I would like to ask for a reading please.

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I would like to ask for a reading please.

Post by Sunia » Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:07 am

Hello :).

I would like to ask for a reading in regards 2 things. I am sorry, I don't want to sound to greedy, but I really really would appreciate your insights and help.

My first concern is my career. I started studying psychology but now, that I am almost finishing my degree, I do not want to be a psychologist. I feel I need to express my creativity in another way and I fear I won't be able to cope with emotional ambient sometimes involved with profession... I fear it will affect my emotional stability aswell. Although I do feel I should not follow the psychology path, I don't know what other path to go... I feel lost. I feel I have many abilities but I don't know to what direction go. Please tell me, which path should I go, which area or career it might be best suited for me or if I should stay in psychology...

My second issue, it is not a issue, it is a good thing. I finally feel I found a partner that cares for me, something I never had before in my life. I feel blessed and so grateful... We live together for a little bit over a year now. I left my country to come to his and live with him (he has a good job and I was unemployed and not studying when we met, so it would be easier for me to come to him, even though he considered and still considers going to my country). Recently, he started mentioning marriage. I just would like to know if I will marry him and if possible, if we will be happy.

My name is Norvinda and I was born on 7th August 1985, if you would like more information I will gladly provide.

Thank you so much, in advance, for your time and help and sorry for the big text...

God bless you all.


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Post by cedars » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:25 pm


No reader in his/her right mind would tell you what you should do or what path you should follow with regard to the choices you need to make in your life.  What makes you think someone else would have the answer for you? Where do you come into this? Where do your instincts and gut feelings come into this and what do they tell you?
I feel I have many abilities but I don't know to what direction go. Please tell me, which path should I go, which area or career it might be best suited for me or if I should stay in psychology…

I am sorry to hear that suddenly you feel psychology is not for you, after investing years studying it, and yet you ask if one would advise you to stay with psychology…… There certainly is an element of uncertainty here my friend.

I think, more than a reading, you need a serious talk with yourself – not someone else, but yourself – and see which other ability suits your career path or which of these abilities you would feel more in tune choosing as a career. Which one or two of these abilities you feel more inclined towards?
I feel I need to express my creativity in another way and I fear I won't be able to cope with emotional ambient sometimes involved with profession... I fear it will affect my emotional stability as well.
Some serious talk you have there. Why would psychology affect your ‘emotional stability’? You will not be the first or the last person who chooses a career path and then realises it is not for them. Fair enough. But what do you think a reading would say or do to you?   Have you considered Teaching? That is the feeling I am getting and the word that came to me while writing this to you.  I would not like to go on stating names of careers and professions, because you would be the best judge to decide and no one else. If you cannot make up your mind, then I suggest you take some time out until you get in touch with your inner self and see which way you are being guided. Ask your Higher self and you will get the answers. Don’t ask a psychic about it. This is YOUR choice that you have to make.

As for your second question which is full of IF this and IF that… My dear, you are asking a prophecy here about your future happiness. Who are we to tell that to you? Why do you put so much faith in what others might tell you about your own life? Why do you want to know all the answers from now? You like this guy? You love each other? Then I’m afraid you’ll have to find out about it on your own and not through some psychic reading.
My second issue, it is not a issue, it is a good thing. I finally feel I found a partner that cares for me, something I never had before in my life. I feel blessed and so grateful..
I would say, enjoy the blessing as well as the experience. If you are right for each other, then may you be happy ever after. If you are not right for each other, then it will be a journey you are meant to go through and learn something from it. You sound so much in love with this guy, do you believe that if a psychic told you that you won’t be happy with him, you would drop him straight away all because a psychic predicted so? I hope your answer is a big No! In that case, I wish you all the best in your journey of love and career choice.

All the best to you.

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Post by Sunia » Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:20 am

You are right. Thanks for giving me a wake up call.

In what concerns my career, I feel desperate, like if I am not able to make a decision or so to say, to see what I really want to do. I think it is also part of being 1 year without working and studying that put me down and now I feel like I need to rush and decide so I won't be another year without doing anything... So that, I feel I need help, that I need advice. What I meant with "I fear it will affect my emotional stability(...)" is that sometimes I share peoples feelings, I really feel for them, I find it hard to just stay neutral, so I fear instead of me just helping people I will also be living with them their problems... So when I started thinking like this, I said to myself "If you won't be happy doing this, then I think you maybe need to stop it..."

About my relationship, we are very happy and I believe we love and care for each other deeply. I think when I asked my question I was just looking for reassurance, so I could "confirm" that my past is gone and now I have found love and nurturing. Deep inside I think I found.

I think I need to, once again, work seriously in my self-confidence. I think it's what is making me not able to make a decision career wise and makes me want to hear things I know already (about my relationship).

Thank you so much for your time, dedication and advice Cedars, it really helped me to think straight :) .

Kind regards,


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Post by cedars » Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:00 am


Thank you for your swift feedback. It is good of you to get back so quickly.

You education/career: you have achieved a lot at this young age of 24 to get where you are now - a degree in psychology. There are, I am sure, all sorts of jobs you can do, cant you? Whilst I understand you taking on other people's feelings on board and upon yourself (I do that too sometimes), dont you think in time you will develop a 'thick skin' to do this job? I am sure it happens to most doctors too. At any rate, you have not wasted time my friend, you have been studying and for all I know, you may still come to use what you have studied. Being jobless for a while affects on our self worth, but I would suggest you start looking at your psychology education from a different and a more creative side. How about social work? Whatever job we do, unless you want to sit behind a desk and punch numbers, will always bring us into contact with other people and we cannot take on their problems. Perhaps that is something you should work on:)

As for your love life, I wish you both all the very best.

Be happy.

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Post by Sunia » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:21 pm

Thanks Cedars for your kind words. It is good to know I haven't wasted my time and I did something good/useful for myself. People always say I am young and I have all my time ahead, I agree but still I wouldn't be happy to realize I spend a couple of years doing nothing worth, while I could be doing something else and worthwhile! So thank you again for helping me seeing I have accomplished something already :).

About the "thick skin", you are probably right. I would probably develop it and get used to the circumstances... but my problem is... at the moment I do not feel like being involved in the psychology field.. I am being totally honest with you my friend. I don't know very well what is going on inside me and in my mind, but the truth is, it seems like I am being pushed in another way... a way I am trying to find. It is hard to explain in words but I believe you understand what I am trying to say.

Thank you for everything :)

Have a lovely day!

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Post by cedars » Wed Mar 03, 2010 1:27 pm

I know what you are trying to say Sunia. Just follow that inner feeling and see where it guides you...

All the best to you my dear.


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Post by Sunia » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:51 pm

I will try... Thank you so much!

Big hug  :smt006

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