Someone please help me, my heart is breaking.

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Someone please help me, my heart is breaking.

Post by crisale » Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:51 am

Anyone with any psychic and or otherwise intuitive abilities out there who wouldn't mind helping someone in an emotional crisis? :smt009

If I could do anything to reciprocate, I would. I'm worried about my job stability, financial situation, my family, and my love life. Can you please tell me what you feel from this? My name is Crystal: DOB: 7-17-78, Birthplace: Kalamazoo, Michigan (USA). If you need anymore info please email me and i'll answer anything you need to know (I just don't wanna share too much personal info on an open forum.)  thank you so much.


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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:24 pm

Reading request is done in Reading forums, I move this to Psychic Reading Forum.

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Re: Someone please help me, my heart is breaking.

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Dec 05, 2009 5:20 pm

Hi Crystal, :smt017

My problem as your intuitive reader is not that you have failed to give me enough information to base a reading upon, or that I am still deciding whether or not I feel I can help you. It is more that with so many different life areas being asked about at the same time (with each of them being equally important to both of us) it is difficult for me to know where to begin, and how I could most effectively help to lift your spirits (no pun intended).

So I decided to ask my inner guidance through the cards as to which specific area of interest we should focus our attention during this current reading, and leave the rest of them for later separate and more detailed readings.

Will it be your job stability, your financial situation (which is highly dependent on you having a job), your family, or your love life this time around?

The Page of Swords which has been appearing in a lot of readings lately is above all a messenger, who brings with him (although a Page can also refer to a woman as well as to a man) important messages about ways in which we can have a happier and more successful life, according to how we judge what success means to us.
A message relating to a problem either solved or ending badly, or a message that gives one an idea or solution.
My feelings based on this card featuring in your reading would be that this either applies to your family or love life.

I sense that either a relationship you once had with another member of your own family, or a relationship of a romantic nature have come to an unfortunate and unfriendly end, and that there are now bad feelings between two people who were once each other's good friends, or maybe they were in the not so distant past lovers.

Angry words and words which you have each in your own ways come to regret having said at all have been exchanged in the heat of the moment, and the emotional damage caused by this to you has been both significant and long lasting. It has made you question at times whether you should have brought up the issue for discussion at all, but bottling it up inside yourself indefinitely was no longer an acceptable option and you had to say it in spite of knowing that it could potentially cause your relationship to quickly come to an end.

You are now as a consequence of this carrying around with you into any other relationships of either type now or in the future, a considerable load or weight of negative emotional baggage. This burden of bad feelings is quite heavy enough to have to continue to carry around by itself, but to make matters even worse it is coloring everything which you do from now on in making your other relationships work relatively smoothly and without major upsets. This excess emotional weight is making the vivid and varied colours of your world appear only as shades of gray, black or white.

OK now that we have a clearer picture of what your problem might possibly be (negative emotional baggage from a failed relationship of some type in the past), what or where is this solution which the Page of Swords promised to bring you? :smt018

The average Page of Swords person is highly intelligent, good at solving puzzles and is quick to learn new ways of doing or thinking about things. She may already be very skilled at using a computer to do some research about such matters on the internet, as well as the gathering and collating of information relevant to finding a solution to her problem. She is often especially gifted in being able to fluently and effectively communicate her ideas and beliefs  primarily through the use of the spoken word, to those people who are interested enough to want to listen. So she can be a very effective oral communicator.

But unfortunately your human tongue is a two edged sword (pun intended this time, with your focus card being a member of the Swords Tarot suit) which can either be used as a means of enriching or improving your relationships with others, or alternately it can be be used as a weapon of destruction and revenge against those who you may see as your enemy. While the tongue is neutral, it can be through what you decide used either in a positive or negative manner within your relationships with other important people in your life.

So in summary I would interpret this card in the context of your situation at present to mean that within the next six months or so you will be faced with a decision as to in which way you will use your two edged sword (tongue or gift of communication). Will you decide to use it to heal or to destroy?

Will you use it with positive intention to improve any relationship you either have now or may have in the future (with family or special man) by honest two way communication of your feelings and the willingness to compromise in order to make and keep the peace, or are you so determined to score points against this person or be shown to be right, that you will unintentionally throw away any hope of you finding both healing and a mutually satisfying answer to your interpersonal difficulties and reduce the almost inevitable clash of your markedly different personalities?

With regards to either family or romantic relationships in the short term, I see using your gift of communication in a positive healing and problem solving manner as being critical to your future. Sometimes saying too much can be worse than not saying enough. Also the time chosen to say something is often just as important as what we say.

Peace, love and light,

eye_of_tiger Image

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