Will I Fullfill My Desire?

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Will I Fullfill My Desire?

Post by johnswifey86 » Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:33 pm

Hi there, my name is Casey, I am female (23yrs), and my birthdate is 4/18/86. If someone does reply to my question and I do get a reading it will be my first. So its pretty exciting for me. I am looking to become a psychic medium to help myself, my family, and anyone else who would be needing my help. I have been trying very hard to aquire psychic/medium abilities and have nothing so far. So my question is will I gain these abilities and help others? I thank you for taking the time to read and possibly write me back. Have a wonderful day : )

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:10 pm

Dear Casey, Image

You typed in your request.........
I have been trying very hard to acquire psychic/medium abilities and have nothing so far. So my question is will I gain these abilities and help others?
Nothing so far?

Sorry, but I cannot believe this is true, for even one moment. :smt018

There is no way that you can acquire psychic or mediumistic abilities, so stop trying to do so.  :smt017  

I believe that to varying extents we all possess these natural abilities as a direct consequence of being spiritual human beings temporarily inhabiting a physical body. If you are presently using one of these physical bodies (I am, the last time I checked), you are already as psychic as you will ever be.

Yes it is quite true that each of us often have one or two of these spiritual senses more developed than the others (I am mainly a psychic hearer - I receive most of my impressions as either strong thoughts or sometimes actual voices in my inner ears) from the time of our birth, but although not all of us can aspire to becoming world class and famous physics or mediums, there are teachers who can help us to make some of our weaker abilities stronger if we desire to do so, and are willing to commit to the necessary time and effort often involved.

But your desire to help others and to further develop your intuitive abilities in order to more effectively do this work is both a very positive sign and a vital prerequisite to what can be a lonely and difficult path to walk.

I would not wish to scare you off the whole idea of developing psychically or as a medium between the two worlds, but at the same time I wish to be honest and upfront with you and not make this look like plain sailing or a bed of roses. I want you to go into this with your physical and spiritual eyes fully open, and your mind open as well (but not so open that you will immediately accept that everything that someone tells you must necessarily be true).  Be an open minded sceptic as I am?

So your question now changes to how you could best develop the psychic or mediumistic abilities which you already possess, to the point that they can be used to help others who are either unaware of their own abilities, or perhaps may not trust or even fear them as being something evil.

In my opinion and this is confirmed by your very first reading with us, you need to find a knowledgeable and understanding person preferably in your local area  but failing that on the internet, who can teach you the basic skills and meditation and visualization techniques which you will need to develop safely at your own comfortable speed.

In addition you will be in a development group or circle with other students who are similarly developing their own psychic strengths (which may be different from your own), as well as providing you with useful positive feedback to help you sort out the genuine psychic information from what is only your imagination or a product of wishful thinking. Sensitivity and discernment are both equally of value in developing psychically.  

I would recommend any person to first attend a regular basic psychic development circle, before they move on to develop as a medium as well. All mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are also gifted channels for the spirits. In the end, no matter how strong your gifts in this area may be, you must consciously decide whether or not this type of life is for you. If you choose for some reason not to go on, do not feel that you are a failure, as it is not in everyone's life path to do this in any given lifetime.

Of course if your gifts as a psychic and/or medium are especially strong, you only I feel have two options available to you. You can either learn to accept and work with your psychic abilities with the help of a teacher or spiritual advisor who should have in an ideal world worked professionally for several years and therefore knows all the traps which novices can often blunder into because of their lack of experience. In other words, they can frequently see any potential problems developing, long before you are even aware of this, and can suggest ways in which to help you to either avoid these traps completely, or at the very least minimize the damage.

In between development classes, one of the best ways to control your wandering mind and to therefore allow your latent psychic abilities to more fully and quickly emerge is through one of many different forms (five minutes at around the same time every day, progressively increasing to an absolute maximum of 30 minutes) of meditation, each suited to a particular personality type. One of the first tasks of your teacher or circle leader will be to determine what your personality type might be.

I would suggest in just under a month's time from now (you are only eligible to request a reading on this or any of the other reading forums once a month) that I should give you a life path reading using numerology for precisely that purpose - to read your personality type. All I will need for the purposes of such a reading are your first name which is Casey, and your full date of birth which is 4/18/1986.

I sincerely hope that I have encouraged you to keep going and to decide to give your psychic development a fair trial. If you feel comfortable with it and you can also find the right teacher for you, then any fears and doubts you may currently have about not being psychic or good enough to do this labour of love, will I believe soon evaporate into nothingness much like the rain does on a hot tin roof.

In this manner you will more fully strengthen the psychic and/or mediumistic abilities which you already have in a still raw or undeveloped form, and ultimately use them to help and comfort those people who come to you for guidance (if this is what you want to do, and your teacher feels that you are ready).

Many blessings until next time we meet,

eye_of_tiger (male)  Image

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Post by johnswifey86 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:41 am

I would really like to thank you ALOT for taking the time to read this and write back. I also REALLY appreciate the advice, after reading yur reply I am feeling very encouraged to keep on truckin'lol. I don't feel so hopeless. And I am definately going to try and find a teacher who could mentor me...I think yur right in the fact that; that could help me. Thanks again, God bless you and have a wonderful evening. : )

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:46 pm

Casey, :smt020

Your response felt like beautiful music to my ears!  :smt002

It was my great pleasure to be given this opportunity to help you through this reading.

What especially encouraged me to respond to your request was the strong feeling that you intended to develop your abilities purely to help and comfort others. And not only for your own benefit or ego.

This definitely demonstrates to me that you also posses a high degree of empathy for other people (you have the precious gift of being able to temporarily share what they are feeling at the time, so that you are better prepared to help them as needed).

It would be in my opinion therefore a terrible loss or tragedy for you not to be given the best possible opportunity to develop your significant psychic abilities in the loving service of others.

Your overpoweringly positive response to this reading leaves me feeling both relieved that you will not give up prematurely, as well as feeling happy in knowing that my reading had the intended effect to encourage you to keep going in spite of your perfectly normal doubts and fears that you might not in some way be good enough to do this work.

Your level of confidence in yourself and your spiritual abilities will I believe inevitably increase over time, with the assistance of a knowledgeable and understanding teacher, as well as through regular practice and the receiving of positive feedback like that which you have just given me, from those people whom you are attempting to help.

Keep up the good work from one of your biggest fans (other than of course your own hubby),

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Post by johnswifey86 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:36 am

I am so glad that you replied to me, I still feel encouraged today. I acctually went to a metapyhsical fair today and was on the look out for a teacher, and eneded up coming across free development classes. I was very excited to find it. I do feel that sooner or later I will be blessed w/ stronger abilities, I do not wish for fame or to make any money thru my abilities, but just to help. I am a very giving person who wears their heart on their sleeve lol. So its just another way for me to help others and in doing that it will help me. But you have certainly encouraged me and given me advice I just couldn't ignore. And to you I am greatful for that. Thank you again :)

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