Hello, I would like to request a reading please

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Hello, I would like to request a reading please

Post by moonchild68 » Fri Feb 26, 2010 1:22 pm

I have a lot going on in my life right now.  My job situation was really slow for a few months last year.  While I am back working now, the economy has cut my hours significantly.  My living situation is also questionable of not knowing where I will be living in a few months.  I am living with a friend right now but my goal is to be able to get a big enough place where I can keep my children more often.  Right now I only have them for day visits and they live with their father.

I would also like some insight into a relationship I have been in for the last 2 years.  It is a very complicated situation and is up in the air right now.  Is he the right man for me or is there another man out there for me?

My birthday is 6/28/1968  

Thank you

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Post by cedars » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:08 pm

Hello Moonlight

I tried to connect with you with regard to your job/accommodation criteria and I could not get anything specific by way of change in your circumstances. Although I kept seeing two hands and I am not sure if these are symbolically your hands or the hands of cooperation from someone else.  The feeling I am getting from this is whatever change that you expect to come your way regarding your current situation will have to be sought by you, by your efforts. I get the feeling the past has not been so good for you where your personal life is concerned and, as a result, you find yourself in this situation.  It feels lonely for you and despite your efforts, things have not gone your way. This is has also been exacerbated by the prevailing economic situation.

I get the feeling that there is either no financial help coming from your husband (or ex husband) or that you do not wish to go down that avenue to seek help.

In order to bring about some changes to your situation, I feel you need to go back to the basics or rather give yourself a rebirth, leaving the past behind you and start afresh. How will this happen you ask? I picked a card for that and got the Judgement card which stands for a rebirth, free of clatter from the past and its mistakes and start afresh – almost like a newborn baby. I feel this is something that will and needs to happen from within yourself and not from outside influences. Once the soul is ready for that, the outside influences will come to fit the puzzle into its place.

I see your husband in the background along with your children. Whatever your relationship with him at present, I get the feeling that he cannot help you financially. I don’t think seeing your husband in the background is something unusual, as your life is still closely intertwined with his because of the children.  But I feel that is all there is to it.  Why do I get the feeling that he wants you to go through this journey of recovery on your own?

I feel you will get through with this and a celebration of some sort with regard to a better accommodation is on the horizon for you – Four of Wands of the tarot cards gives me that feeling and indication. However, I also feel that Change needs to take place within you, whatever is holding you back, or whatever is holding you from not leaving certain things behind you and admitting to yourself that you are you and you need to make a fresh start, will keep you where you are. And, here, I go back to my vision of those two hands that I saw first – and this is very much a symbolic expression – that there are things which are within your reach and within your own potential and these can be activated if you so wish. I do not get any feeling as to what these things may be…I am not getting an insight into your inner self, but I feel you may not be letting go of something….. or someone….. or a situation..

The future prognosis is very positive for you, Moonlight, and I say that by the appearance of the card of contentment – the Nine of Cups. This is the feeling of contentment and having it all to your heart’s desire. But we need to pass the threshold of the Judgement card as stated above and all those that I keep getting from you with regard to your past.

Could it be that your current relationship is holding you off from any of the progress that you wish to make?

I cannot give any insights about your current relationship, as we have already looked at one aspect of your life. Whenever I try and connect with you, I am not getting clear vision of what is going on around you my dear. Good times are indeed ahead of you but things have got to be changed or cleared or simplified in your life.

I have utilise elements of my psychic intuition and the help of the tarot cards in this reading and I hope it has made some sense to you.

Timing: I know you are dying to know the timing element of the coming events. The Judgement card being a major card indicates that those changes and the so-called ‘rebirth’ is imminent and has got to happen. I suppose, the sooner that happens, the others will follow suit.

Best wishes to you and I look forward to hearing from you.


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Post by moonchild68 » Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:23 am

Hello Cedars,

Thank you very much for the reply.  After reading your post, there are some things to make clear.  My ex husband and I have been divorced for years.  There has been another man in my life for the past two years that I have known for 6 years.  He has been a godsend.  Unfortunately, due to making a move to get another job, he has gotten distant.  He is a Scorpio  and feels that by me not telling him about it, I broke his trust.  I was secretly hired by his boss.  Due to the economy, jobs in my field are scarce and I feel I had to do this to help myself.  My job does not always have consistent hours so I need the second one to help when times are slow.

I have looked and applied for other jobs but not replies.  I enjoy the job I have now just wish it was more stable.  At least I have a job.  I have been told on numerous occasions to let go of the past.  I believe by getting up each day and working and doing what needs to be done I have moved on.  I feel like I am stuck and would be grateful not to get ahead but to just get by.  The feeling that I am getting behind is taking a toll on me.  I have been unable to eat or sleep for weeks.  Again, thank you very much for your time.


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Post by cedars » Mon Mar 01, 2010 2:09 pm

Thank you for your feedback Moonlight.

Sometimes the images we get and the energies we connect with can be misinterpreted by the reader. In hindsight and following your comments, it now makes sense to me that the man whom I felt was distant from you may have been your current partner rather than your ex husband.

I wish you the courage to make peace within yourself about the Past and embrace the future with an open heart.

Blessings to you.

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