your many shared inner strengths, of which there are no shortage).

Hold on tightly to your shared inner strengths as well as to each other, and your victory over your fears should be doubly sweet as a consequence of you not having given up too early,

eye_of_tiger Image

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